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Ensure healthy lives and

promote well-being for all at

all ages
Group Members:

Ellen Rudon Meisi Cartagena

Jennifer Lopez Jorge Sosa

Dora Luz Hob Celina Martinez

Lecturer: Dr. Philip J. Castillo Ph.D.

MGMT 3155, Socio-Economic Development Group No. 3

❖What is the Sustainable Development Goal No. 3 about?

❖The Goal and Indicators that are relevant to Belize

❖Updated information on the Indicators

❖Is Belize able to meet the Goal/Indicator in the specified time period?

❖In order to remain committed to 'leaving no one behind', what are some
actions that can help Belize achieve the goal/indicator?

❖What are some initiatives/activities that can help localize the SDG goal
Group No. 3
and build awareness?
What is SDG No. 3 about?
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), also known as the
Global goals, are a call to action for all countries of the world.
The SDG’s are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect
the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and
prosperity (UNDP, 2019).

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were born at the

United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio
de Janeiro in 2012. The objective was to produce a set of
universal goals that meet the urgent environmental, political
and economic challenges facing our world (UNDP, 2019).
Vision Statement
The health sector envisions a healthy empowered,
productive population supported by an effective network of
quality services and effective partnerships for wellness

Mission Statement
The Ministry of Health will engage partnerships through
innovative and collaborative efforts that will support the
provision of effective services geared towards the wellness
of the population and national development.
#3: Ensure
healthy lives
and promote
well-being for
all at all ages

The Goal and Indicators that are relevant to Belize

The Goal and Indicators that are relevant to Belize
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Key Indicators: Coverage of National Health Insurance.
SDG 3.8.1*: Coverage of tracer interventions (e.g. child full immunization,
❖ 3.1: Reduce maternal mortality ratio to less than tuberculosis treatment, hypertension treatment, skilled attendant at birth, etc.)
70 per 100,000 live births globally
SDG3.8.2* Fraction of the population protected against catastrophic/ impoverishing
❖ 3.2: End preventable deaths of new-borns and out of pocket health expenditure
children under 5 years of age, with all countries
Physicians per 1,000 of population
aiming to reduce neonatal mortality to at least as
low as 12 per 1,000 live births and under-5 Nurses and community health workers per 1,000

mortality to at least as low as 25 per 1,000 live Assessment of health status of population including that reflected by top 10
births. morbidity and mortality rates

❖ 3.3: By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, SDG 3.1.1 - Maternal Mortality per 100,000

tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical SDG 3.1.2 – Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel
diseases and combat hepatitis, waterborne SDG 3.2.1 - Under-5 mortality rate (deaths per 1000)
diseases and other communicable diseases.
SDG 3.2.1 - Neonatal mortality rate (deaths per 1000)

SDG 3.3.1 - Number of new HIV infections per 1,000 uninfected population (by age
group, sex and key populations)
The Goal and Indicators that are relevant to Belize
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Key Indicators: SDG 3.3.2 - Tuberculosis incidence per 1,000 persons per year.

❖ Reduce by one third premature mortality from non- SDG 3.3.3 - Malaria incident cases per 1,000 persons per year.
communicable diseases through prevention and treatment
and promote mental health and well-being. SDG 3.4.1 - Mortality of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory
SDG 3.4.2 - Suicide mortality rate.
❖ 3.5: Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance
abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of SDG 3.5.1 - Coverage of treatment interventions (pharmacological, psychosocial and
alcohol. rehabilitation and aftercare services) for substance use disorders
SDG 3.5.2 - Harmful use of alcohol, defined according to the national context as alcohol per
capita consumption (aged 15 years and older) within a calendar year in litres of pure
❖ 3.7: ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive
health-care services, including for family planning, alcohol.
information and education, and the integration of SDG 3.7.1 - Percentage of women of reproductive age (aged 15-49) who have their need for
reproductive health into national strategies and family planning satisfied with modern methods.
SDG 3.7.2: Adolescent birth rate (aged 10-14; aged 15-19) per 1,000 women in that age
❖ 3.8: Achieve universal health coverage, including financial Adherence to professional protocols – including obstetrics, paediatric, neonatal and 16 other
risk protection, access to quality essential health-care protocols
services and access to safe, effective, quality and
affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all. Patient satisfaction
Updated information on the Indicators
Most Relevant to Belize Key Indicators
Child Health
Infants exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life 33.2
Six months of life (%) (2015-2016)

Diphtheria Tetanus toxoid and 88

(DTP3) immunization coverage among
1 year olds (%) (2017)

Demographic and Socio –Economic Statistics

Gender inequality index rank (2014) 90

Human Development Index (2014) 101

Most Relevant to Belize Key Indicators
Health Financing

Total Expenditure on Health as a

percentage of gross domestic product (2014) 5.79 (BZ$)

Private expenditure on Health as a

Percentage of total expenditure on Health (2014) 32.98 (BZ$)

General government expenditure on 13.81 (BZ$)

Health as a percentage of total
Government expenditure (2014)

Health Systems

Physician Density (per 1000 0.768

Population) (2009)

Nursing and Midwifery personnel 1.816

Density (per 1000 population (2009)
· Mortality and Global Health Estimates

Neonatal Mortality Rate (per 1000 live 8.8 (both sexes)

Births) (2017)

Under- five mortality rate (probability of 14.2 (both sexes)

dying by age five per 1000 live births)

15.6 (males)
73.4 (females)
Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 92.2
Live births (%) (2017)

Sustainable Development Goals

Life Expectancy at birth (years) (2016) 67.9 (Males)

73.4 (Females)
70.5 (Both Sexes)

Birth attended by skilled health 92.2

Personnel (%) (2017)
· World Health Statistics

Population (in thousands) total (2016) 36.7

Population proportions under 15 (%) 32.0

Population proportion over 60 (%) 0.1
Is Belize able to meet the Goal/Indicator in the specified
time period?

In order to remain committed to 'leaving no one behind', what are
some actions that can help Belize achieve the goal/indicator?
The scope of Leave no one behind
Because the idea of Leave no one behind is clearly concerned with the needs of the poorest - their incomes,
education status and access to things like water and sanitation, it is easy to assume that the Leave no one behind
imperative does not apply beyond income and basic services, But the wording in Transforming Our World does not
restrict the concept of Leave no one behind to social sectors or direct poverty interventions. Therefore agenda
actions to be implemented also are:

❖ Allocate resources to bring clean water to the poor and remote areas were water isnt easily accessible.

❖ Create feeding programs or opertunities for poor to be able to grow their own food

❖ rehabilitation programs to create better citizens to be able to work jobs

❖ Identify the state of the country and additional issues to be overcome .

In order to remain committed to 'leaving no one behind', what are
some actions that can help Belize achieve the goal/indicator?
Key messages
• 'Leaving no one behind' means ending extreme poverty in all its • For countries where high levels of absolute
forms, and reducing inequalities among both individuals (vertical) deprivations persist, an appropriate emphasis is likely
and groups (horizontal). to be ensuring that people living below the poverty line,
in income terms or other dimensions of wellbeing, can
• Key to ‘leave no one behind’ is the prioritization and fast-tracking of attain minimum living standards.
actions for the poorest and most marginalized people – known as
progressive universalism. If instead, policy is implemented among • For countries where most people have attained
better-off groups first and worst-off groups later, the existing gap minimum living standards, relative considerations will
between them is likely to increase. become more important, and a focus on closing gaps.

• ‘Leave no one behind’ goes well beyond being just an anti-

discrimination agenda; it is a recognition that expectations of trickle-
down progress are naive, and that explicit and pro-active attempts
are needed to ensure populations at risk of being left behind are
included from the start.
In order to remain committed to 'leaving no one behind', what are
some actions that can help Belize achieve the goal/indicator?
Actions • Assess the state of data and information on who is left
•Review, document and monitor what distributional analyses
behind - documenting internal and external sources, so that
and disaggregation's are used within, country and corporate
there is good information on the availability of disaggregated
levels, showing what is already known and in use about who
is included in progress.
• Provide new services to better adress the poor and outer
•Create infrastructure for rural as well as upgrade existing
extent within the country who cannot access health facilities
infrastructure throughout the country and not just in a
and existing services easily.
centralized district.
• Revisit the population average and the definition of who is
• Participate in developing a strong shared understanding of
healthy to better attain the current gap and situation.
the Leave no one behind agenda, offering guidance, and
building capacity to measure and monitor results that will be
• Raise funds and create programs that can integrate the
sensitive to vulnerability and exclusion.
population who cannot receive health to be able to have a
better chance of attaining it.
What are some initiatives/activities that can help localize
the SDG goal and build awareness?
•In order to localize the SDG goals one must build
awareness through:
• developing a page in every social media platform that
provides crucial and detailed information on health-
care measures.
• The provision of antenatal and postpartum care
programs must emphasize on the prevention and
recognition of complications of pregnancy and

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