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Introduction to

Computer Graphics
CS 445 / 645

David Brogan
Class Web Page
• Class lectures posted
• Assignments distributed
Instructor/TA Coordinates
• David Brogan
– Olsson 216

• Julian Dymacek
– Olsson 233

• CS 216 – You will be writing programs

– Non-trivial data structures, pointers
• An ability to learn a programming library on your own
– OpenGL
• Comfortable with matrix algebra and calculus
– Basic linear algebra used

• Computer Graphics with OpenGL

– Third Edition
– Hearn and Baker

• Five programming assignments (50%)

– C/C++ using OpenGL, GLUT, and UI libraries
– Source will be read and documentation is req’d
• Three homework assignments (10%)
– Intended to support lecture material
• Midterm and Final (20% each)
Honor Code
• Specific honor code instructions will be provided with each
• When in doubt…
– Don’t use resources other than class notes and textbook
• Typically…
– Using examples from the web is a great way to learn and it
is encouraged… reference what you use
• Never
– Share code with another student or debug code together
• Core graphics pipeline
– Modeling transformation, viewing transformation,
hidden surface removal, illumination / shading /
textures, scan conversion / clipping
• OpenGL
• Morphing, curves and surfaces, animation
• Not a course about graphic design, using graphics
tools like PhotoShop or Maya
Impact of Computers
Moore’s Law
Power of a CPU doubles every 18 months / 2
Impact of Video Games (Nvidia)
Number of transistors on GPU doubles each 6 mos.
• Three times Moore’s Law
– Good article on Jen-Hsun Huang, Nvidia CEO:
Col. Steve Austin


Retro flashback???
$7 Billion Man $5.6 Billion Man Lee Majors
Impact of Video Games
• Video game sales is roughly same as Hollywood box office
• Americans bought $3.2 billion in VCRs and DVDs in 2002
• Total revenues to movie studios is 5 times total video game
Future of Consoles
• 33 million PS2s (in 2002)
• 3.9 million Xboxes (in 2002)
– MSFT still losing lots of $$ per console
• Predicted 200 million PDA/Cell game players in 2005
– Do you believe it?
Graphics Applications
Entertainment: Cinema

Square: Final Fantasy

Pixar: Monster’s Inc.


Final Fantasy (Square, USA)


A Bug’s Life (Pixar)

Graphics Applications
Medical Visualization

The Visible Human Project

MIT: Image-Guided Surgery Project
Graphics Applications
Everyday Use
• Microsoft’s Whistler OS will use graphics seriously
• Graphics visualizations and debuggers
• Visualize complex software systems
Everyday use
Everyday use

Window system and large-screen interaction metaphors (François Guimbretière)

Graphics Applications
Scientific Visualization
Scientific Visualization

Airflow around a Harrier Jet (NASA Ames)

Graphics Applications
Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Graphics Applications

Designing Effective Step-By-Step Assembly Instructions (Maneesh Agrawala et. al)

Entertainment: Games

GT Racer 3

Polyphony Digital: Gran Turismo 3, A Spec


Circus Atari (Atari)


Outside In (Geometry Center, University of Minnesota)

The Basics
Computer graphics: generating 2D images of a 3D
world represented in a computer.
Main tasks:
• modeling: (shape) creating and representing the geometry of
objects in the 3D world
• rendering: (light, perspective) generating 2D images of the
• animation: (movement) describing how objects change in time
Why Study Computer Graphics?
Graphics is cool
• I like to see what I’m doing
• I like to show people what I’m doing
Graphics is interesting
• Involves simulation, AI, algorithms, architecture…
I’ll never get an Oscar for my acting
• But maybe I’ll get one for my CG special effects
Graphics is fun
Can we learn from history?
Among the studies of natural causes and laws, it is
light that most delights its students. Among all the
great branches of mathematics, the certainty of its
demonstrations pre-eminently elevates the minds of
its investigators. Perspective, therefore, should be
preferred above all man’s discourses and
disciplines. In this subject the visual rays are
elucidated by means and demonstrations which
derive their glory nor only from mathematics but
also from physics; the one is adorned equally with
the flowers of the other.
Leonardo da Vinci (1400’s) quoting John Pecham (1200’s)
Leonardo Again
There are some who look at the things produced by nature
through glass, or other surfaces or transparent veils.
They trace outlines on the surface of the transparent
medium… But such an invention is to be condemned in
those who do not know how to portray things without it,
no how to reason about nature with their minds… They
are always poor and mean in every invention and in the
composition of narratives, which is the final aim of this
• Birth of the Virgin
• 1342
• The Last Supper
• 1498
We Labor On…

Light Stage – 2002

USC, Institute for
More, more, MORE!
Sequence of advanced graphics courses at UVA:

CS 446: Real Time Rendering (Dave Luebke)

• Building interactive graphics systems (games!)
• Right now and Fall 2005
CS 447: Image Synthesis (Greg Humphreys)
• Modeling light and materials (Rendering)
• Fall 2004
CS 448: Animation (me)
• Modeling movement
• Spring 2005

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