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At the end of the lesson, the students will
be able to:
1. Understand the ideas having various
kinds, divison, and unique expressions.
2. Appreciate the common classification
of terms and ideas.
3. Demonstrate the usage of terms and
ideas as expressed through combination
of words and symbols.

This lesson deals with logical

terms and ideas which includes
the different meaning of the
terms and ideas, expression of
ideas, kinds of ideas the sign of
singular term, and the
classification of ideas.
An idea is the representation of the essence
of a thing in the mind, this just an intellectual
or intentional image and not a physical one.
(Olaguer 2009)

As mentioned by Alviar, (1995) the “concept

is a representation of an object by the
intellect through which comprehend a thing”.
1.Concrete and Abstract Ideas
It is the meaning of idea, being of subject, which is concrete.
The concept presents itself as a state of being. The concept is
concrete. Ideas are concrete when they express a nature or
determining attribute as inherent in a subject. It always
represents thing as it is found in reality.

man, rose, cow, animal, etc.
Concept is abstract only when we think of a
state of being as through the state of being
itself a being or a subject. Ideas are abstract
when they expressed a nature or attribute
consider(by the mind) as separated from the
subjects in which it inheres.

whiteness, smallness, humanity
Collective concepts represents collection of group of
examples: jury, army, committee

Divisive concepts are those, which stand for

individual beings.
Examples: Shamcey Supsup, Kris C. Aquino, Phil
Younghusband, and Angel Locsin

The extension of terms may be absolute or functional. The

extension of term is absolute if it refers to the sum- total of all
the individual or groups to which the term can be applied. The
extension of the term tree for example, includes is all absolute
extension all kinds of trees such as Narra, Yakal, and

The extension of a term is functional if the term includes only

such subjects which are present to the mind when used in
Many authors presented a separate
classification for the ideas and terms. But
there can be one common classification for the
ideas term because the term is actually the
object signified by the idea. In other words,
ideas and terms are content-
wise(substantially) the same, although they
have different natures such as.
1. Universal term is applied to each and all of
the members of a class, or represents all possible
extension of a concept. That this ideas or term
according to Buenaflor(2009) stated that”
represents all and every member of a class,
which has common essential attributes”. For the
identification of universal ideas or terms , we
have to consider the following signs:
expressions denote universal idea.
Examples: All Filipinos are lovers of democracy.
Everything I do, I do it or you.
Each day I always thinking of you.
It is said to be term, which is applied to each
member of a given class. For instance, all meteors
are heavenly bodies. The term subject meteor has
a universal extension.
b. UNIVERSAL IDEAS – These are ideas that express
Examples: Men are the perfect creation of God
Movies are good means of relaxation
Artist are unique people

c. Articles like the, a, or an if the ideas are

Examples: The Bible is the greatest book of all ages
A thing of beauty is a joy forever
2.Particular term is applied to an
indeterminately designed portion of its absolute
extensions. By the term indeterminately we
predicate a thing that is not absolutely quantified. A
term is said to be particular if it represents a part or
a portion of all members of a class. The following
will the signs of particularity: some, something,
someone, somebody, sometimes, few, several,
plenty, most, majority, many a good member,
majority and etc.
3. Singular term is applied to only one specified
object, individual, or group. For instances, he is a
soldier. The term he is a soldier. The term he in the given
example indicates that the subject is applied to one
person which happens to be a male. Another example, a
bouquet of flower was given to her, the term bouquet
signifies a collection or a group but, nevertheless, it
speaks of specified group that is why it remains to be
singular. It could be term, which strands for a single
definte individual group.
a.Proper nouns like Barack Obama, Oakwood Mutiny, Mt.
Matutum and Bukidnon
b. Noun modified by adjectives in the superlative
degree the greatest Filipino hero, first, worst, most
beautiful etc.
c. Demonstrative pronouns as they point to a single
individual or group. This group, that lady, etc
Ideas maybe classified according to
the object that they expressed as well as
according to other considerations or
grounds. They are the following:

1.Ideas according to their extension. It

may be singular, universal, or particular.
2. Ideas according to their comprehension.
a. Simple has only one note, elements or attribute
Examples: God, being one, etc
b. Composite has two or more notes or attributes
Example: Rational sentiment living material substance
c. Concrete present things as they exist or are found
in reality.
Examples: house, car, color, red, etc.
d. Abstract represents either the nature or the
attributed as it exist in the mind separated from reality.
3.Ideas according to their relations.
a. Identical ideas are ideas with the
same comprehension and extension.
Examples: Brutes and irrational animals
God and infinitely perfect Being
b. Different ideas are ideas with the
different comprehension and extension.
1.Concrete ideas are different ideas but possible to
unite them.
Examples: Man and white ( white man)
Tall and tree (tall tree)
Wise and man ( wise man)
2.Incomplete idea is an idea that cannot be united
to form one idea because they matually exclude
each other.
a. Contrary Ideas are opposed ideas that
follow other possible classification in their
genus or class. In short, contrary ideas are
non-exhaustive opposites.
b. Contradictory ideas are an opposed ideas
that do not allow anyother possible member
in their class. In short, contradictories are
exhaustive opposites.
c. Relative ideas are an opposed ideas in
which one implies the other or bear
mutual relation to one another.
d. Privative Ideas are an opposed ideas
in which one signifies perfection and
other denies such perfection in a certain
subject, which ought to possess it.
3. Ideal according to origin or information

a. Intuitive or immediate idea is formed through direct

observation or perception of things.
Example: All the ideas describing the beauty of nature when we
go sightseeing like Greenfield, Blue Ocean, sand shore, calm
surroundings, etc.

b. Derivative or mediate idea is formed by some other

means other than direct or immediate perception.
Example: the ideas God, spirit, electricity. etc.
4. Ideas according to definition of meaning
a. Univocal is a term that has exactly the same meaning in at least
two occurrence.
Example: Man’s best friend is dog, his dog is Dalmatian.
The term “dog” in the first sentence means the same “dog” in
the second sentence. Whenever a term is applied univocally the
comprehension involves in uniform.
b. Equivocal is a term that has different meaning at least two
Example: Wrestler can drink a pitcher of water at a time; the pitcher
in the world championship baseball game is a Filipino.
The term pitcher in the 1st sentence had different
meaning in the 2nd sentence
c. Analogous is a term those have partly the same
and partly different meaning in at least two
Example: We need light at night; Jesus Christ is the light of
the world.

Light in the 1st sentence is referred to

brightness and light in the 2nd sentence may be mean
as a guide as in times of darkness.
A point consideration, signification of terms may
not be fixed once and for all. Many terms, which were
originally analogous, can be equivocal in their present
usage, this is due perhaps to the fact that the relation
of proportion of similarity is not considered hence the
term is used to derived its meanings. Furthermore, as
analogous becomes equivocal and vise- versa, so
univocal terms may have another meaning which may
render them equivocal or analogous.

This lesson studies logical

term and ideas that includes the
different meaning of the terms
and ideas, the expression of
ideas, kinds of ideas, the sign of
singular and the classification of
Thank You
for Listening

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