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Ovarian cancer

General objective :-
•At the end of the seminar
students will have in-depth
knowledge regarding ovarian
tumors and able to apply this
knowledge in clinical area .
Specific objectives :-
At the end of the seminar the students will able
to :
1. define ovarian tumors
2. enlist the epidemiological features
3. explain the classification of ovarian tumors
4. enumerate the symptoms of ovarian tumors
5. explain the investigations for ovarian tumors
6. explain the treatment of ovarian tumors
7. explain the complication of ovarian tumors
8. enlist prophylaxis for ovarian tumors
Prophylaxis :-
1. Oral contraception pills and lactation are
protective against ovarian cancer
2. Women on " Assisted reproduction " and
ovulation induced drug should be
monitored by ovulation by ultrasound
3. The benign tumors should be removed on
diagnosis as some of them turn malignantif
left untreated .
4. The perimenopausal women ,
hysterectomy should be accompanied by
bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy .
Prophylaxis:-( Conti...)
5. Regular ultrasound monitoring is a
perimenopausal women has not proved
cost-effectiveness as screening
procedure .
6 .Ovarian should be routinely seen and
palpated at caesarean section
Classification :-
A ). Tumors of surface epithelium :
1. Sellious cystadenoma and cysts
2. Mucinous tumors
3. Endometroid tumors
4. Clear cell carcinoma
5. Brenner tumors
B ). Germ cell tumors
1. Teratomy. :- mature , immature ,
monodermal ,
2. Endodermal sinus (yolk sac ) tumors
3. Choriocarcinoma
4. Embryonal cell carcinoma
5. Dysgerminoma
C). . sex cord stromal tumors
1. Ferminizing functioning mesenchyma
- granulosa cell tumors
- theca cell tumors
2. Virilizing mesenchynoma
-adrenial cortical tumors of ovary
-hilus cell tumors.
D) tumors arise from connective tissue
1. Ovarian fibroma
2. Sarcoma

E) metastatic carcinoma

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