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Decision Making
( Decisions are made by the individuals
( Largely affected by perception
( Made either by Rational Model, Bounded
Rationality or Intuition
( Have their own inherent Biasing and Error
( Influenced by constraints Organization lay
on Decision Makers
2 ganizational Const aints
( iause deviation from Rational Model
( Types of Organizational ionstraints
2 ganizational Const aints
( Decisions influenced by Evaluation iriteria
( Decision makers not focusing on best for
( areferable choice is one which has maximum
personal pay-off
( Likely to diverge from Organizational vision
2 ganizational Const aints
( Too less a space for Decision Making
( Bound by Organizational aolicies and arocedures
( Time aressure on Decision Making
( Less time to gather all relevant information
( Yesterday, if possible
2 ganizational Const aints
( Yhost of past decisions haunt current choices
( Already made commitments
jthics in Decision Making
( Important iriterion for Decision Making in
( arovoked due to stricter scrutiny norms
( Three Ethical Decision iriteria
jthics in Decision Making

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Basis Yreatest good for Fundamental Fair & impartial

greatest number liberties & rules enforcement
Advantage aromotes ionsistent with arotects interest of
efficiency & freedom & privacy less powerful
Disadvantage Ignoring rights of Hinders Reduces risk-
some individuals productivity and taking, innovation
efficiency & productivity
C eativity in Decision Making
( Idea never used before
( Appropriate to the problem or opportunity
( Rational Decision Making involves creativity
( aeople with openness to experience are more
( Intelligent people are more creative
C eativity in Decision Making
› Expertise ± Foundation of all creativities
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ï ireative Thinking Skills ± aersonality iharacteristic
à Intrinsic Task Motivation ± Inner Voice
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