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LOA-1 & LOA-2
Are firms operating in the same market ,
offering similar Product and targeting
Competitor similar custommer

Is the ongoing set competitive

action and competitive response that occur Competitive
Among firms as they maneuver for an adventageous Rivalry

Is the set of competitive action and response a firm takes

Competitive To build or defend it is competitive adventage and
Behavior improve Its market position

Occurs when firms compere agains each in several product Multi market
Or geograpich market Competition

Competitive Refer to all competitive behaviors that is , the total set of action
Dinamic and respons taken by all firms competing within a market
From Competition to competitive
Engage in

What Result?
a. Competitive dynamic
b. Competitive action and respons taken by all firm Competitive To gain an advantageous
competing in a market Rivalry Why ? market position

How ?
a. Through competitive behavior
b. Competitive action
What Result? c.Competitive respons
A Model Of Competitive Rivalry
Competitive Rivarly

. Likehood of Attack
Drivers Of Competitive
Competitor Anaysis . First-mover benevit
Behaviour Outcomes
a. Market . Quality
Commonality a. Awareness .Market Position
b.Motivetion .likehood of response .Financial Perfomance
B. Resource Similarity
C. Ability Type of competitive
. Actor reputation
.market dependence

Competitor Analysis

Is the concerned with the Is the extend to which the

number of the market with Market
Competitor Resource firm tangible and intangible
which the firm and competitor Similarity resources in term of both
are jointly involved and the
Analysis type and amount
degree of importance of the
individual market to each

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