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Embedded Target Communications

with TCF

Martin Oberhuber
Michael Scharf
Wind River
Tutorial Themes

How we’re going to run this:

• Practical
• Interactive
• Workspace Take-away

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The Stick
• All-in-one Eclipse ZIP
• Compilers
– OPTIONAL - For the adventurous
– We provide pre-built executables
– If you want to build yourself, install the compiler EXE’s
• Tools
– Ingredients of the all-in-one. Install if you want your own
• Tcf_source
– patches

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• TCF Overview
• Building and running TCF native
– Workspace Setup
– Command-line tools
– Protocol Basics
• Building and running embedded
– Source structure, Removing a Service
– Proxy Setup
• Adding a Service or Value-add
– The C side (client and server)
– The Java side (client)

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System Debug: the Big Picture

SoC (Model)
3rd party TCF

Debugger Target Target
Description Server(s) TCF HW
3rd party XML
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This slide
except © SPRINT
logos and Infineon
and trademarks made2007, 2008.
available All rights
under reserved.
the EPL v1.0
Today: Separate Communications per tool

Tool A Tool B Tool C Tool D


Value Add Value Add
Host P1 B C


Agent A Agent B Hardware C


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Bad for the User
? ? ?
Tool A Tool B Tool C Tool D

Value Add Value Add
Host P1 B C


Agent A Agent B Agent C


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Bad Design!

Tool A Tool B Tool C Tool D


Value Add Value Add

Host B C

Agent A Agent B Agent C


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Limited eco system

• Too many different tools agents and protocols

• Add-on providers need to provide multiple integrations
• Huge effort putting it all together end-to-end
• Lock-in to single vendor for end-to-end solution
– No best-of-breed mashup solutions

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Design Goals of TCF

• Protocol Framework provides common infrastructure

– communication protocol
– Agent: “Service container”
– Proxying
• Same protocol on all layers supporting value-add
– Support pass-through
• Tools can use services in uniform way
• Service implementers can focus on functionality

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• TCF – Target Communication (Protocol) Framework
– Protocol, independent of API
– API in multiple languages (C, Java, Perl, …)
– One extendable Protocol (though supports multiple transports)
– Typically point-to-point only

• ECF – Eclipse Communication Framework

– API independent of Protocol
– API in Java - abstract specification of concepts:
• Message, Channel, Container, ID
• Datashare, Filetransfer, Directory Listing
– ONE API for multiple protocols (e.g. Files; FTP, HTTP, EFS, …)
– Very flexible one-to-many communications

• TCF and ECF are similar, but ECF is on a higher layer

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TCF - Core Design Ideas

• Use the same extendable protocol end-to-end

– allow value-adding servers to intercept select services
• Extension: Abstract Services as building blocks
– Same tool for multiple targets (e.g. agent, OCD, simulator)
– Avoid tools specific agents
– Bridge gap with specific services to configure common ones
• Data-driven by target
– Service knows best how to represent the system
– If not possible, put the knowledge in the lowest possible layer and data
drive the layers above
• Support high latency communication links

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TCF: Common agent and protocol

UI Tool A Tool B Tool C Tool D

Host Service 4
Value Add
Service 5

TCF Agent
Target Service 1 Service 2 Service 3

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Peer is a Communication endpoint

UI Tool A Tool B Tool C Tool D

Host Service 4
Value Add
Service 5

TCF Agent
Target Service 1 Service 2 Service 3

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UI Tool A Tool B Tool C Tool D

Host Service 4
Value Add
Service 5

TCF Agent
Target Service 1 Service 2 Service 3

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Message Channel

UI Tool A Tool B Tool C Tool D

TCF Channel
Host Service 4
Value Add
Service 5
TCF Channel

TCF Agent
Target Service 1 Service 2 Service 3

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Channels and Messages

• Communication between peers use channels

• Channels abstract/hide the transport layer
– Currently TCP
– Possible: RS232, JTAG, USB etc
• Channels transmit Messages

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TCF Communication Protocol

• Message
– A packet of data
– Transmitted over communication channel

• Multiple channels per peer

• Proxying/Tunneling
– Message forwarding
– “Decorator” can intercept communication
– “Value-add” services (e.g. debug info)
– No protocol conversion needed

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The TCF Message Types

• Command (send)
– Request some action on remote peer
• Progress
– Long running commands may send “progress ticks”
• Result (reply)
– Remote peer sends one result for each command!

• Event
– Notify a change

• Flow control
– prevent congestion

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• Command is a message
• Sent to remote peer
• Remote peer must send one Result for each Command!

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• Result is a message
– Data, Errors
• Sent as a response to a command
• Remote peer sends one Result per Command!

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Commands are Asynchronous

• Sender of a command returns immediately

– Fast on high latency connections
• Sender receives results
– asynchronously

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• Event is a message
• Notification about state changes

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Message order guaranteed on channel

• Keep state of remote peer

• Without message ordering no consistent state
• Ordering per channel and direction

Command X=1
Result X=1
Event X=2
Command X=3
Event X=4
Result X=3
Event X=5

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Flow Control

• Prevent congestion

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TCF: Layered View

UI Tool A Tool B Tool C Tool D

Host Service 4
Value Add
Service 5

TCF Agent
Target Service 1 Service 2 Service 3

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Communication Layers




Transport Layer (e.g. TCP/IP)

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Transport Layer: Byte Stream




Transport Layer (e.g. TCP/IP)

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Channel: Message Stream



Channel ??????????????????????????????????????????
Transport Layer (e.g. TCP/IP)

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Messages: Command Result Event Flow


Messages C 17 SysMonitor getChildren ??????

Channel ??????????????????????????????????????????
Transport Layer (e.g. TCP/IP)

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Message Type
Message Type


Messages C 17 SysMonitor getChildren ??????

Channel ??????????????????????????????????????????
Transport Layer (e.g. TCP/IP)

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Token: Channel Unique
To identify Result


Messages C 17 SysMonitor getChildren ??????

Channel ??????????????????????????????????????????
Transport Layer (e.g. TCP/IP)

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Service Id
Service id


Messages C 17 SysMonitor getChildren ??????

Channel ??????????????????????????????????????????
Transport Layer (e.g. TCP/IP)

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Command Name
Command name


Messages C 17 SysMonitor getChildren ??????

Channel ??????????????????????????????????????????
Transport Layer (e.g. TCP/IP)

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Arguments (byte array)
Arguments (byte array)


Messages C 17 SysMonitor getChildren ??????

Channel ??????????????????????????????????????????
Transport Layer (e.g. TCP/IP)

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Argument Representation: e.g. JSON
Marshalling: JSON

Services C 17 SysMonitor getChildren [“p123”]

Messages C 17 SysMonitor getChildren ??????

Channel ??????????????????????????????????????????
Transport Layer (e.g. TCP/IP)

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The 5 TCF Messages

C • <token> • <service> • <command> • <arguments>
P • <token> • <progress_data>
R • <token> • <result_data>
E • <service> • <event> • <event_data>
F • <traffic_congestion_level> •

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TCF and the OSI Layers

7 Application Layer Services

6 Presentation Layer JSON

5 Session Layer Channel + Messages

4 Transport Layer

3 Network Layer

2 Data Link Layer

1 Physical Layer

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TCF as Layer 3 and 4

7 Application Layer Services

6 Presentation Layer JSON

5 Session Layer Channel + Messages

4 Transport Layer

3 Network Layer

2 Data Link Layer

1 Physical Layer

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Prototype implementation

• Lightweight C-based agent

– Minimal agent has < 4000 lines of C code
– Minimal impact on the target
• Eclipse plug-ins
– Java TCF implementation to access service

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Getting Real: Development Tools

– Eclipse SDK 3.5m6
– CDT 6.0m6
– RSE 3.1m6
– Optional: Subclipse with GEF or Subversive
– Target Emulator
• with mini Linux + ssh

• Compilers: *.exe with installer

– Cygwin, or MinGW 5.1.4+MSYS (with Wascana), or VS Express
– CodeSourcery g++ Lite for ARM

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Workspace Setup and Build

• Import into Workspace:

– Import > General > Existing Projects > Archive
– Or import SVN Team Project Set
• Build TCF Agent native / cross
– User-defined build (hand written Makefile) – external shell
• Type “make” on host
• Type “make ARCH=ARM” for target ARM
– Visual Studio (Express): open agent.sln and build
• Need VS for Windows Debugging
• Need external dbghelp.dll for bug fixes – CQ 2553

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TCF Sample Session

• Open Command prompt 1 for agent: Logging to stdout

– cd
– ./agent -L-
• Open Command prompt 2 for client: Agent is auto-detected

– ./client -L-
Shortcut: connect TCP::
– help
– peers
– connect tcp: JSON messages
Using an ID
– tcf FileSystem roots
– tcf FileSystem opendir "/root"
– tcf FileSystem readdir "FS0"
– tcf <serviceName> <command> <JSONargs>

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Auto Discovery

• Discovers Peers and Services

• Simplifies setup
– Client UI can easily find peers and discover services

• TCF comes with a simple UDP auto discovery

– Other mechanisms possible and optional

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How Discovery works

• First agent binds UDP::1534 to listen

– If port is not available, somebody else is master already
• Become slave: periodically send “Hello” to UDP::1534
• Master responds with list of known peers
• Master listens for new slaves announcing themselves
– Keep list of known slaves, broadcast to all when asked
• When master dies, a slave will get no response on poll
– After timeout on poll, slave becomes new master
– It has the full list of known peers already at this time
• Across networks: fixed master – tcfreg program
• Other implementations of Protocol / API are possible

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Cross-compiling for QEMU ARM

• Define OPSYS, ARCH in the Makefile

• Not all Services may be supported on target Platform
– Use config.h to disable unwanted services

• Look at SVN diffs in your Workspace

• Once built, use RSE “SSH Only” to drag & drop
executables into the remote. Don’t forget chmod +x

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Agent Structure

• Documented on TCF Agent Prototype docs

Services: filesystem, sysmon, processes;

main*, test, config, diag.

runctrl, memory, breakpoints, registers;

expressions, stacktrace, symbols

context, dwarf*, linen.,

memorymap, windbg
Core services
proxy, discovery*, streams

Core handlers / event dispatch

protocol, channel*, streams, event, inputbuf, ip_ifc tcf.h

Infra: cmdline, errors, exceptions, asyncreq

json / base64, mdep, myalloc, trace

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Agent Structure (2)

• Main and config configures and instantiates framework

and services („hook up“)
– #define SERVICE_xxx
• Event loop sends request into service, service
responds immediately or asynchronously
• One event Thread only
• Service protocol spec relates to functions in code:
– command_roots, event_context_created, ...
• Client cmdline is just another source of events

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Advanced: connecting into QEMU

• This is in run.bat, to redirect SSH (2222) and port 7000:

– qemu.exe –redir tcp:2222::22 -redir tcp:7000::7000
• Start run.bat -sURL
Server socket on port 7000
– Login with “root : root”
• Or ssh localhost –p 2222 –l root
– ./agent –L- -sTCP::7000
• RSE: New TCF connection to localhost:7000
– Show QEMU Linux processes

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Connecting QEMU from outside

• This is in puppy_redir.bat:
– start puppy.exe -redir tcp:1534::1534
• 1534 is the TCF default port for discovery. QEMU
forwards it from the client to the host in both directions
• From Eclipse, launch RSE+TCF
– Run > Debug Configurations > Eclipse App
– Open RSE Perspective
– New Connection : TCF
– Files Subsystem Properties : Port : 7000
– Expand Processes / All Processes
 Shows QEMU Linux Processes

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RSE sample

• Process service
• File service

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Multiplexing: Tunnel into QEMU

• QEMU is not discoverable because it cannot talk to UDP::1534 –

since that port is not shared
– Use a remote value-add for dispatching multiple channels
• Inside QEMU:
Multiplexer on port 7000
– Stop agent.exe
– Shell 1: ./valueadd –L- -sTCP::7000
– Shell 2: ./agent –L- -sTCP::7010 Peer on 7010 is
• Using default port autodetected
• On local commandline
– ./client –L-
– connect TCP::7000 value-add supports multiple
– peers clients/channels

– tcf Locator redirect TCP::7010

– tcf FileSystem roots

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More on command-line tools

• Tcfreg: dumbed-down agent as UDP discovery registry only

• Tcflog: no service itself: forwards requests and logs them
• Valueadd: provides Locator.redirect service only

• Code mostly common, in main_*.c

– l<num> : log level
– L<file> : log to file
– s<url> : for servers (agent, tcflog, valueadd): Port to expose
e.g. TCP:localhost:1534, default just TCP:
• Additional client option:
– S<scriptfile> : replay a script
• Additional agent options:
– i : interactive, -d : daemon, -t : test

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The Java side

– Plain Java, no dependency to Eclipse
– Protocol binding only
– Asynchronous, callbacks

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Java: TCF Service Implementation

• Asynchronous: DoneMkDir is the Callback

• Commands go into a queue to run on Command Thread


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More about Services

• Protocol Specification / Docs can be viewed locally

– project
• C Impl: Each has a macro define to enable/disable
– FileSearch “#if SERVICE_” to find impl.
– Common init function to register commands
– Common naming pattern
• Java Impl: Each service is an interface
– Extends Iservice
– Implemented by a Proxies
– Async callback mechanism

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Required service: Locator

• Used to discover peers

• Peer lifecycle events
• When connected peers can list its services

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TCF Services

• Run Control Service

• Breakpoints Service
• Memory Service
• Registers Service

• Processes Service
• Stack Trace Service
• System Monitor Service
• File System Service

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UI Tool A Tool B Tool C Tool D

Host Service 4
Value Add
Service 5

TCF Agent
Target Service 1 Service 2 Service 3

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Use Case: SimpleJtagDevice

• Protocol
• Services
– Service Manager (returns fixed list of services)
– Debug (run-control, breakpoint, memory access)
– Possibly Others (flash programming, download, etc)
• No Dynamic Addition or Removal of Services
• No Multiplexing (single client)
• No Forwarding
• No Dynamic Discovery

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Use Case: TestExceutionAgent

• Protocol
– Depends on OS configuration and board
• Services
– Service Manager (returns fixed list of services)
– Process launch and kill
– Standard I/O redirection
– File system access
• No Dynamic Addition or Removal of Services
• No Multiplexing (multiple clients)
• No Forwarding
• No Dynamic Discovery

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Use Case: LinuxUserModeAgent

• Protocol
– Typically TCP/IP, but depends on OS configuration and hardware
• Services
– Service Manager
– Debug (run-control, breakpoint, memory access)
– OS Awareness (process/thread list, CPU utilization, etc)
– Process launch and kill
– Standard I/O redirection
– File system access
• Possibly Dynamic Addition or Removal of Services
• Possibly Multiplexing (multiple clients)
• Possibly Forwarding
• Possibly Dynamic Discovery

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TCF Plugins

• – Core Java framework

• – The agent (plain C)
•* - Debug Integration
• –
•* - DSF integration
•* - How to create
a custom Service (both agent and client)
• – RSE Files and Processes

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• Run > Debug Configurations > TCF

– Select connection (auto-discovered)
– Program: /root/helloworld/helloworld
– Args: “tcf is cool”
– Debug
• Switch to “Debug Perspective”
• Show View “TCF Trace”
• Suspend / Resume, Registers

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TCF Debugging example

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TCF: Next Steps

• A large number of adopters today – “TCF Round Table”

– Mostly “whitebox adoption” today
– Conversion from TCF to legacy proprietary
• Protocol conversion agent (like valueadd)
• TCF C Agent binding to legacy implementation
• Core Protocol spec is frozen, working on Services
– Version / maturity / status info to be added to docs
• Getting involved:
– Bugzilla, Newsgroup, Wiki

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Specification Status

• Review of current and specification of additional

services in and Eclipse

• Transport Channel
• Current Services
– Run Control, Memory, Register, Breakpoint, Processes, Stack
Trace, File System, System Monitoring

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• TCF Homepage has all the pointers

– SVN Team Project Sets, ViewSVN
– Documentation
• Getting Started (less than what we did)
• Protocol Specification (messages, events, JSON)
• Services description
• Agent description

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• Idea:
– Felix Burton (Wind River),
– Eugene Tarassov (Wind River)
• Original implementation
– Eugene Tarassov

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