Advertising in Digital Environments and Introduction To Mobile Marketing

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Advertising in Digital Environments and Introduction

to Mobile Marketing
Online Advertising
Online advertising is a form of marketing which uses the Internet to deliver
promotional marketing messages to consumers.
Marketers advertise to achieve following goals : to inform, persuade, or remind, or
to build brand awareness or increase brand loyalty (Semenik & O’Guinn, 2012)

Key benefits of online advertising:

• Targeted (actions, devices, searches, location, language)
• Extremely measurable (real time)
• Active (responsive, appeals to active customers)
Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2014
What is Display Advertising?
• Display Advertising carries paid commercial messages on websites using text, logos,
animations, videos, or other graphics, bough per 1,000 impressions (CPM)


Targeting using keywords, Using a wide variety of sites
context and audience, with to increase brand awareness
the ability to tailor the
message. KPI’s based on impressions,
brand uplift and engagemen
KPI’s based on revenue, metrics (e.g. time on site)
leads, ROI or CPA (cost per

IDM (2018)
Types of Display Advertising

IDM (2018)
Native advertising example
Native Advertising on The New York Times
Native Advertisement Rules on Facebook

1. Advertiser icon
2. Ad text
3. Image
4. Ad title
5. CTA button
Remarketing example
Advertising Banners
• Customer are more likely to visit website after being exposed to
online advertising even if they did not complete desired action

1. Include call to action

2. Create a sense of intrigue
3. Keep it short and simple
4. Do no irritate your users
5. Deliver full service through banner

Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick (2014)

Key advantages of online banners
• Increase product and brand awareness

• Drive online traffic

• Increase sales

• Engage consumers

Based on Kaye and Medoff, 2001

Advertising Banners/Image Ads
Examples of banners

Clear message is 80% of your

campaign success

Clear call
Use logo to build your brand to action:
awareness click, try,
enter, get
check out

State the value of your offer and

Advertising design
Viral Advertising
• The term viral marketing was coined in 1997 via the use of Hotmail account
• Viral advertising refers to marketer-initiated eWOM strategies that use
specially crafted messages designed to be passed along or spread by
consumers (Porter and Golan, 2006)
• Like a flu virus or computer virus, viral advertising messages diffuse through
human networks

• Main advantage- reach and cost advertisers do not need to buy media
(Dobele et al. 2005).
Viral Advertising
• Viral advertising has two sources: the advertiser who has created the message
and the ad sender who has distributed the message.
• Message recipients view viral messages more favourably than regular
advertising messages (Jurvetson, 2000)
• Main disadvantage - since the diffusion of these ads largely depends on
consumers’ voluntary activities, advertisers cannot control the communication
process and the outcomes.
• It has been found that most viral advertising attempts actually fail to go viral
(Watts and Peretti 2007).
Typology of Viral Advertising
Thomas (2004) offers a theoretical framework of four different types of
viral advertising:

• uncodified buzz (audience driven- minimal company involvement)

• codified buzz (the active attempts of a marketer to inspire dialogue
about a product)
• pseudo-buzz (uses partners to stimulate interest in a product without
the knowledge of the audience)
• ultimate buzz (occurs when a product or service is so innovative or
emotionally engaging that the promise of the product itself is the buzz)
Best Viral Advertising Campaigns
• Evian- Roller Babies and Ice Becket
• the clip earned a spot in the Guinness
World Records as the most viewed
online ad ever

• It was positive, dwelling on positive

issues or topics.
• It evoked a strong emotional reaction
(joy, fear, anger).
Viral Message Reach- Online vs. Offline
Google Ad Words
Google Adwords is the system Google has developed to help with marketing products or
services in the Google Search Engine.

AdWords offers tremendous reach, precise targeting, and almost limitless measurability.

Pricing Models
• Cost per Impression (CPI) – how often it is shown to user

• Cost per Click (CPC) - User clicks on your ad

• Cost per acquisition (CPA) – Every conversion tracked to your ad

(Google, 2014)
Google Display Network Advertising
The Google Display Network (GDN) is a collection of partner sites (YouTube,
New York Times etc.).

Types of ads in GDN

• Text ads
• Banner ads
• Rich media ads
• Video ads
• Websites
• Audience
(Google, 2018)
The search engine results page (SERP)
Targeting Methods for Display Ads

IDM (2018)
Introducing Facebook Audience Network
• Audience Network lets you set up direct
response campaigns to test different types of
ads and creative and measure the results

• With Audience Network, you can deliver ads to

a wider audience (beyond Facebook)
• Audience Network helps you improve the
results of your Facebook direct response (DR)
campaign objectives by extending your ads to
high-quality, third-party publishers.

• Facebook fits your advertising content to

different platforms (real time measurement)
4 Objectives on Audience Network
•Conversions App Installs Traffic Catalogue Sales
Digital Product Placements
•‘Product placement in social media consists of a writer
producing some engaging content (e.g. an article) incorporated
with a promotional message (e.g. a picture that includes
product information) in order to promote the product.’
• Liu et al. (2014, p.301)

•General benefits of digital placement:

• Geographically relevant placements.
• More realism/ daily life in content
• Good for awareness and image association
Correa (2014)
Defining Mobile Marketing
• ‘Mobile marketing is the use of wireless media as an delivery of an
• integrated content and a means of direct reaction in a cross-media
• marketing communication program’ (Mobile Marketing Association, 2008).

• Mobile marketing targets users via mobile devices

• Leverages mobile devices to communicate and engage with consumers at any point in the customer
• Drives brand-value and demand for your products or services.
•(Marketo, 2015)

Mobile Marketing Ecosystem
Key benefits of mobile marketing
• Acquire new customers (mobile devices allow for accurate audience
• Increase number of visits from existing customers
• Improve profit margins
• Appeal to broader audience
• Differentiate your brand
• Connect, engage and influence your customer

•Adopted from Hopkins and Turner (2012); Pelau and Zegreanu (2010)
Mobile Apps
• Mobile apps can support marketing goals, drive deep engagement, and support
online/offline commerce.

• Five main categories of mobile applications

• 1. Product extensions (NikeID app, tracking apps)
• 2. Business and productivity (Apple wallet)
• 3. Utilities (Ikea lights)
• 4. Communication and social networking (The Swift Life)
• 5. Education and reference (Smirnoff vodka)
• Vision Mobile State of the Developer Nation (2015)
When does a mobile app makes sense?
• Useful to consumer (unique value)
• Suitable to your target market (usage predictions)
• Opportunity to strengthen the relationship (additional commas)
Augmented Reality Ikea Case Study
Marketing with SMS and MMS messaging
• SMS is one of the simplest forms of mobile marketing
• SMS is a fast and efficient way to engage with your customer
• The open rate of SMS is higher than emails
• SMS marketing techniques continued growth
• Text messages can be 8x more effective at engaging customers
• Coupons delivered via SMS have redemption rates 10x higher than printed

Marketo, 2015
Location-Based Marketing
• Location Marketing programs aim to draw in variety of potential
consumer in a specific area.
• Types of location based mobile marketing include: promotional discounts
and giveaways for initial check ins and repeat visits.
Opportunities of QR/2D codes
• Direct Customers to you online/offline store
• Bring offline customers online
• Create a sense of community with links to social media
• Offer customers excusive promotional offers
• Provide product information, recommendations, and up to date contact
information to improve customer service

•Popular locations of QR/2D codes include: business cards, promotional literature,

product tags and packaging, print ads, receipts and company vehicles.
Tracking activities on Mobile

IDM (2018)
Key Practical Tips for Mobile Marketing
What you should aim at? What you should avoid doing?

Personalized Content (behaviour based) Shoehorning standard web design into mobile

Design Layout (functional, fast, easy to use) Content not tailored to the mobile device

Content Delivery (consider cloud) No reporting or monitoring to track performance

Download speed (continues testing) Mobile campaign planning last in the mix

*Cross-device tracking remains a real problem area in digital

IDM (2018)
Mobile Marketing Revolution

Marketo, 2015

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