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Creative cities of future

Possibilities for Action

Our Cities, Our Homes
• Cities are a hub of activity, transition and living.
• For the first time in history, the majority people
of the world are living in the cities;
• cities are now home to more than half of the
world’s population and by the year 2020 it is
estimated to reach 80% of the total population;
• Today cities account for more than 80% of the
world’s greenhouse gas emissions and the cost of
adaptation to climate change estimated around
80-100 billion per year
Are our cities too crowded?
Better cities,….option 2
Costs of infrastructure renewals
• (OECD) estimates $71 trillion, or about 3.5
percent of the global GDP, is needed through
2030 to improve the basic infrastructure of
the cities including road, rail, telecoms,
electricity and water infrastructure;
• Cities are incubators and transmitters of ideas and
engine of economic growth.
• MAJOR CHALLENGE FOR cities is their need for
cultural recognition that affirms their identity in a
globalized world.
• Every city is unique and needs to assert itself on the
global stage and, has to compete to attract global
investment and skilled professionals.
• The future of any city must adequately serve the
needs of its communities and must be rooted in its
own individual identity and its own model of urban
environment shaped by its heritage.
How to save our cities?
• emphasize the environment, since a rise in CO2
emissions can cause an increase in temperature,
• infrastructure renewal by transforming urban
centers into efficient, sustainable cities using
integrated water system, green economy, reuse and
smart grid infrastructure and fast urban
transportation systems
• better quality of life by concentrating on
innovations and better designs. Focus
on rebuilding new structures, tools and
buildings. The vivid example of this are
some European and Chinese cities who
A balance between human beings,
nature and development.
What is creative city?
• Notion of Creative city applies to an urban complex
where cultural activities are an integral components
of the city economic and social functioning.

• Every city is unique and needs to assert itself on the

global stage. There is no one-size-fits-all approach.
The future of any city must adequately serve the
needs of its communities and must be rooted in its
own individual identity and its own model of urban
environment, shaped by its heritage.
Culture and the city
• Culture is the core of a city. A city without
culture is a city without soul.
• The cultural heritage of a city is embodied in
its monuments, landscape, festivals, and
customs, the shape of its streets or houses
• Cultural diversity is an important factor in
promoting economic, social and cultural
• Cities should not stay just a spot on the map
In a globalized world, they should become a
crossroad where the local interacts with the
global communities.
Objectives of CNN
• Cultural development

• Social development

• Economic development
• provides for sharing best practices on
economic, cultural and social development
with other cities
Uneven Geographics
• 14 cities from Europe, all from Western
• 1 current application (Krakow) from Eastern
• 4 countries only – China, Japan, South Korea
and Australia from Asia and Pacific region
• The African continent is represented by only
one namely, Egyptian city
Creative economies
• Creative economies cannot function without
key infrastructures as comprehensive
enabling environment. Urban centres have to
provide and maintain infrastructures not only
as material and economic foundations for
development, but also provide the soft
infrastructure namely the services relating to
the social, educational, cultural and
intellectual fabric of a city.
Education as the key
• Education is one of the key areas, both at the
national and the municipal levels,
• a knowledge-intensive economy is simply
impossible without massive investments in
quality education.
• Education is a basic need for the producers as
well as the consumers of cultural products
and services.
Categories of CCN
• Literature,
• Film,
• Music,
• Crafts
• Folk Art,
• Design,
• Media Arts
• Gastronomy
29 countries members of CCN

• Literature: Edinburgh, Melbourne,

Iowa City, Dublin,
• Cinema: Bradford, Sydney
• Music: Seville, Bologna, Glasgow, Ghent
• Crafts and Folk Arts Santa Fe, Aswan, Kanazawa, Itchen
• Design: Buenos Aires, Berlin, Montreal, Nagoya,
Kobe, Shenzhen, Shanghai,
• Seoul, Saint-Etienne, Graz
• Media Arts: Lyon
• Gastronomy: Popayan, Chengdu, Oestrum
Future design of IT for creative cities

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