Use Case Assessment Study Research by W5: Digital Living Network Alliance

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Use Case Assessment Study

Research by W5
Digital Living Network Alliance

Link to full report

DLNA Confidential
Key Insights
Consumers are accustomed to media content being
isolated on their devices and not easily shared
throughout a home network

Mainstream Purchasers have not considered media

sharing solutions because they are unsure of the
relevance to their life.

Early Adopters have considered media sharing

solutions but have been cautious in implementing these
homespun solutions because they assume there are too
many barriers to a simple, easy to use home network
configuration for sharing content.

DLNA Confidential
Key Insights: Use Cases
Top Tier Use Cases – Most Appealing and Relevant
• Take Your Music and Podcasts with You In Your Car
• Watch DVR Recordings Anywhere In Your Home
• Remote Access to Your Home Network
Consumers find use cases that are new, uncommon, and applicable on a daily basis to be
the most appealing and relevant uses of DLNA certified technology. Appealing featuresand
functionality include remote access, simpler access to online content, central storage of
media files, and eliminating cluttered wires and cables.

Bottom Tier Use Cases – Least Appealing and Relevant

• Show Your On-the-Fly Video
• Easy Printing
• A Multimedia Slideshow In Your Living Room
Consumers are generally uninterested in use cases that represent only minor improvements
to current connectivity processes. Wireless connectivity replacing wired connections – as in
these Bottom Tier Use Cases – are seen as beneficial, but not ultimately a driver of DLNA
certified product purchases. Consumers are also uninterested in viewing photos on their

DLNA Confidential
Validation of Qualitative Learning
Larger scale and statistically reliable quantitative research validates the appeal and
relevance of the top tier use cases, and the use case All of Your Music, All of the
Tier Structure Representing Use CaseResonance

Watch DVR Recordings Anywhere in your Home

Remote Accessto your HomeNetwork
Take your Music and Podcasts with you in the Car
All of your Music, All of the Time

Program your DVR from Anywhere in your Home
Play a Purchased and Downloaded Movie from any TV

Movies from a Digital Media Server

Sharing and Storing Pictures
Enjoy your Music, Photos, and Video when you’re On-the-Go
AMultimedia Slideshow in your LivingRoom
Show your On-the-Fly Video
The quantitative research also confirms the low resonance of two use cases identified
as bottom tier in the qualitative research. However, Easy Printing is not actually
among the lowest rated use cases, potentially due to its similar appeal, relevance,
and real world application ratings among consumers of all three types: Early
Adopters, Mainstream, and Mass Consumers.

DLNA Confidential
Key Insights: Use Cases
Take Your Music and Podcasts with you in the Car
Use Case C9: Relevance Ease of Use

Appealing and relevant Consumers imagine an

to consumer needs automatic syncing
A superior solution to function once the car is
CDs or using adaptors in range of the home
for portable music network
devices Elimination of adaptors
Would be used improves car audio
frequently experience

Benefits Drawbacks

Simplicity of automatic Little relevance for some

“I am in my car all of the syncing European consumers
time and the only way I can Eliminates adaptors for Uncertainty over home
do this now is to connect portable music devices network coverage
reaching the car for easy
my iPod to the car stereo.” syncing

DLNA Confidential
Key Insights: Use Cases
Watch DVR Recordings Anywhere in your Home
Use Case C6: Relevance Ease of Use

A familiar problem that Expect the same TV

is often solved by cable viewing experience on
service providers each of the sets in the
Appealing if it represents home: ability to watch,
a cost benefit over cable record, and view saved
server provider solutions programs

Benefits Drawbacks

“I love it. The only reason that I Possibly eliminates Already available as a
service cost service from cable
don’t have DVR in my bedroom provider
Assumption of simplicity
is because it’s too expensive. I in set up
would like to be able to watch
something different from my
roommate in my room.”

DLNA Confidential
Key Insights: Use Cases
Remote Access to your Home Network
Use Case F2: Relevance Ease of Use

Very relevant and Possibly reliant on

appealing; consumers others’ devices and
see many scenarios networks to take full
when this DLNA advantage of this
functionality would be solution
Envision productivity
benefits in addition to

Benefits Drawbacks
“I could actually use this for work.
True mobile access to Unfamiliar use
Rather than lugging my laptop with
home media content
me to do a presentation, if I could Potential security and
reach a presentation that I have Flexibility of constant performance issues
stored on my laptop with my
Blackberry or my phone, I could Simplicity of never
having to upload or plan
present it to my clients. It would be
media to take on a
useful for me.” mobile device

DLNA Confidential
Conclusions and Recommendations

A. Resonant Use Cases 1. Focus on Relevance and Actionability

The Use Cases that resonate with consumers are Encourage consumers to extend their home
found to be both relevant and actionable network by communicating options for device
(consumers would like todo the things described interoperability that are relevant to their current
in the scenarios; they would actually use such a and aspiring computing and entertainment habits.
setup). These qualities define consumer
perception of the appeal of theseuse cases.
2. Create Excitement
The specific use cases that are identified as most
Generate interest in DLNA by promoting product
appealing and relevant all pose new or enhanced
usage scenarios that showcase the potential of the
functionality to existing technology operations
and are perceived to increase interoperability
between computing and electronics devices. • Consumers are intrigued by DLNA use cases that
appear to be an evolution in how they currently use
• Encourage consumers to network their homes with
DLNA certified technology by promotingusages that
are new and unexpected.

DLNA Confidential
Conclusions and Recommendations

B. Flexibility and Frequency 3. Extend the Home Network

The use cases that consumers find most intriguing Extend consumers’ perception of their home
all involve flexibility: through remote control of network with usages of DLNAcertified products
programming and setup, through increased that allow for greater mobility and remote access
mobility in watching DVRand listening to music to content. Prioritize remote access uses of DLNA
throughout the home, and even takingnetworked certified technology.
content away from the home withease.

The use cases that consumers identify as most

4. Transcend theMundane
resonant also present scenarios that may be
Focus product development and DLNA
applied frequently or even regularly. These
communications on capabilities that do morethan
scenarios enable new ways of setting up formusic
offer solutions for things consumers can do
listening and television/video watching.

DLNA Confidential
Conclusions and Recommendations

C. Early Adopters and the Rest 5. Foster the Early Adopters

Despite the rigid construct of the aggregate Encourage Early Adopters to become DLNAbrand
consumer sample, comprised of a predetermined mavens; they will be quick to adopt technology
mix of Early Adopters, Mainstream, and Mass with this certification and are likely to spread the
Consumers, few meaningful differences in word and promote the benefits of the program.
response between these groups exist, particularly
between Mainstream and MassConsumers.
6. Migrate “the Rest”

While Early Adopters represent an important sub- Strive to migrate consumers to become Early
set of the DLNAconsumer target, with increased Adopters of DLNAcertified products. Educating
product ownership and usage, and often higher consumers to the benefits of the program, and the
interest in the use cases, differences between sincerity of member cooperation towards these
Mainstream Consumers and Mass Consumers are standards will increase their willingness to
less distinct. purchase products with the certification.

DLNA Confidential
Additional Recommendations
7. Inform Consumers
Provide consumers with the information they need to maximize use of their home
network, beyond functionality into flexibility. Inform consumers about the full
functionality of the technology they purchase, the connectivity options that are
already available, and how they can benefit in the short term from DLNA solutions.

8. Build a Trusted Overarching Brand

Leverage the brand reputation of member companies and increased promotion of
DLNA certification to bolster consumer trust in DLNA as an industry-wide standard.
Communicate the commitment of member companies to DLNA and to
interoperability in general. Communicate a shared goal of easy to use media and
content sharing features that are capable of transforming how consumers approach
technology in their home.

9. Be Sensitive to Cultural Variation and Perspectives

Though perceptions of the DLNA use cases do not differ dramatically across regions
tested in the qualitative and quantitative research, study the usage and behavioral
data of consumers in each region to understand, for example, the low impact of the
suggested scenarios in the tech-savvy Japanese market, and the differences in
entertainment behaviors among US, European, and Japanese consumers.

DLNA Confidential
DLNA Use Cases
Mobile Upload
Friends want to share
photos on the go. One
friend uploads a photo on
his friend’s phone via the
home network.
Mobile Controller
In the living room, we can
use our phone to browse
photos or music on our
NAS or PC. Using the
phone as a controller, we
can then push the image
to the TV or music to our
audio system.
Mobile Controller
In the living room, we can
use our phone to browse
photos or music on our
NAS or PC. Using the
phone as a controller, we
can then push the image
to the TV or music to our
audio system.
Camera to TV
During a home party you
can choose which images
from your camera to
show on the living room
TV. Camera will push
image to the TV.
While in the living room
you can pull video stored
on your NAS, computer
or phone to watch on
your TV.
Windows 7 to AV System
During a party you push
music from your laptop to
your AV system.
On the couch you can
use your tablet to play
music on your AV system.
On the couch you can
use your tablet to push
an image to show on your
Windows 7 to Tablet
You want to take some
photos on your trip to
show grandma. You can
download pictures from
your Win7 laptop to your
mobile or tablet to take
on the go..
Wireless Printing
A person wants to print a
picture at home for a
guest. Takes the camera,
snaps a photo and prints
to local printer wirelessly.
NEW! DLNA Certified Software
You just bought a new DLNA
Certified TV and you would like to
use it to enjoy photos, music and
videos from your notebook, but
your laptop is not DLNA

Certified. DLNA has launched

software certification that will
allow your notebook to work as a
DLNA Certified device!
You pull your car into
your garage, it downloads
music from your home
NAS, you play it back in
the car.
Protected Streaming
You can view a latest
blockbuster movie on the
television in your
bedroom that is stored on
your set top box in your
living room.

Contr olled content streaming;

locked / unlocked dynamically

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