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Imperata cylindrica
Cogongrass is one of the most
dominant and noxious weeds in
agricultural and non-agricultural
fields. It is ranked as the world's
seventh worse weed. In Nigeria,
it is reported to have the
potential to invade 260 million
hectares of land.
-is an annual, erect, tufted
grass, 30 to 80 centimeters high
with a prominent underground
- Throughout the Philippines, in open,
rather dry lands, often forming extensive
cogon grasslands called cogonales,
ascending to 2,300 meters in altitude.
- Also found in tropical Asia and Africa to
Australia and Polynesia.
- Sweet tasting.
- Considered antifebrile, anthelmintic,
antibacterial, diuretic, febrifuge,
restorative, styptic, tonic.
- Grass is known for Fe hyperaccumulation
and biomineralization capacities.
Parts used
- Spikes and roots.
- Collect the underground portion, remove the roots, and clean.

Medicinal uses:

• For hemoptysis, hematuria, and nose bleeding (epistaxis): a

decoction of 30 to 60 gms of the herb.
• For urinary tract infections: drink a decoction of 80 to 120 gms
of fresh rhizomes.
• Painful outgrowth at the tongue. Use 30 to 90 gms dried
rhizome, or 60 to 120 gms of fresh rhizome in decoction.
• Has also been used for diabetes, wound healing, arthritis.

· In many Tagalog provinces, decoction

of fresh roots used for dysentery.

· Decoction used as blood purifier and

as diuretic.

· Decoction of root as anthelmintic.

· Paper: Used for paper-making.
· Roof thatch: Used for making roof
thatches in rural Quezon.

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