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Types of Waste

 Food waste – generated from the galley

 Domestic waste – generated from living quarters
 Plastic waste – any material containing polymers
 Cargo associated waste – all materials that have
become waste onbd a ship thru cargo stowage &
 Maintenance waste – materials collected in deck
& engine depts while maintaining / operating the
Classification of waste
 Biodegradable waste – any garbage that
will break down naturally without leaving
any dangerous residue that will pollute the
environment e.g. food, paper & wood
 Persisitent waste – any garbage requiring
additional processing or special treatment
e.g. plastics, glass, metal
 Garbage means all kins of victual,
domestic & operational wste generated
during the normal operation of the ship &
liable to be disposed of.
 Nearest Land - The term ‘from the nearest
land’ means from the baseline from which
the territorial sea of the the territory in
question is established in accordance with
international law.
Garbage Analysis
 It is estimated that each person generates
approximately 4 kg of garbage per day
 A cargo vessel is estimated to generate
approximately 80 MT of garbage per year
 Passenger ships with crew & passengers
generate ??????
Garbage Management
 Marpol – Annex 5-Regulations for the Prevention
of Pollution by Garbage from ships
 In force since 01/July 1997/1998 [new, old]
 All ships >400 grt & for ships certified to carry 15
persons or more should have a Garbage
Management Plan.
 Designate a person to carry out the plan
 The Garbage Record Book should be retained
onboard for a period of 2 years
 Placards notifying the staff of the disposal
requirements shall be displayed
Garbage Management Plan
 Garbage Plan should address following
 Collection – sorting out of garbage
 Processing – by communitator, grinder
 Storing – use of compactor, marked
garbage cans, secure bags which are
tagged & garbage locker
 Disposal – incinerator, to sea, to shore in
secure bags which are tagged for
reprocessing on shore
Garbage disposal Regulations
 No Plastics to be discharged at sea
 < 3 miles: No garbage disposal
 >=3 miles: Food waste & other permitted
waste products that are processed thru a
communitator or grinder & have a size
 >=12 miles: unprocessed food waste,
paper products, glass, bottles, metals,
rags, crockery & similar refuse
Garbage disposal Regulations
 >=25 miles: bigger materials such as
dunnage, lining & packing materials which
will float.


be a prefered option when available.
Definitions [continued]
 Special area means a sea area where for
recognized technical reasons in relation to
its oceanographical & ecological condition
& to the particular character of its traffic
the adoption of special mandatory
methods for the prevention of sea
pollution by garbage is required
Special Areas
 Mediterranean sea
 Baltic sea area
 Black sea area
 Red sea area
 Gulf areas
 North sea area
 Antartic area
 Wider Caribbean [including the Gulf of Mexico &
the Caribbean sea]
Special Areas
 Mediterranean sea, Baltic sea, Black sea, Red
sea, Gulf areas & North sea
– only food waste permitted processed or
unprocessed at a distance >=12 miles

 Antartic area – no garbage at all

 Wider Carribean area – only processed food

waste <25mm size at a distance >=3 miles
Disposal of Medical waste
 Medical waste such as scalpels & needles
can be infectious
Use of incinerator
 Incinerator can be used for garbage
 However incinerators should not be used
in ports – atmospheric pollution
 Ash from plastic products contains heavy
metals & other undesirable toxins &
should be disposed to shore facilities
Use of communitator / grinder
 Marpol guidelines recommends that ships
should communitate / grind all food waste
even when more than 12 miles from
nearest land as this accelerates the bio-
degradable process
Garbage pollution Prevention
 Good housekeeping
 Aim at reducing garbage
 Stores should have minimum packing &
same should be recycled
 Limit use of disposable items & replace
with washable items
 Re-usage of dunnage, shoring & lining
material where practicable

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