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How they work and the future of technology

What are self learning machines?
In the past, programmers built bots
by giving them simple instructions.
But things got complicated. Some
problems are too big and hard for a
programmer to write simple
This is where self learning gets
Never heard!

You may not know that, but you deal

with such robots every day. These
little robots show you
recommended videos on YouTube,
choose advertisements depending
on what you watched. When you
buy someting, it sets the price, or in
your bank, they look for bank frauds.
That’s awesome! But how these bots actually
No one exacly know. Not even
programmers. Bots that are
used by big corporations are
very hard to explain, so lets
talk about one of more
understandable ways that
bots can be built. Lets say we
want a bot that recognises
what is in the picture: is it a
bee, or is it a three?
The education goes like this: the teacher shows a test to
the student. The test consists of photos with a bee or a
Bots cant understand three in it. Then, based on connections in students
human language. head, the student has to answer, is it a bee, or is it a

To teach them recognising a picture,

a programmer has to build two bots:
• a teacher bot
• An adjustment bot
Lets say that the bot that we want to
teach, the teacher, and the
adjustment bot are working together
in a big room with lots of dials that
are plugged into the „student”.
Each dial is how sensivite every
connection in the student bots head
is. Theres a lot of connections, and A
LOT of dials.
The adjustment
Once the teacher bot shows a photo to the
student, the adjustment bot adjusts the
dials stronger or weaker, so that Student
bot’s answer gets closer to the correct
answer. „Thats pretty simple, why humans
cannot do that on their own?” – you may
Well, theres a lot LOT of dials, like
thousands of them. And thats only for one
question on the test. You have to know,
that the test consists of thousand of
questions. Thats why its ununderstandable
for humans.
The future of everything
Self learning machines are the future.
Its a well known fact, that machines
keep replacing humans in places like
Nowdays, machines work in factories,
but in the future, as they keep
learning, they can replace such jobs as
journalists, chefs, or office workers.

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