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Brand Management

 TEAM :
 Nikhil Baid
 Pavan DM
 Shubham
 Mohammed Anas
 Asis Kumar Mahalik
 Ranjith
 Vishal Sharma
 Pranay Punjabi
What is a brand?

A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol,

design or a combination of the above
to identify the goods or service of a
seller and differentiate it from the rest
of the competitors
Brand Management
 It is the analysis and planning on how a
brand is perceived in market….
 It teaches us to manage how to make a
brand, how to grow it etc.,
Brand Management Process
Creating the brand
 Choosing a brand name
 Develop rich associations and promises
 Managing customer brand contact to
meet and exceed expectations
Features of a Brand
 Identification
 Practicality
 Guarantee
 Ethics
 Continuity
Elements of a Brand
 Name
 Logo
 Tagline/Catchphrase
 Graphics/Shapes
 Colors
A brand comprises of
 Tangible attributes
 Intangible attributes
 Product

 Packaging

 Labelling

 Attributes

 Functional benefits
 Quality

 Emotional benefits

 Values

 Culture

 Image
Brand vitality
 Differentiation in consumer’s need
 Differentiation relevant to consumer’s
 Preference in product in the market
Brand Pitfalls
 Brand experience must match brand
 Calls for managing every brand contact
Brand Building

Involves all the activities that are

necessary to nurture a brand
into a healthy cash flow stream
after launch
Brand Identity

It is the marketer’s promise to

give a set of features, benefits
and services consistently
What kind of activities?
 Product development

 Packaging

 Advertising

 Promotion

 Sales and distribution

Brand Symbol
 A Symbol can have a powerful influence
on consumer’s mind which could have
extremely strong associations
 Some examples:
 Bitten Apple – APPLE
 Swoosh/tick mark – NIKE
Brand Image
 Impression in consumer’s mind of total
brand personality..
 Brand Image is developed over time
through advertising campaigns with a
consistent theme….
Brand Equity

When a commodity becomes a

brand, it is said to have equity
What is brand equity?
 The premium it can command in the
 Difference between the perceived value
and the intrinsic value
What happens when equity

Commodity Brand Power Brands

What happens when brands
have high equity?
 The company can have more leverage
with the trade
 The company can charge a premium on
their product
 The company can have more brand
 The company can have some defense
against price competition
Brand Loyalty
 Tendency of some consumers to
continue buying the same brand goods
 Commitment of customers towards a
company’s brand
Factors influencing Brand
 Core offering
 Satisfaction
 Demographics
 Weight of cost
 The Marketplace
 Customer’s perceived value
Considerations in choosing a
brand name
 What does the brand name mean?
 What associations / performance /
expectations does it evoke ?
 What degree of preference does it
A brand name should indicate
 Product benefits  Product category
 Product quality  Distinctiveness
 Names easy to  Should not indicate
remember, poor meanings in
recognize, other markets or
pronounce languages
Brand Positioning
Brand Positioning
 The process by the marketers to create
an image or identity in the minds of
their target markets
 “Positioning is the act of designing the
company offers and prices to create a
valuable place in the customer’s minds”.
Approaches to Brand Positioning
 Focus on Customers
 Focus on competitors
Brand Vision
 A Vision paints a picture of what you
are trying to achieve with your brand in
simple sentence
 A Strategic goal of a brand.
Brand Extension
 Brand Extension or Brand Stretching is
a marketing strategy in which a firm is
marketing a product with a well
developed image of different products
under same brand
 Existing brand is a Parent brand & New
brand is a sub – brand
Types of Brand Extension
Line Extension Category Extension
 New product targeting  Marketers apply the
new market within the parent brand to enter
product category the a different product
parent brand serves category from the one
 Ex. Head & shoulders it currently serves.
 Ex. Swiss Army
Brand Ambassadors
 One who represents the product on
behalf of the company
 One who is well connected with the
 Can be called as an Marketing Agent
of that company
Characteristics of a Brand
 Sense to keep learning
 Realizing you’re not superior to others
 Understanding the true facts and having

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