FLS Orientation

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Introduce your school


 # of hours
 Job description (what they should become after the training)
 Note: refer to TR
Basic Competencies

– List down the basic competencies of the qualification

Common competencie

– List down the common competencies of the qualification

Core competencies

– List down the core competencies of the qualification

CBT orientation
What is CBT?
 Competency Based Training
• a training delivery approach that focuses on the competency
development of the learner as a result of the training;
• Emphasizes most on what the learner can actually do;
• Focuses on outcomes rather than the learning process
within specified time;
• Concerned with the attainment and application of
knowledge, skills and attitudes to a specific level of
10 CBT principles
Principle # 1

– The training is based on curriculum

developed from the competency
Principle # 2

Learning is competency-based or
modular in structure
Principle # 3

Training delivery is individualized

and self-paced
Principle #4

–Training is based on work that

must be performed
Principle #5

–Training materials are directly related

to the competency standards and the
Principle #6

–Assessment of learners is based in

the collection of evidences of work
performance based on industry or
organizational required standards
Principle #7

–Training is based both on and off

the job components
Principle #8

–The system allows Recognition of

Prior Learning (RPL)
Principle #9

– The system allows for learners to enter

and exit programs at different times and
levels and to receive an award for
competencies attained at any point.
Principle #10

–Approved training programs are

nationally accredited
CBT Process Flow

Review learning
Trainee enters
package YES

• Administer RPL View multimedia

• Orientation Satisfactorily
materials Trainer Trainer Performed
• Role of trainer/trainee Competency?
observes Rates NO
performance performance

Use manuals YES

Have completed
Trainee selects Observe Trainee all the
competency demonstration Rates own competencies?
practices task
and receive performance
Practice skills in
• Administer Learning Contract workshop
• Organize learning strategy
• Provide materials
• Introduce CBLM materials Receive
• Introduce the Use of assistance and
Achievement Progress advise Trainee exits Undergo Nat’l
Report program Assessment
Traditional vs cbt
– Trainers focus on managing the LEARNING
– Teachers focus on managing the
INSTRUCTION – Trainees enter at various time of the year
– Students enter at the same time – Trainees may use different materials in the
same program
– Students cover the same materials
– Trainees move to the next task after
– Students proceed to the next topic at the mastering the task
same time
– Each trainee progresses at its own pacing
– Teachers control the learning pace
– Each trainee is tested when ready to
– All students tested at once demonstrate the mastery
– Very little continuous feedback is given – Immediate feedback is given
– Retesting is not allowed or discouraged – Retesting is encouraged for mastery
Role of trainer
 Serves as a TEAM MEMBER to determine what is to be learned
 Stimulates trainees’ motivation
 Manages learning: a CONSULTANT rather than provider of
information; a FACILITATOR of learning
 Diagnoses and solves learning problems
 Evaluates students achievement
 Assists learners to obtain individualized rewards
 Assists each trainee in designing a personalized plan of study
 Installs confidence in the learner by providing experiences where learners
may succeed
Role of trainee

 Trainee may select WHAT TO LEARN, HOW TO LEARN at

their OWN PACING within program guidelines
 Compete against present job standards (not against
other trainees)
 Evaluate their own progress
 Rated mainly on performance while paper and pen tests
is used for checking knowledge of the task.
Use of CBLM

 Competency Based Learning Materials

– Learning guides (Information Sheets)
– Activities (Self Check, Task Sheet, Job
Sheet, Operation Sheet)
– Assessment Materials (Answer Key,
Performance Criteria Checklist, Procedural
Monitoring tools

 Achievement Chart
 Progress Chart
 Trainee’s Record Book (TRB)
Evaluation System

– Written Test
– Performance Test
– Oral Questioning
Grading System

– Competent
– Not Yet Competent
House rules

– Leave all bags at the deposit counter

– Use of Cellphone is not allowed at the training venue
– Wear you ID all the time while on campus
– Avoid unnecessary noise
– Keep cleanliness and orderliness of the working area
– Return tools and equipment after use
– Add more rules if you want..
Shop lay-out


Training Needs Analysis

– Trainee’s Profile
– Trainee’s Learning Style
– Self Assessment Checklist
Thank you

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