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Equality and Disability

 Equality means equal rights and treatment to all


 Disability means a physical or a mental condition which

has a substantial and long-term impact on your ability to
do normal day to day activities.
 For centuries, disabled people have been subjected to
prejudice, in some cases no less severe than those
under which racial minorities have suffered.
According to Peter Singer,
 Many of the arguments for affirmative action in the
case of those disadvantaged by race or gender apply
even more strongly to disabled people.
 Mere equality of opportunity will not be enough in
situations in which a disability makes it impossible to
become an equal member of the community.
 By giving equal consideration to the interests of those
with disabilities, and empathetically imagining
ourselves in their situation, we can, in principle, reach
the right answer; but it will not be easy to determine
what exactly, in each particular situation, that answer
should be.
 It is one thing to argue that people with
disabilities who want to live their lives to the
full should be given every possible assistance in
doing so.

 it is social conditions that disable them, not

their physical or intellectual condition

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