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Device Management
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Reading Meters
P urpos e
This component allows you to organize meter readings and meter reading results. Devices are either read periodically for
periodic billing or aperiodically, such a s for control meter readings and readings at the time of device replacement, removal, or

Devices can also be read for a certain activity, such a s a move-in or a removal. In such cases, the meter reading is triggered
directly by the activity, and not by the Meter Reading component.

Meter Reading Process

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First, the meter reading order is created and printed a s a meter reading document or downloaded to an external entry system.
The meter reading results are either entered manually or uploaded. They are then validated and corrected, if necessary. The
results are then forwarded to the Contract Billing (IS-U-BI) component.

Integ ration
The following Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPI) are available in the Business Object Repository ( B O R ) for
selecting meter reading orders and results:

MeterReadingDocument.GetList (select meter reading orders and results)

MeterReadingDocument.Upload (upload meter reading results)

More Information
For more information about BAPIs see the following documentation:

For general information, see the BAPI User Manual and the BAPI Pro gram Manual

For more detailed information, see the documentation for the individual BAPIs.

Base Period
The base period is the period that contains all meter readings used a s the basis for estimation.

Us e
The length of the base period results from a dynamic stop condition. The base period is representative - this means it is long
enough if one of the following two conditions is met:

The minimum length of the base period is covered

The weighting portion of the base period is greater or equal to the percentage minimum share in the rate

The system determines the base period by working back one at a time from the last meter reading result to previous meter
reading results until one of the two conditions is met.

Minimum Length of Base Period

The minimum length of the base period is defined a s follows:

Minimum length of base period = Percentage minimum share * Period length of portion

You enter the percentage minimum share in the rate:

Menu for Utilities Industry Billing Master Data Define R a t e s .

You define the period length of the portion in scheduling:

Menu for the Utilities Industry Scheduling Scheduling Master Record Portion .

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The period length of the portion determines the interval in which the corresponding contracts are billed.

Weighting Portion

The weighting portion of the base period must be greater or equal to the percentage minimum share.

You enter the percentage minimum share in the rate:

Menu for Utilities Industry Billing Master Data Define R a t e s .

The weighting portion results from the weighting procedure being used.

For more information about weighting procedures, see Weighting Procedures.

Weighting Procedure
During estimation, assumptions are made regarding the time-related distribution of the quantity on which the estimation is
based. This distribution is described with a weighting function y(t). Weighting procedures are internal procedures that are
used during extrapolation and proration of existing meter reading results or period consumption and period demand to
determine the expected values. The weighting procedure also determines how representative the basis period is.

For more information about base periods, see Base Periods.

The following weighting procedures are predefined in the system:

Linear weighting

Weighting of energy feeding

Degree day weighting

Sprinkling water portion

General weighting

User-defined weighting

You use the weighting procedures by specifying a weighting key. You define the weighting keys in Customizing under S A P
Utilities Device Management Meter Reading Weighting Pro cedures Define Weighting K e y ( s ) .

For more information, see the documentation for the Customizing activity.

The weighting procedures predefined by S A P are described in more detail in the following sections. You can also use a mixed
weighting in addition to these procedures. For more information, see Examples for Mixed Weighting.

Linear Weighting

For linear weighting, the weighting units are distributed evenly over the year, whereby the system takes one weighting unit into
account for each day. The total of the weighting values is 365 days for one year, or 366 days for a leap year.

To use this weighting procedure, allocate it to a weighting key in Customizing. No further Customizing settings are required.

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Weighting of energy feeding

This weighting procedure takes seasonal fluctuations into account. With weighting of energy feeding, you have the option to
take average monthly energy feeding quantities into account, or to determine the energy feeding quantities for each defined
period and use these.

To use this weighting procedure, allocate it to a weighting key in Customizing. You also have to make the following Customizing

Average Monthly Energy Feeding

Customizing for S A P Utilities under Device Management Meter Reading Weighting Procedures Weighting of Energy
Feeding Define Average Monthly Energy Feeding .

Energy Feeding per Period

Customizing for S A P Utilities under Device Management Meter Reading Weighting Procedures Weighting of Energy
Feeding Define Energy Feeding per Period.

Degree day weighting

This weighting procedure takes seasonal fluctuations into account. With degree day weighting, you have the option to take
average monthly degree day coefficients into account, or to determine degree day coefficients for an exact number of days and
to use these.

To use this weighting procedure, allocate it to a weighting key in Customizing. You also have to make the following settings in
Customizing for S A P Utilities under Device Management Meter Reading Weighting Procedures Degree D a y Weighting :

Define Temperature Areas

The temperature areas are used a s criteria for differentiation during degree day weighting and thermal g a s billing.

Depending on whether you want to take average monthly degree day coefficients or degree day coefficients for an exact
number of days into account, you have make settings in the following activities:

Define Average Monthly Degree D a y Coefficients

Define Degree D a y Coefficients

To simplify the example, the same degree day coefficient has been defined for temperature area 0001 for every day of a
month in Customizing under Define Average Degree D a y Coefficients:

Degree D a y Degree D a y C oeffi cien t

01.01.-31.01. 20,00

01.02.-28.02. 18,00

01.03.-31.03. 15,00

01.04.-30.04. 10,00

01.05.-31.05. 5,00

01.06.-30.06. 1,00

01.07.-31.07. 1,00

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Degree D a y Degree D a y C oeffi cien t

01.08.-31.08. 5,00

01.09.-30.09. 10,00

01.10.-31.10. 15,00

01.11.-30.11. 18,00

01.12.-31.12. 20,00

The result of this is that the degree day coefficients for the summer months have a lower weighting during estimation than
those for the winter months. This is shown in the following figure:

Degree day weighting

The system calculates the total of the weighting values for a month. In the example, this results in the following weighting
values per month:

Month Total of Weighting Values

01 620,00

02 540,00

03 465,00

04 300,00

05 155,00

06 30,00

07 31,00

08 155,00

09 300,00

10 465,00

11 540,00

12 620,00

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The total of the weighting values is 4,221.00.

The following parameters also apply:

The base period is one year.

The period consumption is used a s a basis for estimation. The period consumption is 1,000 kWh.

You want to determine the expected consumption for 02.01.

Expected Consumption = Period Consumption (1,000) * Partial Weighting of Estimation Period ( 6 2 0.00) / Weighting of Base
Period (4,221.00) = 146.88

General Weighting

In this weighting procedure, you define the weighting units that are valid for a specified period. The periods for the distribution
of weighting units are indicated by month and day, and are not dependent on the year. The weighting portion of a period is the
result of the ratio of the weighting units for that period to the weighting units for the year.

To use this weighting procedure, allocate it to a weighting key in Customizing.

You define the weighting units in Customizing for S A P Utilities under Device Management Meter Reading Weighting
Procedures General Weighting Define Weighting Units.

The following settings have been defined in Customizing under Define Weighting Units for weighting key 05:

Weighting K e y Valid F rom Partial Weighting

05 01.01. 150,00

05 01.02. 1 2 0 ,00

05 01.03. 1 0 0 ,00

05 01.04. 90,00

05 01.05. 60,00

05 01.06. 30,00

05 01.07. 10,00

05 01.08. 30,00

05 01.09. 60,00

05 01.10. 1 0 0 ,00

05 01.11. 110,00

05 01.12. 1 4 0 ,00

The total of the weighting values for weighting key 0 5 is 1,000.00.

The following parameters also apply:

The base period is one year.

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The period consumption is used a s a basis for estimation. The period consumption is 1,000 kWh.

You want to determine the expected consumption for 02.01.

Expected Consumption = Period Consumption (1,000) * Partial Weighting of Estimation Period (150.00) / Weighting of Base
Period (1,000.00) = 150.00

User-Defined Weighting

You can define and use your own company-specific weighting procedures in addtion to those predefined by SAP.

To do so, define the following business add-ins (BAdI)s

User-Defined Consumption per Weighting Unit (ISU_BENDEF_EPVG)

Determination of User-Defined Weighting Total (ISU_BENDEF_WEIGHTING)

Examples for Mixed Weighting

The following examples describe extrapolation with mixed weightings. The examples use degree day weighting which is defined
with the following values in Customizing for S A P Utilities under Device Management Meter Reading Weighting Procedures:

Degree Day Weighting

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Note: Degree day weightings are absolute values without units. They only represent weightings and not measured energy
quantities. The weighting values relate to calendar days of a year, not to months. Therefore, for the total weighting of an
extrapolation period, each individual day has to be taken into account with the respective degree day weighting. Calculation
example: The total of the degree day weightings for the period January 1 to January 31 is 31 * 2 0 = 620. This is the result of 31
days with the weighting 20.

Degree day weighting with consumption percentage for weighting

The following data and general conditions apply:

Register type: Cumulative consumption register

Weighting key: Degree day weighting

Mixed weighting: Consumption percentage for weighting = 1 0 %

Base period category: Previous period

Length of base period: 12 months

Period consumption = 5 , 0 0 0 kWh

The example contains a move-in on January 1, 2 0 0 9 with an initial move-in meter reading. Extrapolation is executed three
times based on the period consumption with reference to the date of the move-in meter reading.

From the consumption percentage for weighting, you can derive that 5 0 0 kWh ( 1 0 % of the period consumption) is used
during extrapolation for the linear consumption percentage and is distributed evenly over all 365 days. The remaining 4,500
kWh from the period consumption are incorporated into extrapolation by means of degree day weighting and are distributed
a s shown in the figure Degree D a y Weighting.

The following weighting totals are calculated in Customizing for the relevant periods:

Period Total for Degree D a y Weighting

01.01.2009 31.01.2009 620

01.01.2009 3 0 . 0 6 . 2 0 0 9 2495

01.01.2009 31.12.2009 4395

Formula for extrapolation:

For degree day weighting with a consumption percentage for weighting, the consumption comprises of two parts:

Extrapolated Consumption = Degree D a y Weighted Consumption + Linear Consumption Percentage

Both parts contain consumption determined a s follows:

Degree D a y Weighting Consumption = Period Consumption * 9 0 % * (Total from Degree D a y Weighting / Degree D a y Annual

Linear Consumption Percentage = Period Consumption * 1 0 % (No. D a y s / 365)

The percentage results from the available data.

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Results of Extrapolation by Using Known Values

Note: The results are rounded to 2 decimal places.

Degree day weighting with consumption to be weighted linearly

The following data and general conditions apply:

Register type: Cumulative consumption register

Weighting key: Degree day weighting

Mixed weighting: Consumption to be weighted linearly = 10 kWh with validity period June 1 to August 31.

Base period category: Previous period

Length of base period: 12 months

Period consumption = 5 , 0 0 0 kWh

The example contains a move-in on January 1, 2 0 0 9 with an initial move-in meter reading. Extrapolation is executed three
times based on the period consumption with reference to the date of the move-in meter reading.

From the consumption to be weighted linearly, you can derive that 9 2 0 kWh (92 days in the period June 1 to August 8 at 10
kWh/day) is used during extrapolation for the linear consumption. The remaining 4,080 kWh from the period consumption
are incorporated into extrapolation by means of degree day weighting and are distributed a s shown in the figure Degree D a y

The following weighting totals are calculated in Customizing for the relevant periods:

Period Total for Degree D a y Weighting

01.01.2009 31.01.2009 620

01.01.2009 3 0 . 0 6 . 2 0 0 9 2495

01.01.2009 31.12.2009 4395

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Formula for extrapolation:

For degree day weighting with consumption to be weighted linearly, the consumption comprises of two parts:

Extrapolated Consumption = Degree D a y Weighted Consumption + Absolute Linear Consumption

Both parts contain consumption determined a s follows:

Degree D a y Weighted Consumption = (Period Consumption - Linear Weighted Consumption * Validity Period)1) * )Total from
Degree D a y Weighting / Degree D a y Annual Weighting)

Linear Consumption Percentage = Linear Weighted Consumption per D a y * Number of D a y s

1) According to data provided in example, a value of 4,080 kWh

Results of Extrapolation by Using Known Values

Note: The results are rounded to 2 decimal places.

To determine the expected consumption or the expected performance for a register on a specific date, you require information
about the metering patterns of the register.

You can take this information from previous meter reading results, from a predefined periodic consumption value or from a
predefined period demand.

The base period from which the expected values are calculated is very important during extrapolation. The base period is the
period from which the expected values are calculated during extrapolation. Using the Base period category field in the
installation, you can control whether to extrapolate the expected values based on the previous period or the period of the
previous year.

Meter reading results are the ideal base from which to determine expected values, a s these results best reflect the
consumption patterns of the customer. In order to use meter reading results, you must ensure that the base period (the
interval between the first and the last meter reading result) used for extrapolation is representative.

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You can only extrapolate from a previous period, if it is representative. Whether a period is representative or not is a result of
the original weighting procedure.

Determining Whether a Period is Representative

Whether a base period is representative or not is determined a s follows:

Weighting portion of period = Minimum portion


Minimum portion in percent * Length of meter reading period

= Minimum length of base period

The following meter reading reasons exist:

Periodic meter reading

Final meter reading

Meter reading at move-in (M)

Meter reading at installation (I)

Interim meter reading without billing ( Y )

Interim meter reading with billing ( Z )

Control meter reading

The period length of the portion is 1 year (365 days)

The minimum portion defined in the rate is 5 0 %

The minimum requirements to determine whether the base period is representative are determined in the following

Weighting portion of period = Minimum portion


Minimum portion in percent ( 5 0 % ) * Length of meter reading period (365 days)

= Minimum length of base period (182.5 days)

In the example, the base period must have a minimum weighting portion of 5 0 % or be at least 182.5 days long in order to be

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Example: Basis for Extrapolation

The period from P to Y is not representative because it does not have the minimum weighting portion (only 2 0 % rather than
the required 5 0 % ) . This means that this period alone cannot be used a s a basis for extrapolation. The system go es back to the
next meter reading (I). The period from P to I is representative because it has a weighting portion of 2 0 % + 6 0 % = 8 0 % . The
period from P to I can be used a s a basis for extrapolation.

Meter Reading Results or Period Value as a B a s i s for Extrapolation

The system determines whether to use meter reading results or a selected period value a s a basis for extrapolation in the
following way:

Based on the last correct meter reading results, the system goes back to the previous reading and runs through the following

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If you enter a modified periodic consumption in transaction Maintain Periodic Consumption ( EL 56 ) for a point in time that is
within the base period for the next extrapolation, the system will inform you that the entered periodic consumption can

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influence the extrapolation results.

Determination of Expected Consumption for Consumption Registers

Determination of the expected consumption based on the meter reading results

1. You can calculate the consumption per unit of weight from the determined consumption and the determined weight of
the base period:

2. Determined consumption of base period : Determined weight of base period

= Consumption per weighting unit

3. To determine the expected consumption of the forecast period, multiply the consumption per unit of weight by the
weight of the forecast period.

4. Consumption per weighting unit * Weight of forecast period

= Expected consumption of forecast period

5. The expected meter reading is calculated from the expected consumption with the help of special parameters (register
factor, billing factor, dimension conversion table).

Determination of the expected consumption based on the period consumption

The following reasons can result in the period consumption being used a s a basis for extrapolation:

Not enough meter reading results are available

You entered the period consumption before a representative point in time was created by the updating of meter reading

The expected consumption is determined a s follows:

1.The consumption per weighting unit is calculated from the period consumption and the weight of its validity period:

2. Period consumption : Weight of the period consumption validity period

= Consumption per weighting unit

3. To determine the expected consumption of the forecast period, multiply the consumption per weighting unit by the
weight of the forecast period.

4. Consumption per weighting unit * Weight of forecast period

= Expected consumption of forecast period

5. The expected meter reading is calculated from the expected consumption with the help of special parameters (register
factor, billing factor, dimension conversion table).

Determination of Expected Demand for Demand Registers

Determining the expected demand for demand registers is a similar process to determining the expected consumption for
consumption registers. Demand per weighting unit is, however, not calculated. In this case, you must determine the highest
demand for the base period.

Determination of the expected demand based on the meter reading results

1. Determination of the highest meter reading in the base period

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2. The determined demand corresponds to the expected demand

Determination of the expected demand based on the period demand

The following reasons can result in the period demand being used a s a basis for extrapolation:

Not enough meter reading results are available

You entered the period demand before a representative point in time was created by the updating of meter reading

The expected demand is determined a s follows:

1.Determination of the period demand

2. The determined period demand corresponds to the expected demand

Extrapolation for Consumption Registers

Reg. Fact. = Register factor

MR Result = Meter reading result

MR Reason = Meter reading reason

The following meter reading reasons exist:

Periodic meter reading

Final meter reading

Meter reading at move-in (M)

Meter reading at installation (I)

Interim meter reading without billing ( Y )

Interim meter reading with billing ( Z )

Control meter reading

Wght. Units = Weighting units

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Expected meter readings are determined a s follows for demand registers:

1.Determination of meter reading difference P 1 to I: 8 0 kWh 0 kWh = 8 0 kWh

2. Determination of consumption for P 1 by multiplying the meter reading difference with the register factor: 8 0 kWh2 =
160 kWh

3. Determination of consumption per weighting unit: 160 kWh : 4 0 = 4 kWh

4. Extrapolation of consumption for period P 1 to P 2 : 4 kWh60 = 2 4 0 kWh

5. Determination of the meter reading difference for period P 1 to P 2 by dividing the consumption value by the register
factor: 2 4 0 kWh : 10 = 24 kWh

6. Determination of the expected meter reading to P 2 by adding the meter reading difference to meter reading T 1: 8 0 kWh
+ 24 kWh = 104 kWh

When you calculate expected meter reading values from existing meter readings, you must take the minimum portions into
account. In the previous example, we assume that period P 1 to Y is representative.

Forecasts from Previous Periods

If you include previous periods a s the base period category in the installation, the expected meter reading values are calculated
based on the corresponding previous period.

Example 1: Forecasts from previous periods with minimum portions

On installation of the device, a period consumption value of 4 , 0 0 0 kWh/year is entered for the register.

The minimum portion of weighting in percent is 3 0 % .

The sum of the weighting units for one year is 1,000.

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With a weighting portion of 4 0 % , period Y to I is representative. This means that extrapolation is based on meter reading
results rather than on period consumption:

1.Determination of meter reading difference Y to I: 8 0 0 kWh 0 kWh = 8 0 0 kWh

2. Determination of consumption for Y by multiplying the meter reading difference with the register factor: 8 0 0 kWh2 =
1,600 kWh

3. Determination of consumption per weighting unit: 1,600 kWh : 4 0 0 = 4 kWh

4. Extrapolation of consumption for period Y to P: 4 kWh600 = 2,400 kWh

5. Determination of the meter reading difference for period Y to P by dividing the consumption value by the register
factor: 2,400 kWh : 10 = 2 4 0 kWh

6. Determination of the expected meter reading for P by adding the meter reading difference for meter reading Y: 8 0 0
kWh + 2 4 0 kWh = 1,040 kWh

The expected meter reading at time P is 1,040 kWh.

Example 2: Forecasts from previous periods without minimum portions with period consumption

On installation of the device, a period consumption value of 4 0 0 0 kWh/year is entered for the register.

The minimum portion of weighting in percent is 3 0 % .

The sum of the weighting units for one year is 1000.

With a weighting portion of 2 0 % , period Y to I is not representative. Therefore, extrapolation is based on the period
consumption rather than on the meter reading results:

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1.Determination of period consumption per weighting unit by dividing the period consumption by the weight of validity
period: 4 0 0 0 kWh : 1000 = 4 kWh

2. Extrapolation of period consumption for period Y to P: 4 kWh800 = 3,200 kWh

3. Determination of the meter reading difference for period Y to P by dividing the consumption value by the register
factor: 3,200 kWh : 10 = 3 2 0 kWh

4. Determination of the expected meter reading for P by adding the meter reading difference for meter reading Y: 8 0 0
kWh + 3 2 0 kWh = 1,120 kWh

The expected meter reading at time P is 1,120 kWh.

Example 3: Forecasts from previous periods and changes to period consumption values in the base period

On installation of the device, a period consumption value of 4 0 0 0 kWh/year is entered for the register. This value is changed
to 5 , 0 0 0 kWh / year for the period I to C.

The minimum portion of weighting in percent is 3 0 % .

The sum of the weighting units for one year is 1,000.

With a weighting portion of 10%, period Y to C is not representative. The system goes back to the next meter reading result
(I). With 4 0 % , the period Y to I is representative, however, the period consumption was changed within this period.
Therefore, extrapolation is based on the period consumption rather than on the meter reading results:

1.Determination of period consumption per weighting unit by dividing the period consumption by the weight of validity
period: 5 , 0 0 0 kWh : 1,000 = 5 kWh

2. Extrapolation of period consumption for period Y to P: 5 kWh600 = 3 , 0 0 0 kWh

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3. Determination of the meter reading difference for period Y to P by dividing the consumption value by the register
factor: 3 , 0 0 0 kWh : 10 = 3 0 0 kWh

4. Determination of the expected meter reading for P by adding the meter reading difference for meter reading Y: 8 0 0
kWh + 3 0 0 kWh = 1,100 kWh

The expected meter reading at time P is 1,100 kWh.

Example 4: Forecasts from previous periods and changes to period consumption values not in the base period

On installation of the device, a period consumption value of 4 0 0 0 kWh/year is entered for the register. This value is changed
to 5 , 0 0 0 kWh / year for the period I to Z .

The minimum portion of weighting in percent is 3 0 % .

The sum of the weighting units for one year is 1,000.

With a weighting portion of 10%, period Y to C is not representative. The system goes back to the next meter reading result
(I). With 3 0 % , the period Y to I is representative, however, the period consumption was not changed within this period.
Therefore, extrapolation is based on the on the meter reading results rather then the period consumption:

1.Determination of meter reading difference Y to Z : ( 8 0 0 kWh 7 2 0 kWh) + ( 7 2 0 kWh 5 0 0 kWh) = 3 0 0 kWh

2. Determination of consumption for Y by multiplying the meter reading difference with the register factor: 3 0 0 kWh2 =
6 0 0 kWh

3. Determination of consumption per weighting unit: 6 0 0 kWh : 3 0 0 = 2 kWh

4. Extrapolation of consumption for period Y to P: 2 kWh600 = 1,200 kWh

5. Determination of the meter reading difference for period Y to P by dividing the consumption value by the register
factor: 1,200 kWh : 10 = 120 kWh

6. Determination of the expected meter reading for P by adding the meter reading difference for meter reading Y: 8 0 0
kWh + 120 kWh = 9 2 0 kWh

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The expected meter reading at time P is 9 2 0 kWh.

Example 5: Forecasts from previous periods and changes to period consumption values in the forecast period

On installation of the device, a period consumption value of 4 , 0 0 0 kWh/year is entered for the register. This value is changed
to 5 , 0 0 0 kWh / year after the last meter reading result entry in period Y to P.

The minimum portion of weighting in percent is 3 0 % .

The sum of the weighting units for one year is 1,000.

With a weighting portion of 4 0 % , period Y to I is representative. One period consumption change was made in the forecast
period Y to P. The expected meter reading is determined a s follows:

For the period from Y until the period consumption change, extrapolation is based on meter reading results:

1.Determination of meter reading difference Y to I: 8 0 0 kWh - 0 kWh = 8 0 0 kWh

a. Determination of consumption for Y by multiplying the meter reading difference with the register factor: 8 0 0
kWh2 = 1,600 kWh

b. Determination of consumption per weighting unit: 1,600 kWh: 4 0 0 = 4 kWh

c. Extrapolation of consumption for period Y until the period consumption change: 4 kWh600 = 1,600 kWh

d. Determination of the meter reading difference for period Y until the period consumption change by dividing
the consumption value by the register factor: 1,600 kWh: 10 = 160 kWh

1. For the period from the period consumption change to P, consumption is extrapolated from the period consumption:

a. Determination of period consumption per weighting unit by dividing the period consumption by the weight of
validity period: 5 , 0 0 0 kWh : 1,000 = 5 kWh

b. Extrapolation of period consumption for the period from the period consumption change to P: 5 kWh200 =
1,000 kWh

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c. Determination of the meter reading difference for the period from the period consumption change to P by
dividing the consumption value by the register factor: 1,000 kWh : 10 = 100 kWh

2. Determination of the expected meter reading for P by adding the meter reading difference for meter reading Y: 8 0 0
kWh + 160 kWh + 100 kWh = 1,060 kWh

The expected meter reading at time P is 1,060 kWh.

Forecasts from the Period of the Previous Year

If you include periods of the previous year a s the base period category in the installation, the expected meter reading values are
extrapolated based on the corresponding period of the previous year.

Based on a forecast date, the system goes back one year and looks for a representative period a s a basis for extrapolation.

Note the following exceptions:

Extrapolation for the expected meter readings is based on the previous period rather than the period of the previous year if:

No representative period is determined due to a lack of meter reading results

A change has been made to the period consumption value since the day of the last meter reading

Changes to the period consumption are only relevant for periods that follow directly after. If you change the period consumption
value after the last meter reading results are taken, the changes only influence forecast periods that come immediately

If, however, you want the period consumption to influence the four following forecast periods, you have to enter a period
consumption value in every quarter or, on the day of a meter reading result entry, change the period consumption value for the
next quarter.

Example 6: Forecasts from the period of the previous year and changes to period consumption values in the base period

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On 1.1.96 a period consumption value of 1,000 kWh / year was entered for the register. On 5.1.96 for the period P 1 and P 2 ,
this value was changed to 1,200 kWh / year.

The minimum portion of weighting in percent is 3 0 % .

The sum of the weighting units for one year is 1,000.

With a weighting portion of 3 0 % , period T 2 to T 1 from the previous year is representative. A change to the period
consumption was made within this period. This change does not, however, influence extrapolation for time P 5 , because a
change in period demand only influences the forecast period that follows directly after.

The expected meter reading is determined a s follows:

1.Determination of meter reading difference P 2 to P 1 : 1,200 kWh 1,000 kWh = 2 0 0 kWh

= > Consumption for T2 = 2 0 0 kWh

2. Determination of consumption per weighting unit: 2 0 0 kWh : 3 0 0 = 2 / 3 kWh

3. Extrapolation of consumption for period P 4 to P 5 : 2 / 3 kWh300 = 2 0 0 kWh

= > Meter reading difference for period P 4 to P 5 = 2 0 0 kWh

4. Determination of the expected meter reading to P 5 by adding the meter reading difference to meter reading P 4 :
2 , 0 0 0 kWh + 2 0 0 kWh = 2,200 kWh

The expected meter reading at time P 5 is 2,200 kWh.

Example 7: Forecasts from period of the previous year and changes to period consumption in the previous year but not in
the base period

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On 1.1.96 a period consumption value of 1,000 kWh / year was entered for the register. On 11.1.96 for the period P 2 to P 3 , this
value was changed to 1,200 kWh / year.

The minimum portion of weighting in percent is 3 0 % .

The sum of the weighting units for one year is 1,000.

With a weighting portion of 3 0 % , period T 2 to T 1 from the previous year is representative. No changed were made to the
period consumption within this period. The changes that were made to the period cosnumption between P 2 and P 3 do not
influence extrapolation for time P 5 because changes to the period consumption only influence the forecast period that
follows directly after.

The expected meter reading is determined a s in example 6.

Example 8: Forecast from period of the previous year and changes to period consumption values in the forecast period

On 1.1.96 a period consumption value of 1,000 kWh / year was entered for the register. On 4.1.97, for the period T 4 and T 5, this
value was changed to 1,200 kWh / year directly after the last periodic meter reading result entry.

The minimum portion of weighting in percent is 3 0 % .

The sum of the weighting units for one year is 1,000.

Because a change to the period consumption influences the forecast periods that follow directly, in this case, extrapolation is
based on the period consumption value rather than the meter reading results of the previous year.

The expected meter reading is determined a s follows:

1. Determination of period consumption per weighting unit by dividing the period consumption by the weight of validity
period: 1,200 kWh : 1,000 = 1.2 kWh

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2. Extrapolation of period consumption for period P 4 to P 5 : 1.2 kWh300 = 3 6 0 kWh

3. Determination of the expected meter reading to P 5 by adding the consumption to meter reading P 4 : 2 , 0 0 0 kWh +
3 6 0 kWh = 2,360 kWh

The expected meter reading at time P 5 is 2,360 kWh.

The change to the period consumption on 4.1.97 no longer has an influence on the determination of the expected
consumption for T 6 on 09.30.97 a s this is not the forecast period that follows directly. Extrapolation is based on the period of
the previous year.

If you want to extrapolate the expected consumption for P 6 on the basis of period consumption, you have to enter the period
consumption value for the next quarter on the day of the last periodic meter reading result entry (T 5 = 6.30.97).

Example 9: Forecast from period of previous year but period of previous year does not yet exist

If you enter period of previous year in the installation of the base period category but no period of previous year exists
(because there has only been a contractual relationship with the customer for half a year for example), extrapolation will
occur based on the previous period.

Example 10: Forecast from period of previous year but period of previous year is not representative

If you enter period of previous year in the installation of the base period category, but the period of previous year is not
representative, extrapolation occurs based on the previous period.

Example 11: Forecast from period of previous year and changes to period consumption during customer change

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Following a move-in, it is clear that the consumption pattern of the new customer is different from that of the previous
customer (because there are more people in the household, for example). Therefore, a new period consumption value was
entered directly during move-in.

The base period category period of previous year is entered in the installation.

Because a change to the period consumption influences the forecast periods that follow directly, in this case, extrapolation is
based on the period consumption value rather than the meter reading results of the previous year.

The expected meter reading is determined a s follows:

1.Determination of period consumption per weighting unit by dividing the period consumption by the weight of validity
period: 3 , 0 0 0 kWh : 1,000 = 3 kWh

2. Extrapolation of period consumption for period Y to P 4 : 3 kWh300 = 9 0 0 kWh

3. Determination of the expected meter reading for P 5 by adding the consumption to the meter reading for I: 2 , 0 0 0 kWh
+ 9 0 0 kWh = 2 , 9 0 0 kWh

The expected meter reading at time P 4 is 2 , 9 0 0 kWh.

The period consumption value entered at the time of meter reading I, no longer influences the determination of future
expected consumption values.

Instead, they are extrapolated from the corresponding periods of the previous year. Extrapolation based on the period of the
previous year would not be correct in this case, because of the knowledge we have about the consumption patterns of the
new customer.

For this reason, extrapolation is based on a previous period or a period consumption value for one year after installation,
even if the base period category period of previous year was entered in the installation.

After a year has passed following the move-in, extrapolation is based on the period of the previous year.

Extrapolation for Demand Registers

In the case of demand registers, the highest demand is taken into account in a representative interval a s an expected value, in
order to determine expected meter readings from the previous period. In the case of cumulative demand registers, the highest
demand difference is taken into account.

Expected meter readings for demand registers are determined a s follows:

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1.Determination of the highest meter reading from previous reading Y 2 over a representative interval ( Y 2 to I):

180 kW

2. Determined demand = expected demand:

180 kW

When you calculate expected meter reading values from existing meter readings, you must take the minimum portions into
account. In the previous example, we assume that period Y 2 to I is representative.

Demand registers always refer to the linear weighting procedure in their rate.

If demand needs to be extrapolated for billing, the expected meter reading values are determined differently. For more
information, see Extrapolation of Demand from Billing .

Forecasts from Previous Periods

If you include previous periods a s the base period category in the installation, the expected meter reading values are calculated
based on the corresponding previous period .

In the following example, we assume that the demand registers are balanced.

Example 1:Forecasts from previous periods with minimum portions

On installation of the device, a period demand value of 2 0 0 kWh/year is entered for the register.

The minimum portion of weighting in percent is 3 0 % .

The sum of the weighting units for one year is 1000.

With a weighting portion of 4 0 % , period Y 2 to I is representative. This means that extrapolation is based on meter reading
results rather than on the period demand.

1.Determination of the highest meter reading from previous reading Y 2 over a representative interval ( Y 2 to I):

180 kW

2. Determined demand = expected demand:

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180 kW

The expected meter reading at time P is 180 kWh .

Example 2:Forecasts from previous periods without minimum portions with period

On installation of the device, a period demand value of 2 0 0 kWh/year is entered for the register.

The minimum portion of weighting in percent is 3 0 % .

The sum of the weighting units for one year is 1000.

With a weighting portion of 2 0 % , period Y to I is not representative. Therefore, extrapolation is based on the period demand
rather than on the meter reading results:

The expected meter reading result is 2 0 0 kW .

Example 3: Forecasts from previous periods and changes to period demand in the
base period

On installation of the device, a period demand value of 2 0 0 kWh/year is entered for the register. This value is changed to 2 2 0
kWh / year for the period I to C.

The minimum portion of weighting in percent is 3 0 % .

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The sum of the weighting units for one year is 1000.

With a weighting portion of 10%, period Y to C is not representative. The system goes back to the next meter reading result (I).
With 4 0 % , the period Y to I is representative, however, the period demand was changed within this period. Therefore,
extrapolation is based on the period demand rather than on the meter reading results:

The expected meter reading result is 2 2 0 kW .

Example 4: Forecasts from previous periods and changes to period demand not in
the base period
A s no changes were made to the period demand within the base period, extrapolation is based on meter reading results rather
than on period demand.

Example 5: Forecasts from previous periods and changes to period demand in the
forecast period
The period demand can still be changed after the last meter reading result entry during the forecast period. This results in the

On installation of the device, a period demand value of 2 0 0 kWh/year is entered for the register. This value is changed to 2 2 0
kWh / year after the last meter reading result entry in period Y to P.

The minimum portion of weighting in percent is 3 0 % .

The sum of the weighting units for one year is 1000.

With a weighting portion of 4 0 % , period Y to I is representative. One period consumption change was made in the forecast
period Y to P. The expected meter reading is determined based on the period demand and equals 2 2 0 kW .

Forecasts from the Period of the Previous Year

If you include periods of the previous year a s the base period category in the installation, the expected meter reading values are
extrapolated based on the corresponding period of the previous year .

For the forecast from the period of the previous year, the search algorithm for demand registers differs from the search
algorithm for consumption registers a s follows:

Demand Registers Consumption Registers

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The s y s t e m only looks for meter reading results in the previous The s y s t e m goes b a c k one year from the forecast date and looks
year with the s a m e allocation month a s the expected meter for a representative period

It is not important whether the period of previous year is It is important that the period of previous year is representative

If no corresponding period of the previous year is available, extrapolation is based on the previous period.

P ( 4 ) = periodic meter reading for allocation month April

P ( 5 ) = periodic meter reading for allocation month May, and so on

The expected meter reading for P ( 5 ) is determined based on the demand with the same allocation month from the period of
the previous year ( P ( 5 ) = 120 kW)

The expected meter reading result is 120 kW .

Example 6:Forecasts from the period of the previous year and changes to period
demand in the base period

Period demand was changed in the period P ( 5 ) to P(4). This change does not, however, influence extrapolation for time P ( 5 )
(5.1.97), because a change in period demand only influences the forecast period that follows directly after.

The expected meter reading for P ( 5 ) is determined based on the demand with the same allocation month from the period of
the previous year ( P ( 5 ) = 120 kW)

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The expected meter reading result is 120 kW .

Example 7:Forecasts from period of the previous year and changes to period
demand in the previous year but not in the base period

On 1.1.96 a period demand value of 100 kWh / year was entered for the register. On 11.1.96 for the period P ( 5 ) and P(12) this
value was changed to 150 kWh / year.

No changes were made to the period demand in the period P ( 5 ) to P(4). The changes that were made to the period demand
between P ( 5 ) and P(12) do not influence extrapolation for time P ( 5 ) (97.5.1),because changes to the period demand only
influence the forecast period that follows directly after.

The expected meter reading is determined a s in example 6.

Example 8:Forecasts from the period of previous year and changes to period
demand in the forecast period

On 1.1.96 a period demand value of 100 kWh / year was entered for the register. On P ( 4 ) (4.1.96), this was changed to 120 kW /

In contrast to consumption registers, and in the case of demand registers, meter reading results have priority over changes to
period demand in the current forecast period.

Therefore, if the system finds a meter reading result with the same allocation month in the period of the previous year, this
result is used for extrapolation instead of the period demand.

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The expected meter reading for P ( 5 ) is determined based on the demand with the same allocation month from the period of
the previous year ( P ( 5 ) = 120 kW)

The expected meter reading result is 120 kW .

Example 9:Forecasts from period of previous year but period of previous year does
not yet exist
If you enter period of previous year in the installation of the base period category but no period of previous year exists (because
there has only been a contractual relationship with the customer for half a year for example), extrapolation is based on the
previous period, a s in the case of consumption registers.

Extrapolation for Resetting Registers

Extrapolation of resetting registers is limited to determining the previous meter reading and increasing it by 1. For the
preparation of multiple resetting registers, the expected meter reading is determined from the previous meter reading plus the
number of meter reading orders created between the previous meter reading and the current meter reading.

Extrapolation with Billing Factor

The expected meter reading is calculated from the expected consumption with the help of special parameters (register factor,
billing factor, dimension conversion table). The following example shows the significance of the billing factor:

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Explanations for Billing Factor

E x am ple
When the device is installed, a period consumption value of 4 , 0 0 0 kWh/year is entered for the register.

The minimum portion of weighting in percent is 3 0 % .

The sum of the weighting units for one year is 1,000.

With a weighting portion of 4 0 % , period Y to I is representative. Therefore, extrapolation is based on the on the meter reading
results rather then the period consumption:

1.Determination of meter reading difference Y to I:

8 0 0 kWh – 0 kWh = 8 0 0 kWh

2. Determination of consumption for Y by multiplying the meter reading difference with the register factor:

8 0 0 kWh * 2 = 1,600 kWh

3. Determination of consumption to Y by multiplying the meter reading difference with the conversion factor (gas):

1,600 kWh * 10 = 16,000 kWh

4. Determination of consumption to Y by multiplying with the billing factor:

16,000 kWh * 1.5 = 2 4 , 000 kWh

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5. Determination of consumption per weighting unit:

2 4 , 000 kWh : 4 0 0 = 6 0 kWh

6. Extrapolation of fictitious consumption for period Y to P:

6 0 kWh * 6 0 0 = 3 6 , 000 kWh

7.7. Determination of the actual, new consumption for period P based on the quotient of the new and the old billing factor

8. ( 3 6 , 0 0 0 kWh : 1.5)* 2 = 2 4 , 0 0 0 kWh* 2 = 4 8 , 0 0 0 kWh

9. Determination of the meter reading difference for period Y to P by dividing the consumption value by the billing factor:

4 8 , 000 kWh : 2 = 2 4 , 000 kWh

10. Determination of the meter reading difference for period Y to P by dividing the consumption value by the conversion
factor (gas):

2 4 , 000 kWh : 12 = 2 , 0 0 0 kWh

11.Determination of the meter reading difference for period Y to P by dividing the consumption value by the register factor:

2 , 0 0 0 kWh : 10 = 2 0 0 kWh

12. Determination of the expected meter reading for P by adding the meter reading difference for meter reading Y:

8 0 0 kWh + 2 0 0 kWh = 1,000 kWh

The expected meter reading at time P is 1,000 kWh.

The billing factor effects the expected consumption. A s a result of weighting distribution, the consumption value from the base
period is transformed to the extrapolation period and given the value of the new billing factor. The new expected consumption
value is then divided by the factors that are valid on the extrapolation date (register factor, conversion factors) in order to
determine the expected meter reading values.

During extrapolation, the conversion factors are determined on a key date (in the same way a s the register factors). This
means that the conversion factors are defined for the extrapolation date (this is usually the planned meter reading date) in
order to transform the expected consumption value into an expected meter reading value. In billing, the entire billing period is
analyzed for changed conversion factors and is then valuated and prorated accordingly. This is not possible for extrapolation a s
the data is not yet available when extrapolation takes place.

More Information
For more information on valuating the billing period with g a s factors, see the documentation for contract billing in the
implementation guide (IMG) under Special Functions -> G a s Billing.

Proration of Meter Readings

Proration is the division of a billing period due to data changes.

A rate is changed during a billing period. Consumption in the first half of the billing period is calculated using the old rate,
whereas consumption in the second half is calculated using the new rate. In order to do this, the meter reading at the time of
the rate change must be determined.

The proration meter reading is determined a s follows:

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1.Determination of meter reading difference between C and P 2 : 1,905 kWh - 1,000 kWh = 9 0 5 kWh

2. Determination of consumption per weighting unit: 9 0 5 kWh : ( 9 0 + 91) = 5 kWh

3. Extrapolation of consumption for period from P 2 to the time of data change (April 01, 1997): 5 kWh x 9 0 = 4 5 0 kWh

4. Determination of proration meter reading at the time of the rate change by adding the consumption to the meter
reading at P 2 : 1,000 kWh + 4 5 0 kWh = 1,450 kWh

The proration meter reading on April 01, 1997 is 1,450 kWh.

Extrapolation of Demand from Billing

In meter reading, the highest demand value in a representative interval is used a s the expected value for determining the
expected meter reading values from the previous period for demand registers.

However, this demand value is not always sufficient for billing purposes. Therefore, for the extrapolation of demand values from
billing, the system calls a table of values, which are transferred to the extrapolation period. The source of these values can be
any of the following:

Actual meter reading results from the extrapolation period

Period consumption values from the extrapolation period

Values from a comparable period from the base period

The base period does not have to be representative ( a s it does for extrapolation for meter reading).

The extrapolation of demand values from billing consists of the following steps:

1. Determination of the extrapolation period

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2. Determination of actual meter reading results with a meter reading period that overlaps with the extrapolation period

Transfer of meter reading results to the extrapolation period

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3. Determination of the time variability

Transfer of schedule records to the extrapolation period

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4. Determination of period consumption

Transfer of period consumption to the extrapolation period

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5. Determination of gaps in the extrapolation period, that are neither covered by actual meter reading results nor by
period consumption values

Transfer of meter reading results from the base period to the gaps in the extrapolation period

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Six-Monthly Meter Reading and Billing of the Average from the Peak Values of E a c h Half Year

For the budget billing calculation of the year 2 0 0 0 , both demand values from 1999 are used with their allocations to the 2
half years. This is the only way to ensure that the same average value is calculated for 2 0 0 0 a s for 1999 ( 5 + 3 / 2).

Quarterly Billing with Three Multiple Meter Reading Orders; E a c h Demand Value is Cleared Separately for the Relevant

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If the base period is the same a s the previous period, the relevant demand values from the three previous months are used
and transferred to the extrapolation period.

Meter Reading Organization


This component allows you to define the Street Route for all devices to be read in the service territory and make m a s s changes
to meter reading units.

Street Route
You can use this component to define the sequence in which the devices in a service territory are to be read. Doing this can
optimize the meter reader's route.

The following criteria are used in defining the street route in a meter reading unit:



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House Number (connection object)

Device Location


Street Route

Implementation Considerations
This component is optional. You require it if you wish to optimize the meter reader's route.

You can maintain the street route for a single meter reading unit or you can create a shared street route for several meter
reading units. Before you can use a shared street route, you must allocate the meter reading units in the relevant schedule
records to one another.

The following enhancements can be used for the street route:

E D M L S O R T (IS-U: Sort Meter Reading Orders for Printout and Download)

This enhancement allows you to define your own sort sequence for printing or downloading meter reading orders.

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Maintain Street Route for Meter Reading Unit

Installations and corresponding devices have been allocated to the meter reading unit.

1.Choose Utilities industry Device management Meter reading Meter Reading Organization Street route.

2. Enter a meter reading unit and choose Street route Maintain .


If you want to specify a shared street route for several meter reading units, enter the main meter reading unit.

The Maintain street route dialog box appears. On this screen, all devices are under the top node Devices not allocated to a
street route .

1. Allocate all devices from the top node to the bottom node Devices allocated to the street route .

1. To change the route or to allocate devices to a route:

1.Select either an object, a node or a block.

2. Position your cursor on the item selected.

3. Choose Edit Reassign.

1. Sa v e the street route.

Res ult
The street route is used to either:

Sort devices on printouts when you print meter reading orders for the meter reader.

Sort devices in the file created when you download meter reading orders.


You can define your own meter reading route with enhancement EDMLSORT.

Planning MeterReaders
You use this function after creating an order to allocate selected meter readers to individual or multiple meter reading orders
or to change existing allocations.

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This function provides greater flexibility in unexpected situations (such a s illness) a s meter readers can now be allocated
temporarily to meter reading orders.

To use this function, you must first select the Plan Meter Reader indicator in Customizing for S A P Utilities under Device
Management Meter Reading Meter Reading Order Order Creation Define Meter Reader .

If you have selected this indicator for a meter reader in Customizing, you can use the Schedule Meter Reader transaction after
order creation and before downloading the meter reading orders to external mobile data media to allocate meter reading
orders or change existing allocations.

You can find the transaction in the Utilities Industry menu under Device Management -> Meter Reading -> Meter Reading
Organization -> Schedule Meter Reader .

Mass Changes to Meter Reading Units

You use this function to change the meter reading unit in several installations for a key date.

This function supports the business process for changing meter reading units a s a result of organizational changes or changes
to areas. If for example new areas are to be supplied, this can mean that existing meter reading units become too large,
meaning that new meter reading units are added.

1. Define parameter groups.

You enter the meter reading unit to be replaced, the new meter reading unit and the date on which the change is to take
place in the parameter groups.

To define parameter groups, in the Utilities Industry menu, chooseDevice Management Meter Reading Meter Reading
Organization Define Parameter Groups.

For more information, see the field help.

2. Change the meter reading unit and allocate it to a parameter group.

The Mass C h a n g e s to Meter Reading Unit function performs the following changes:

All installations that are allocated to certain meter reading units and certain regional structure groups are allocated to a new
meter reading unit on the date specified.

Meter Reading Order

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This component allows you to create a meter reading order for each register. The order contains register-specific data and
information about the planned meter reading, such a s the meter reader and the scheduled meter reading date. Meter reading
orders can be created for:

Meter readers from the utility company

External meter reading companies

Meter reading by the customer

Integ ration
Types of meter readings and their scheduled dates are defined in the Portioning and Scheduling (IS-U-BF-PS) component. You
can override the scheduled meter reading type and select another type of meter reading. For example, instead of selecting the
meter reading by the customer, you can create an order for a meter reader. In addition, you can specify dates for aperiodic
meter readings manually.

Business Repository

The Business Object Repository ( B O R ) contains the following Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI) for selecting
meter reading orders and results:

MeterReadingDocument.GetList (selection of meter reading orders or results)

For more information about BAPIs see the following documentation:

For general information, see the BAPI User Manual and the BAPI Pro gram Manual

For more detailed information, see the documentation of the individual BAPIs.

You can reverse meter reading orders. If meter reading results exist at the time of the reversal, you can either delete them or
retain them for use in another meter reading order.

During meter reading order creation, you control the sequence of meter readings of different categories. You have the following

You can enter a fixed schedule in the schedule master record for the meter reading unit. To do this, you select the Use
M R cat. from sched. rec. field during order creation (individual or m a s s order creation). The system then creates meter
reading orders for meter readings in the category you have entered.

You want to read meters every month. To reduce the number of meter readers, you allow for two estimations and one
subsequent reading by a meter reader. You enter meter reading dates for each month with the corresponding
schedule meter reading category in the meter reading unit. The sequence of the dates is retained even if the
customer moves out, for example.

You can define meter reading control settings in Customizing under Device Management -> Meter Reading -> Basic
Settings. During m a s s order creation, you enter a scheduled meter reading category. The system checks whether meter
reading control settings permit this meter reading category for the installation and then creates meter reading orders
for the installations accordingly.


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You want to allow each installation to be read by the customer twice and then once by the meter reader. You define
meter reading control settings accordingly in Customizing and enter them in the installation. You perform m a s s order
creation twice for each meter reading, the first time with customer reading a s the scheduled meter reading category,
and the second time with meter reading by the utility a s the scheduled category.

Meter reading date 09.30. 30.10. 11.30.

Installation 1 M R b y customer M R b y customer M R b y utility

Installation 2 M R b y customer M R b y utility (move-out) M R b y customer

One order each is created for September 3 0 and October 3 0 during the first order creation run for installation 1.
However, the meter reading control settings no longer allow this for November 30. A meter reading order is not
created for the installation until the second order creation run (scheduled meter reading category is MR by

The utility company reads meters on October 3 0 for installation 2 because the customer has moved out. A meter
reading order is created for November 3 0 during the first order creation run a s permitted by the meter reading
control settings.

Meter Reading Order Creation

This component allows you to create:

Individual meter reading orders

These orders are usually created for aperiodic billing (for example, for interim and control billings or if a meter reading
unit is handed over to another utility company).

You can also create single orders for periodic billing if an order has to be created again due to a mistake, for example.

Mass meter reading orders

In the case of periodic meter readings, orders for several meter reading units can be created simultaneously.

Meter reading orders are not created for flat-rate installations because these installations do not contain metering devices.

You can also create a service order or notification for aperiodic orders.

Integ ration
You can transfer data to external systems using IDoc ISU_RPL_ORDER.

Further information on IDocs:

For general information, see IDoc Interface/Electronic Data Interchange

For detailed information, see Using Documentation Tools

Single Order Creation

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Single orders are generally created for aperiodic billing. You might need to create single orders for interim and control billings,
or if a meter reading unit is handed over to another utility company, for example. You can also create single orders for periodic
billing if an order has to be created again due to a mistake, for example.

Integ ration
You can create single orders for device installation, removal or replacement, during move-in processing, or for individual entry of
meter reading results. Single order entry does not necessarily result in the creation of meter reading documents. You can also
use the entry function only. In this case, the system creates the data structures for entry and validation internally.

Single order creation may be based on schedule records, which are generated in scheduling (order creation for periodic meter
reading), or on the dates for meter reading and billing that you have entered. Billing is dependent on the meter reading reason.

You can create meter reading orders at the following levels:

Meter reading unit




Each level is permitted for certain meter reading reasons only. You can use the F 4 input help to display the corresponding meter
reading reasons for each level.

Each meter reading order creation process is linked to certain dates. You can enter any date, except in the case of periodic
meter readings. If the meter reading reason is relevant to billing, enter both a scheduled meter reading date and a scheduled
billing date so that a billing order can be created. If you create meter reading orders for a periodic meter reading, the system
uses the dates from scheduling. The scheduled meter reading category is always meter reading by the utility company.

Each day you can enter one allocation date each for meter reading and for for billing. The allocation date of the meter reading is
transferred to the meter reading result.

The following three indicators allow you to control single order creation externally:

Use MR cat. from sched. rec.

If you select this field, the scheduled meter reading category of the schedule record has priority. This allows you to create meter
readings by the customer if the schedule record contains the appropriate meter reading category. For more information, see
Meter Reading Control.

Meter reading interval check

If you select this field, the system checks whether a meter reading order or result exists within the meter reading interval. If so,
the system suppresses the meter reading order with the lowest priority meter reading reason.

You can speed up order creation by not selecting this field. In this case, the order is always created, even if you have defined
meter reading reason priorities for interval checks in Customizing.

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Ignore contracts

If you select this field, the contracts for which orders have already been created are not checked again for completeness the
next time you carry out billing-related meter reading order creation. This improves performance when you repeat order

Suppress service orders

If you select this field, the system prevents creation of service orders that are normally created automatically in accordance
with the Customizing settings.

Mass Order Creation

This function allows you to create meter reading orders for more multiple meter reading units and dates.

Schedule records must already exist when you create m a s s orders. Schedule records are created in the scheduling component.

You can only create meter reading orders for one or more meter reading units. There must also be at least one schedule record
with an order date within the period entered during m a s s order creation.

You can control m a s s order creation using the following fields:

Scheduled meter reading categ.

If you enter a scheduled meter reading category and do not select the Use M R cat. from sched. rec field, the system creates
meter reading orders for the scheduled meter reading category entered here. This allows you to create multiple orders for
meter reading by the customer and subsequently for meter reading by the utility company. In this case the scheduled meter
reading category from the schedule record is ignored.

Use M R C from scheduling (Use scheduled meter reading category from scheduling)

If you select this field, the system creates orders with the meter reading category in the scheduling component. In the meter
reading unit, you can define a schema with schedule records of certain meter reading categories. If you select this field during
order creation, the system creates orders with the appropriate meter reading category. This allows you to control the sequence
of meter readings with different categories at the level of the meter reading unit or order creation.

The system ignores settings for meter reading type control and uses the meter reading category from scheduling.


If you enter meter reading category 0 3 (automatic estimation), all meter reading orders are estimated immediately during
order creation.

Meter reading interval check

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If you select this field, the system checks wither a meter reading order or result exists within the meter reading interval. If so,
the system suppresses the meter reading order with the meter reading reason with the lowest priority.

You can speed up order creation by not selecting this field. The order is then always created, even if you have defined meter
reading reason priorities for interval checks.

Ignore contracts

If you select this field, the contracts for which orders have already been created are not checked for completeness the next time
you carry out billing-related order creation. This improves performance when you repeat order creation.

A c tivities
You can schedule m a s s order creation in background jobs for better performance. You enter the selection criteria and save
them a s a variant. You can then supply this variant with start parameters and schedule it to run in a background job.

Meter Reading Control

During meter reading order creation, you control the sequence of meter readings of different categories. You have the following

You can enter a fixed schedule in the schedule master record for the meter reading unit. When you create orders, select
the Use M R cat. from sched. rec. field. The system then creates meter reading orders for meter readings in the category
you have entered.


You want to read meters every month. To reduce the number of meter readers, you allow for two estimations and one
subsequent reading by a meter reader. You enter meter reading dates for each month with the corresponding schedule
meter reading categories in the meter reading unit. The sequence of the dates is retained even if the customer moves out,
for example.

You can define meter reading control settings in Customizing under Device Management -> Meter Reading -> Basic
Settings . During m a s s order creation, you enter a scheduled meter reading category. The system checks whether meter
reading control settings permit this meter reading category for the installation and then creates meter reading orders
for the installations accordingly.


You want to allow each installation to be read by the customer twice and then once by the meter reader. You define meter
reading control settings accordingly in Customizing and enter them in the installation. You perform m a s s order creation
twice for each meter reading, the first time with customer reading a s the scheduled meter reading category, and the second
time with meter reading by the utility a s the scheduled category.

Meter reading date 30.09. 30.10. 30.11.

Installation 1 M R b y customer M R b y customer M R b y utility

Installation 2 M R b y customer M R b y utility (move-in/out) M R b y customer

One order each is created for 0 9 / 3 0 and 10/30 during the first order creation run for installation 1. Meter reading control
settings no longer allow this for 11/30, however. A meter reading order is not created for the installation until the second order

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creation run.

The utility company reads meters on 10/30 for installation 2 because the customer has moved out. A meter reading order is
created for 11/30 during the first order creation run a s permitted by meter reading control settings.

Reversing meter reading deletes all objects generated during creation of meter reading orders and entry of meter reading

Meter reading orders

Meter reading results (optional)

Billing orders

Reversal may be necessary in the following cases:

You determine the scheduling data was incorrect after you created periodic meter reading orders for a meter reading

You enter an incorrect device when creating a control meter reading order.

On the initial screen you can choose whether the meter reading results:

Are to be deleted

Meter reading orders, meter reading results, and billing orders are deleted. New meter reading orders are created when
meter reading order creation is carried out again.

Are not to be deleted

Only meter reading orders and billing orders are deleted, not meter reading results. When meter reading order creation
is carried out again, ew meter reading orders are only created for devices that were not read. No new meter reading
orders are created for devices that have already been read, a s the corresponding meter reading results were not

Meter reading orders and results that have already been billed can only be reversed if the corresponding billing documents have
been reversed first. You can find the reversal transactions for Billing in the Utilities Industry menu under Billing Billing
Execution Reversal.

Meter reading results that were entered during installation, replacement, or removal of devices can only be reversed in the
respective reversal transactions for installation, replacement, or removal. They can then be deleted. You can find the reversal
transactions for installation/replacement/removal in the Utilities Industry menu under Device Management Installation .

Order Output
This component allows you to:

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Print meter reading documents

You can print meter reading orders or forms for meter reading by the customer, depending on the type of meter reading

Download meter reading order via raw data interface (RDI)

You can download orders a s a spool file or an IDoc.

You can transfer orders via an RDI to external entry systems, such a s M D E devices (mobile data entry) and document readers
(download), or print them from external printing systems.

In both methods, the application form you use defines the data output. This allows you to output essentially all data in the

Integ ration
You use the Print Workbench application component to create application forms.

You maintain application forms in the schedule record of the meter reading unit in the Portioning and Scheduling (IS-U-BF-PS)
component. You can specify an alternative form during order output.

If you want order output to start automatically via batch jobs, you schedule the jobs by maintaining the relevant intervals in the
schedule record of the meter reading unit.


Examples of intervals include:

Interval between order creation and scheduled meter reading date

Interval between download and scheduled meter reading date

Meter Reading Result

This component manages meter readings and devices. They can be determined in the following ways:

Meter reading by the utility company:

A meter reader from the utility company or from an external meter reading company enters the result in the meter
reading order, or in the external system.

Meter reading by the customer:

The customers read the results themselves and report them to the utility company.

Automatic estimation:

The result is estimated automatically.


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The meter reading result is determined from a meter reading result that has already been entered. This result must be
within the entry interval. This prevents the entry of meter readings that lie too close together.

In addition to the meter reading result, the system also saves the way in which the meter reading was determined.

Integ ration
For more information about uploading meter reading results, see U pload.

Entry of Meter Reading Results

You can use this component to enter m a s s data (from periodic meter readings, for example) a s well a s meter readings for
individual customers or an individual contract. You can transfer meter reading results into the Utilities Industry component (IS-
U) manually, or using an interface to an external system (upload).

Integ ration
An IDoc interface (CA-EDI) is used to upload the meter reading results. The meter reading results are imported via direct input.

You have the following options:


Large amounts of data are transferred from an external system into the system.

Fast entry

Large amounts of data from periodic meter readings are entered in the system. Fast entry is split into:

Fast Entry Without Immediate Correction

You have to correct and release implausible meter readings at a later time.

Fast Entry with Correction

If meter reasding results are implausible, you can access a correction screen.

Single entry

Meter reading results are entered from control meter readings, interim meter readings, or final meter readings (for
move-out), for example.

A s part of meter reading result entry, the system determines a consumption value dynamically from the difference between the
current meter reading result and the previous meter reading result. However, this value is not saved to the database. This
consumption value can be taken into account during validation.

If you have activated the business function Utilities, Quantity Determination ( ISU_QD_1 ) and you use the quantity
determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter Reading, the system determines a consumption value
during meter reading result entry from the difference between the current meter reading result and the previous meter

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reading result. The value is saved to the database. This consumption value can be taken into account during validation and
can also be used by subsequent processes such a s billing.

For more information, see:

Quantity Determination During Meter Reading

Every meter reading result is subject to validation. Validations can be dependent or independent. You define the validations in
Customizing for S A P Utilities under Device Management Meter Reading Validations. The validations take place during entry of
meter reading results. Choose P U S H B U T T O N when entering meter reading results to display the validation results of a register.

For more information, see:


If a meter reading result passes validation, it is given the status Plausible and is further processed in billing. If a meter reading
result does not pass validation, it is given the status Implausible and must be corrected. If the meter reading result has to be
validated on-site, a correction order or a control meter reading order is created with the up-to-date data.

You can also correct plausible meter reading results.

You can add additional customer-specific validations to the predefined validations.

Customizing for S A P Utilities under Tools S y s t e m Modification Customer-Specific Validations.

The following enhancements are available for entry of meter reading results:

E D M F O L U P (IS-U: Determine Follow-Up Actions for Entry of Meter Reading Results)

You can trigger a follow-up action once uploaded meter readings have undergone S A P entry checks and have been

EDMMR001 (IS-U: Meter Reading Results – Subscreen Integration and Field Check)

You can now add customer-specific fields to the table of meter reading results.

For more information, see the enhancement documentation in the system.

You can upload meter reading results from external systems (such a s M D E devices) using a BAPI or IDoc of type
ISU_MR_UPLOAD02 (upload meter reading results). The BAPI method is called MeterReadingDocument.Upload. Corresponding
structure BAPIEABLU contains the following fields:

MATERIAL (material number)

Material/device category

SE R I A L N O (device serial number)

REGISTER (register number)

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M R R E A S O N (meter reading reason)

MRIDNUMBER (internal meter reading document number)

The meter reading number identifies a meter reading order. A meter reading order is created for each register to be
read. The meter reading document number must be downloaded and uploaded from the external system.

R E A D I N G R E S U L T (meter reading)

The data record is transferred to the system if either a meter reading result or note was provided.

METERREADINGNOTE(meter reading note)

The data record to be uploaded is transferred if either a meter reading or note was provided. The meter reading note
can be assigned to a control function in IS-U. The control function defines follow-up actions.

AC T U A L CUS TO M ERM RTYPE (meter reading type)

Describes how the meter reading result was recorded – by a meter reader or by the customer, for example.

M E T E RREA D ER (meter reader number)

The meter reader number is used to identify the meter reader. It is used a s a default value and can be stored in the
schedule record of the meter reading. You can use the Meter Reader Number field to indicate that the actual meter
reader is different from the default meter reader.

MRDATEFORBILLING (meter reading date)

Billing occurs on this date, which is also the end of the billing period. The end of the billing period is determined.

MRTIMEFORBILLING (meter reading time)

ACTUALMRDATE (actual meter reading date)

ACTUALMRTIME (actual meter reading time)

MRDATEOFMAXIMUM (date of maximum reading)

MRTIMEOFMAXIMUM (Time of maximum reading)

S M O R D E R (service order number)

ACTIVE (active indicator)

There are two upload scenarios:

1.Meter reading orders were already created and downloaded in IS-U.

Meter readings are assigned to IS-U orders via the document number when they are uploaded. In this case you do not
have to maintain the following fields:

Article Number

Device serial number

Register Number

Meter Reading Reason

2. There are no meter reading orders in I S - U / C C S

In this case you have to specify the serial number and the register number to identify the device for which readings are
to be entered in I S - U / C CS .

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If the serial number is not unique, you also have to provide the material number and device category. You also have to
supply the meter reading reason, a meter reading date and a meter reading.

For more information about IDocs see the following documentation:

For general information, see IDoc Interface/Electronic Data Interchange

For detailed information, see Using Documentation Toolss

Here you determine which documentation you can display for a certain IDoc category.

The enhancements E D M M R R E S are available for upload. You use this enhancement to manipulate meter readings after results
have been uploaded and before the readings are validated.

Fast Entry With/Without Correction

You can use this function to enter a large number of meter reading results manually. Fast entry is normally used for periodic
meter readings.

Before you can use this function you must create a meter reading order. Once the meter reading order has been created, meter
reading documents are printed and distributed to meter readers. The data to be entered, such a s meter readings, notes, or the
meter reading date, is usually copied from the meter reading documents.

There are two types of fast entry:

Fast entry without correction

When meter reading results are entered, the meter reading is validated (if there is zero consumption, for example). If the meter
reading result fails the validation, it is reset and must be processed in a further step (by the agent, for example). It is not
possible to release the meter reading during fast entry without correction.

Fast entry with correction

If the meter reading fails the validation, it can be released during fast entry with correction.

A c tivities
Initial Screen

All meter readings that are allocated to a single meter reading unit and that have the same target meter reading date can be
entered together. Data to be entered, such a s the meter reading unit, target meter reading date, and meter reading reason
can be copied from the meter reading documents. If no target meter reading date is entered, a list appears containing target
meter reading dates for which meter reading orders exist.

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Entry Screen

An empty table appears on the entry screen. There is a unique entry number for each meter reading. This number is used to
identify and display the corresponding meter reading order for the readings.

You can specify the following meter reading data for fast entry:

Entry number (only for fast entry)

Meter reading

Meter reading date

Note from meter reader

Actual meter reading type

Meter reader

Time of day of meter reading

Actual meter reading date

Actual time of day of meter reading

Date of maximum meter reading

Time of day of maximum meter reading

Relevance to billing/extrapolation

If the meter reading fails the validation, you can choose from the following during fast entry with correction:

Correct errors

You branch to the correction screen. The correction screen contains detailed information such a s the expected reading, actual
consumption, and expected consumption. If the meter reading is released, the remaining validations are carried out.

Release without correction

The meter reading becomes plausible. No further validations are carried out.

Single Entry
This function enables you to enter meter readings for a single customer, contract, installation or device. For example, you may
wish to enter a control meter reading for an installation or an interim meter reading with subsequent billing.

You do not have to create a meter reading order before carrying out single entry. However, if a meter reading order already
exists, that order is taken into account. If no meter reading order exists, an order is created using the criteria you have entered.
In the case of a meter reading reason that triggers billing, a billing order is created.

The meter readings entered are validated. If a meter reading fails the validation, it can be immediately released or reset for
later processing.

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You can specify the following meter reading data for single entry:

Meter reading

Meter reading date

Note from meter reader

Actual meter reading type

Meter reader

Time of day of meter reading

Actual meter reading date

Actual time of day of meter reading

Date of maximum meter reading

Time of day of maximum meter reading

Relevance to billing/extrapolation

If a meter reading result fails the validation, you can process it using the following functions:

Correct errors

You branch to the correction screen. The correction screen contains detailed information such a s the expected reading, actual
consumption, and expected consumption. If the meter reading is released, the remaining validations are carried out.

Release w/o correction

The meter reading becomes plausible. No further validations are carried out.


Meter reading results can be selected for estimation.

In S A P IS-U, assessing refers to the automatic handling of meter overflows due to over-estimated previous meter readings.

These assessing cases do not deal with actual meter overflows but with over-estimated previous meter readings. When an
assessing case arises, a result is released during meter reading entry that triggers workflow template ISU_ASSESS1. This
workflow reverses Billing and reestimates the meter reading based on the actual meter reading result.

The graphic below shows a typical assessing case:

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The system determines a meter overflow a s the (estimated) meter reading result from 3.1. is higher that the (actual) meter
reading result from 4.1.

Since the meter reading result from 3.1. is an estimation, and the last actual result from 1.1. is lower than the current actual
result, this is an assessing case.

This means that the system cancels all estimated previous meter reading results that are higher than the current actual result,
and reestimates them based on the current actual meter reading result.

In the above example, the system cancels the meter readings from 2.1. and 3.1. and reestimates them based on the actual
meter reading result from 4.1.

Integ ration
Up to S A P IS-U 4.63, assessing can only be used for billing-relevant meter reading reasons. A s of S A P IS-U 4.64, assessing can
also be used for control meter reading. To do this, you must set the Ass. Control M R indicator (Assessing also for M R reasons
not triggered by billing (09,10)) in Customizing activity Define Technical Control Parameters for Meter Reading Data
Processing (table TE410s).

The assessing workfow can only adjust an overflow within a contract. If a change of contract has taken place (due to a move-
in/out, for example), the assessing workflow is not triggered and an error message is displayed.

The following example is not an assessing case a s a contract changes has taken place due to a move-in/out.

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The algorithm for determining an assessing case is a s follows:

1.Determination of consumption V1, which occurs between the last actual meter reading result and the current meter
reading result. The meter reading results that lie between are ignored.

2. Determination of consumption V2, which occurs between the last actual meter reading result and the last estimated
meter reading result. The meter reading results that lie between are ignored.

3. If V2 > V1, an assessing case arises.

The following example is an assessing case:

V1 = 4 0 ( 0 4 0 )

V2 = 100 ( 0 100)

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V2 > V1 = > Assessing required

Function module ISU_EVENT_ASSESSING checks whether assessing is required. Once the workflow has been triggered, the
corresponding billing documents are reversed and the relevant meter reading results are reestimated in function module

You can use enhancement EDMASSES to implement customer-specific checks for the determination of assessing cases.

Example 1 - Assessing: Estimated Meter Reading L e a d s to Overflow

V2 (55) > V1 (3)

= > Assessing required

The meter reading from 3.1. is higher than that from 2.1. (no overflow), however, the estimated meter reading result from 2.1.
was over-estimated and resulted in a meter overflow.

Example 2 No Assessing

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V2 (100) < V1 (9990)

= > No assessing required

A reestimation would result in an overflow (high consumption).

Example 3 No Assessing: Actual Meter Overflow (3-figure meter)

V2 ( 7 0 ) < V1 (140)

= > No assessing required

Correction of Meter Reading Results

You can subsequently correct or change existing meter reading results in the system.

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Pro cess Flow

You can change the meter reading results by means of the upload process.

S e e U pload .

You can use the following transactions to correct meter reading results:

Correct Plausible Meter Reading Results

Correct Implausible Meter Reading Results

The meter reading results have been corrected or changed in the system.

You use this function to change or correct meter reading results by upload.

Integ ration
BAPI BAPI_MT RRE ADDO C_UPL O AD and the allocated IDoc of category ISU_MR_UPLOAD02 enable you to change meter
reading results.

Read the documentation for BAPI BAPI_MTRREADDOC_UPLOAD to find out how to fill the IDoc segments to change meter
reading results.

You define in Customizing which meter reading results are to be changed during the upload process:

Customizing for S A P Utilities Device Management Meter Reading Meter Reading Result C h a n g e Define C h a n g e P r o c e ss for
Meter Reading Data.

You can use a PM service notification to trigger a request for a new meter reading for plausible and implausible meter reading
results. Using the upload process with basic IDoc category ISU_MR_UPLOAD02, you can overwrite existing meter reading
results with new results.

IDoc category ISU_MR_UPLOAD02 consists of the following segments:

E 1 B PEA BLU CHA N GE (This segment is filled for changing the meter reading results)

The system identifies the meter reading result to be changed either by means of the internal ID of the meter reading
order or using the key fields and auxiliary date (MRDATEFORIDENTIF). The upload process takes place for this meter
reading result.

E1BPEABLUUPDATE (This segment is filled for updating, changing, and entering meter reading results)

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If the system cannot identify the meter reading result to be changed, it creates a new meter reading order during the
upload process. The upload process takes place either for the meter reading result or the meter reading order.

The following scenarios exist for changing meter reading results by upload:

1.A corresponding meter reading document with a meter reading result exists for the uploaded result. The uploaded
records contain the internal ID of the meter reading document. The Material , Serial Number , Register , Meter Reading
Reason , and Auxiliary Date fields are ignored.

2. A corresponding meter reading document with a meter reading result exists for the uploaded result. The internal ID of
the meter reading document is not known and the uploaded records do not contain the ID.

In this case, the key fields of one of the following alternatives must be maintained to identify the meter reading
document to be changed:

Serial Number, Register, Meter Reading Date, Auxilliary Date

If the serial number is not unique in the system, a material must also be entered.

Serial Number, Register Code, Meter Reading Date, Auxilliary Date

If the serial number is not unique in the system, a material number must also be entered.

Point of Delivery, Register Code, Meter Reading Date, Auxilliary Date

The auxiliary date for background processing (MRDATEFORIDENTIF) must be specified in order to identify the
meter reading result to be changed. This date corresponds with the meter reading date of the meter reading
result to be changed before processing.

If the system cannot identify the meter reading result to be changed during the upload process, the meter reading data of the
uploaded record is not imported into the system.

The following scenarios exist for updating meter reading results by upload:

1.A corresponding meter reading document with a meter reading result or a meter reading order exists for the uploaded
result. The uploaded records contain the internal ID of the meter reading document. The Material , Serial Number ,
Register , Meter Reading Reason , and Auxiliary Date fields are ignored. The uploaded record changes the existing meter
reading result or creates a new result in the system.

2. A corresponding meter reading document with a meter reading result exists for the uploaded result. The internal ID of
the meter reading document is not known and the uploaded records do not contain the ID. In this case, the key fields of
one of the following alternatives must be maintained to identify the meter reading document to be changed:

Serial Number, Register, Meter Reading Date, Auxilliary Date

If the serial number is not unique in the system, a material must also be entered.

Serial Number, Register Code, Meter Reading Date, Auxilliary Date

If the serial number is not unique in the system, a material number must also be entered.

Point of Delivery, Register Code, Meter Reading Date, Auxiliary Date

The auxiliary date for background processing (MRDATEFORIDENTIF) must be specified in order to identify the
meter reading result to be changed. This date corresponds with the meter reading date of the meter reading
result to be changed before processing.

3. No corresponding meter reading order and no meter reading result exists for the uploaded meter reading result.

In this case, the key fields for one of the following alternatives must be maintained:

Serial Number, Register, Meter Reading Date

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If the serial number is not unique in the system, a material must also be entered.

Serial Number, Register, Meter Reading Date

If the serial number is not unique in the system, a material number must also be entered.

Point of Delivery, Register, Meter Reading Date

You can also change the meter reading results using B O R method U P L O AD or B O R object MTRREADDOC. the interface of the
method contains the following parameters:

MeterReadResChange (for changing meter reading results)

MeterReadResUpdate (for updating meter reading results)

A c tivities
C h a n g e Meter Reading Results Using IDoc Category I SU _ M R _ U PLO AD02

1.Change the meter reading results using IDoc category ISU_MR_UPLOAD02 and fill in segment E 1 B PEABLUCH ANG E with
the upload data for the meter reading results to be changed.

2. Import the IDoc into the system and check the log for the upload process (IUPP).

Update Meter Reading Results Using IDoc Category I SU _ M R _ U PLO AD02

1.Update the meter reading results using IDoc category ISU_MR_UPLOAD02 and fill in segment E1BPEABLUUPDATE with
the upload data for the meter reading results to be updated.

2. Import the IDoc into the system and check the log for the upload process (IUPP).

C h a n g e Meter Reading Results Using B O R Method ʻUpload’ of B O R object ʻ M T R READ DO C’

1. Fill the MeterReadResChange parameter with uploaded data for the meter reading results to be changed.

2. Execute the method.

Update Meter Reading Results Using B O R Method ʻUpload’ of B O R object ʻ M T R READ DO C’

1. Fill the MeterReadResUpdate parameter with uploaded data for the meter reading results to be updated.

2. Execute the method.

Correction of Plausible Meter Reading

This function allows you to correct plausible meter reading results. You can use this function if, for example, you originally
estimated the customer’s meter reading and the customer provides you with the actual meter reading later.


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The meter reading must not have been billed already. A meter reading that has been billed cannot be changed until the billing
has been reversed. This function can only used to correct plausible meter reading results.

After you change meter reading result, it is validated again.

A c tivities
Initial Screen

All meter reading results are displayed by device and meter reading date. You use an indicator to select the meter readings to
be processed.

Entry Screen

If you have selected several entries, they are processed sequentially. You choose Sa v e or Forward to branch to the next entry. If
the entry was saved, it is removed from the processing sequence.

You can specify the following meter reading data during correction of plausible meter reading results:

Meter reading

Meter reading date

Note from meter reader

Actual meter reading type

Meter reader

Time of day of meter reading

Actual meter reading date

Actual time of day of meter reading

Date of maximum meter reading

Time of day of maximum meter reading

Relevance to billing/extrapolation


For further information, refer to the function Fast Entry with/without Correction .

Correction of Implausible Meter Reading

Implausible meter reading results are reset when meter reading results are imported via upload or when large amounts of data
are entered a s part of a fast entry without correction. These meter readings can be processed further via the function for
correction of meter reading results.

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You can forward implausible meter reading results to an agent's inbox. Clerk determination is carried based on the
organizational structure.

Establish customizing settings a s required under Utilities Industry Basic Functions Clerk Determination .

A meter reading is given the status Implausible if you have set validations and chosen the error class Warning .

Meter readings that belong to the same premise can be validated together on one screen. During the validation, the plausible
meter readings are also displayed.

If only a single-rate meter has been allocated to a premise, you branch directly to the correction screen.

You can create a list of implausible meter reading results for several portions or meter reading units. To do this, choose Goto
Implausible M R results and enter the portions or meter reading units for which you want to create the list.

Initial Screen

Once you have entered a selection criterion, the implausible meter readings are displayed according to premise. You select
meter readings to be processed from this list.

Overview Screen

Meter readings are displayed along with the actual consumption and demand and the expected consumption and demand.
Implausible meter readings are highlighted in color. Only these highlighted meter readings can be processed.

The following functions are available:

Release w/o correction

Correct errors


Correction Screen

You branch to the correction screen if only a single-rate meter is allocated to the premise or if you choose the correction
function. Data is displayed such a s meter reading data, forecast data, and master data that support validation.

The following functions are available:


Any outstanding validations are carried out.


Meter readings are put aside for later processing.

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Print correction order

Validation information

Control meter reading order

If the control meter reading is plausible, the implausible meter reading result is replaced by an estimated result. This estimation
is based on the control meter reading.


Validations are carried out during the entry and correction of meter reading results.

There are dependent and independent validations:

Independent validations check the meter reading result from one register only.

Dependent validations, check related registers together.

Independent Validation
During independent validation, the meter reading result of exactly one register is checked. Validations can be fixed or variable.
Fixed independent validations are performed automatically by the system. Variable independent validations are performed
according to the settings in Customizing for S A P Utilities under Device Management Meter Reading Validiatons Independent

Fixed Validations
Previous Meter Reading Implausible

The system perfoms validation based on the previous meter reading results. The system first checks whether the result
from the previous meter reading is plausible. If it is not, the current meter reading result cannot be given the status
"Plausible". The result of the previous meter reading must first be corrected so it can be used a s a basis for the other

Fixed value deviation check

During reconnection of an inactive or disconnected installation, and during device installation after certification, for
example, the system checks whether any consumption took place and whether the consumption is below the maximum
permissible deviation. You define this in Customizing for S A P Utilities under Device Management Meter
Reading Validations Independent Validations Parameters for FV D Validation for Devices Not Allocated to Installations.

Check resetting register

If the register is a resetting register, the system checks whether the number of times it has been reset matches the
number of meter readings.

If you have activated the Quantity Determination business function (ISU_QD_1) and you use Quantity Determination Procedure
0 3 - Quantity Determination During Meter Reading, you can activate and use the following check:

Check for Final Quantity

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This check precedes the other validations and checks whether the quantity is a final quantity.

If it is a final quantity, the other independent validations are based on this quantity.

If it is not a final quantity, the further validations do not take place and the meter reading result is set to

For this check to be performed automatically, you have to select the Validation for Final Quantity check box in
Customizing for S A P Utilities under Device Management Meter Reading Basic Settings Define Control Parameters for
Meter Reading Data Processing .

If you do not select this check box, the validation for the final quantity does not take place and the other validations are
performed according to the Customizing settings, regardless of whether the quantity is provisional or final.

Variable Validations
Zero consumption check

The system checks whether the consumption is zero and whether it is within the grace period for zero consumption.

Number of permitted meter readings by customer, estimations, or meter readings by customer and estimations

The system checks whether the number of consecutive meter readings defined in meter reading control has been

Absolute, relative, and floating tolerance limits

The system uses the expected consumption from the comparison period to check whether the current consumption is
within the tolerance limits. You enter the base period category of the comparison period in the installation. You define
the number of comparison periods in Customizing for S A P Utilities under Device Management Meter
Reading Validations Independent Validations Define Validation Parameters for Validation C l a s s e s .

If you have activated the Utilities, Quantity Determination business function ( ISU_QD_1) and you use the quantity
determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter Reading in combination with the g a s division, the
upper and lower limits for the meter readings are not displayed with the validation information. This applies in the
following transactions:

Monitoring of Meter Reading Results (transaction EL31)

Single Entry (Transaction EL28)

Correct Plausible Meter Reading Results (transaction EL29)

Correct Implausible Meter Reading Results (transaction EL27)

Usage hours against previous period or fixed value

Usage hours are determined by dividing the consumption from the period by the installed demand. The value is stored in
an operand which you can enter in Customizing for S A P Utilities under Device Management Meter
Reading Validations Independent Validations Define Validation Parameters for Validation C l a s s e s .

The current usage hours are checked against the usage hours from the previous period. There is also a fixed value that
you may not exceed, which is derived from the number of days since the previous meter reading multiplied by 24 hours.

Maximum/minimum demand

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The system checks whether the demand exceeds or falls below a fixed value. You enter this value in Customizing for S A P
Utilities under Device Management Meter Reading Validations Independent Validations Define Validation Paramet ers
for Validation C l a s s e s .

Meter overflow

The system checks whether the current meter reading is lower than the previous meter reading.

Dependent Validation
Dependent validations check related registers together.

Independent validations are performed according to the settings in Customizing for S A P Utilities under Device
Management Meter Reading Validiatons Dependent Validations.

Control meter validation (fixed/relative value)

The system checks whether the total consumption from settlement registers corresponds to the consumption of the
control meter.

Serial switching validation

The system checks whether the total consumption from the secondary installations excceds the consumption of the
primary installation.

Cosine phi validation

The cosine phi is calculated from active/reactive registers.

In validation 0 4 (lower limit may not be undercut), the system checks whether a limit value you set in Customizing has
not been undercut.

In validation 05, the cosine phi is checked against the cosine phi of the previous period(s).

Consumption ratio validations (fixed value and previous period)

The system determines a ratio for the consumption of registers in a relationship. The system checks whether this ratio
corresponds to a fixed value or the consumption ratio from the previous period.

If you have activated the Quantity Determination business function (ISU_QD_1) and you use Quantity Determination Procedure
0 3 - Quantity Determination During Meter Reading, you can activate and use the following validation:

Check for Final Quantity

This check precedes the other validations and checks whether the quantity is a final quantity.

If it is a final quantity, the other dependent validations are based on this quantity.

If it is not a final quantity, the further validations do not take place and the meter reading result is set to

For this check to be performed automatically, you have to select the Validation for Final Quantity check box in
Customizing for S A P Utilities under Device Management Meter Reading Basic Settings Define Control
Parameters for Meter Reading Data Processing .

If you do not select this check box, the validation for the final quantity does not take place and the other
validations are performed according to the Customizing settings, regardless of whether the quantity is
provisional or final.

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Estim ation
P urpos e
This component allows you to estimate meter reading results automatically in the case of missing meter readings or
implausible consumption.

Implementation considerations
This component is optional.

Reversing meter reading deletes all objects generated during creation of meter reading orders and entry of meter reading

Meter reading orders

Meter reading results (optional)

Billing orders

Reversal may be necessary in the following cases:

You determine the scheduling data was incorrect after you created periodic meter reading orders for a meter reading

You enter an incorrect device when creating a control meter reading order.

On the initial screen you can choose whether the meter reading results:

Are to be deleted

Meter reading orders, meter reading results, and billing orders are deleted. New meter reading orders are created when
meter reading order creation is carried out again.

Are not to be deleted

Only meter reading orders and billing orders are deleted, not meter reading results. When meter reading order creation
is carried out again, ew meter reading orders are only created for devices that were not read. No new meter reading
orders are created for devices that have already been read, a s the corresponding meter reading results were not

Meter reading orders and results that have already been billed can only be reversed if the corresponding billing documents have
been reversed first. You can find the reversal transactions for Billing in the Utilities Industry menu under Billing Billing
Execution Reversal.

Meter reading results that were entered during installation, replacement, or removal of devices can only be reversed in the
respective reversal transactions for installation, replacement, or removal. They can then be deleted. You can find the reversal

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transactions for installation/replacement/removal in the Utilities Industry menu under Device Management Installation .

This component offers you a variety of information to enable you to monitor meter reading entry and status. For example, you
can track the number of meter reading results entered, implausible meter reading results, or meter reading results to be billed.
You can display meter reading results by business partner, meter reading units, or periods. You have the following options:

Manual Monitoring

Automatic monitoring

Meter reading results from IDoc

You enter a creation date or an IDoc number to obtain a list of IDocs for your search. If you select and IDoc number, you obtain a
list of meter reading data stored in the IDoc. If you select an entry with status Plausible , the meter reading result you selected
is displayed. If you select an entry with status Implausible , you branch to the screen for correction of implausible results.

If you select an entry with status Error , you branch to the screen for individual entry of results

Implementation considerations
This component is optional. However, it can be used to quickly obtain information about current meter reading status.

Monitoring of Meter Reading Results

To monitor meter reading results, you can use the following transactions in the Utilities Industry menu under Device
Management Meter Reading Monitoring .

Monitoring of Meter Reading Results

Transaction EL31

You can use this transaction to monitor meter reading results based on different selection criteria. You have different
monitoring options depending on the selection criteria you choose. The following table provides an overview of these options.
The selection criteria are listed in the first column. The objects that you can monitor using these selection criteria are marked
with x in each row.

L is ts

Selection Criterion: Schedule Record Meter R e a d i n g Order Meter R e a d i n g R e s u l t Billing Order

Portion x x (*) x (*) x (*)

Meter Reading Unit x x (*) x (*) x (*)

Bu s in es s Partner - x x x

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L is ts

Selection Criterion: Schedule Record Meter R e a d i n g Order Meter R e a d i n g R e s u l t Billing Order

Contract - x x x

Installation - x x x

Device - x x -

Premise - x x x

(*) At first the system displays a summarized list grouped by date (meter reading date, billing date); from here you can
navigate to more detailed lists.

Portion or Meter Reading Unit

If you start by entering portions or meter reading units, you can display schedule records, billing orders, and meter reading

If the business function Utilities, Quantity Determination ( ISU_QD_1) is active, you can also display meter reading results.

Contract, Installation, Business Partner, or Premise

If you start by entering contracts, installations, or business partners, you can display billing orders, meter reading orders, or
meter reading results.


If you start by entering devices, you can display meter reading orders or meter reading results.

In almost all of the lists for the monitoring function, you can navigate to the detailed display of an object by choosing
Edit S e l e c t or by double clicking on the field in question.

Meter Reading Orders

If there are meter reading orders for the devices, you can use the pushbutton to navigate to the AMI monitor for one or more

Meter Reading Results

The following functions are available in the lists of meter reading results:

On-demand meter reading

For the right kind of devices, you can use the pushbutton to request on-demand meter readings.

A prerequisite is that you have activated the business function Advanced Metering Infrastructure ( ISU_AMI_1).

AMI monitoring

If there are meter readings for the devices, you can use the pushbutton to navigate to the AMI monitor for one or more
meter readings.


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A prerequisite is that you have activated the business function Advanced Metering Infrastructure 2 ( ISU_AMI_2).

Quantity determination

For meter readings with a quantity determination trigger, you can use the pushbutton to carry out quantity

A prerequisite is that you have activated the business function Utilities, Quantity Determination ( ISU_QD_1 ).

Automatic Monitoring of Meter Reading Data

Transaction EL32

You can use this transaction to monitor meter reading data and trigger automatic follow-on processing for selected meter
reading orders. For the follow-on processing actions, this transaction interprets the settings in Customizing for the automatic
monitoring of meter reading data:

Customizing for S A P Utilities Device Management Meter Reading Basic Settings Automatic Monitoring of Meter Reading
Data .

For more information about the automatic follow-on processing of meter reading orders, see the documentation for the
Customizing activity.

Postprocessing of I D o c s for Uploading Meter Reading Results

Transaction ELDM

You can use this transaction to display the successfully and unsuccessfully posted meter reading documents after uploading
discrete meter reading data (IDocs from category ISU_MR_UPLOAD).

Device Overview

Transaction EL43

You can use this transaction to get an overview of the devices of a meter reading unit.

Device Overview

This function provides you with an overview of all installations from a meter reading unit a s well a s of all devices in an
installation and their register relationships .

Quantity Determination
The following sections provide you with an overview of quantity determination. The term quantity determination refers to the
process of converting a meter reading difference into a billing-relevant quantity. For quantity determination you can choose
from different quantity determination procedures.

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Quantity Determination Procedures

You choose a quantity determination procedure based on the role of your company in the market, the market rules that apply to
you, and the processes within your company. The quantity determination procedure determines when quantity determination
takes place and how the data is stored.

Possible quantity determination procedures are:

Quantity Determination During Billing (classic procedure)

Quantity Determination During Meter Reading

The following figure illustrates the two quantity determination procedures:

Overview of Quantity Determination Procedures

Quantity Determination During Billing

This quantity determination procedure, shown in the upper section of the figure above, is the classical procedure during which a
billable quantity is determined from a meter reading difference during billing.

Quantity Determination During Meter Reading

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In this quantity determination procedure, shown in the lower section of the figure above, a quantity is determined from a meter
reading difference when the meter reading result is entered. This quantity is saved to the database. The quantity can be used
for billing at a later point in time. A s opposed to quantity determination during billing, quantity determination during meter
reading allows quantities or consumption to be determined separate from billing. This is a legal requirement in deregulated
energy markets.

To be able to use this procedure, you must activate the Utilities, Quantity Determination business function ( ISU_QD_1).

For more information, see

Quantity Determination During Meter Reading

Quantity Determination During Meter

You use this quantity determination procedure if the market rules that apply to you, or the processes within your company,
require quantity determination a s part of meter reading data processing.

As soon a s a meter reading is entered or changed, the system uses the quantity determination procedure to calculate the
respective consumption quantity, saves it in the database, and updates the quantity determination information. The system
also determines the conversion history and saves this along with the consumption.

You have activated the business function Utilities, Quantity Determination ( ISU_QD_1 ).

There are a number of restrictions that apply when using this quantity determination procedure. Make sure you take these into
account before taking further steps in the changeover of the quantity determination procedure.

For more information, see

Important Notes

Also see the Implementation Considerations and Additional Information sections at the end of this description.

Pro cess
As a substep of P r o ce s s Measurement Data for Discrete Meter Readings, quantity determination belongs to Measurement
Data Management. Measurement Data Management includes the determination and management of discrete measurement
data a s well a s interval data. The data can originate from different types of meter.

Discrete data from a conventional meter or an advanced meter

Interval data from an advanced meter or another interval meter

Quantity determination is only relevant for discrete measurement data.

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P r o ce s s in Detail

When using the quantity determination process Quantity Determination During Meter Reading, quantity determination takes
place along with the validation of the entered measurement data during measurement data processing. If a final quantity
determination is not possibile at this time, the system automatically generates quantity determination triggers to execute
quantity determination again at a later time. You can schedule processing of the quantity determination triggers a s a separate
activity ( m a s s activity) or a s part of the monitoring of meter reading results (single processing). The estimation of discrete
values takes place based on quantities. If measurement data is corrected a recalculation of the quantities also takes place.

Follow-On P r o ce s s e s

When you use this quantity determination procedure, follow-on processes such a s S A P Utilities Billing use the quantities
determined in meter reading a s a basis.


In S A P Utilities Billing, both the proration of meter readings and billing simulation are based on quantities. When displaying a
billing document for a billed period, the system automatically recognizes the quantity determination procedure being used from
the device information.

You can generally execute utilities billing using the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter
Reading without making any additional adjustments. Analyze the company-specific starting point and read the notes under

Check Company-Specific Starting Point

Integ ration
Visualization of Quantity Determination Information

Quantity determination information is displayed in the following areas:

Meter Reading

The following information is displayed on the user interfaces for meter reading data processing:

Quantity Determination Information

Shows whether the displayed consumption value is a final consumption or a provisional consumption.

Quantity Determination S t a t u s

Shows the status of the quantity determination.

1 - Quantity Determination Not Necessary

2 - Quantity Determination Performed Successfully

3 - Quantity Determination Trigger Generated

Device Management

You can display the quantity determination procedure using the transactions C h a n g e Rate Data (transaction EG70) and Display
Rate Data (transaction EG71 ).

Customer Service P r o ce s s e s

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In the customer service processes (for example, move-in and move-out), the following information is displayed on the user
interfaces for meter reading data processing:


Quantity Determination Information

Quantity Determination S t a t u s

Implementation Considerations
Make sure you take the following information into account before taking further steps in the changeover of the quantity
determination procedure.


Activating the business function does not also activate the functions described here. To use these functions, you must specify
the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter Reading in Customizing: S A P Utilities Basic
Settings/Enterprise Structure Define Quantity Determination Procedure

For more information, see

Defining the Quantity Determination Procedure

Company -Specific Starting Point

If you want to change over existing processes to the new procedure, it may be necessary to perform additional activities. Check
this for your own company's requirements for the data in your system.

For more information, see

Check Company-Specific Starting Point

Changeover Date of the Quantity Determination Procedure

You can only change over the quantity determination procedure if the registers only contain meter reading results whose meter
reading date is after the changeover date. We recommend choosing dates for the changeover that are in the future and for
which no changeover has yet taken place.

For more information, see

Notes About the Time of the Changeover

More Information
To familiarize yourself with the concepts of this quantity determination procedure, read the following information:

Change Meter Reading Results

Quantity Determination Trigger Concept

Check for Final Determined Consumption in Technical Transactions

Estimation Procedure

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For information about the activities for changing over to this quantity determination procedure, see section One-Off Activities
for Changeover:

Check Company-Specific Starting Point

Defining the Quantity Determination Procedure

Defining the Quantity Determination Procedure for Existing Installations

For information about the activities for quantity determination in day-to-day business, see Activities in Production Operation.

Important Notes
There are a number of constraints to take into account when using the quantity determination procedure Quantity
Determination During Meter Reading. Make sure you take these into account before taking further steps in the changeover of
the quantity determination procedure.

C onstraints
Register Relationships

Register relationships for the following register relationship types in the g a s division cannot be used in conjunction with the
quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter Reading:

0 5 – Volume correction factor relationship

0 6 – Volume correction factor calculation

Check whether such register relationships exist in your system. For divisions in which installations have these register
relationships, you cannot change over to the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter
Reading without consulting SAP . The conversion report does not check this itself.

If you do not take this into account, data inconsistencies can occur.

Volume Correction Factor Procedures

Volume correction factor procedures with the following special procedures in the g a s division cannot be used in conjunction with
the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter Reading:

Register relationship Z Z

Register relationship Z E

Check whether you use such special procedures in your system. For divisions in which installations have these special
procedures, you cannot change over to the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter
Reading without consulting S A P . The conversion report does not check this itself.

If you do not take this into account, data inconsistencies can occur.

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Dynamic Period Control

Dynamic period control cannot be used in conjunction with the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination
During Meter Reading. When attempting to change over installations with dynamic period control to the quantity determination
procedure Quantity Determination During Meter Reading, the consistency checks identify these installations. If you still want to
execute quantity determination during meter reading, you cannot use dynamic period control.

For more information,

see D ynamic Period

Control Assessing

Assessing cannot be used in conjunction with the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter
Reading. If you still want to use the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter Reading, be aware
that the Assessed event cannot be triggered during meter reading.

For more information, see


Demand Registers

You cannot use the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter Reading in conjunction with
demand registers. For demand registers, quantity determination generally takes place during billing.

When attempting to change over installations that contain demand registers to the quantity determination procedure Quantity
Determination During Meter Reading, the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Billing is set
automatically for demand registers.

Japanese Billing Periods

Japanese billing periods cannot be used in conjunction with the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination
During Meter Reading. If you are using Japanese billing periods, you cannot use the quantity determination procedure Quantity
Determination During Meter Reading.

Notes About the Time of the Changeover

Before you activate the business function Utilities, Quantity Determination ( ISU_QD_1 ) and change over the quantity
determination procedure, you should consider when you want the changeover to take place. The changeover of the quantity
determination procedure has an effect on many S A P Utilities business processes and therefore has far-reaching consequences.

During the changeover of the quantity determination procedure, a metered data entry is necessary on the changeover date for
all installations belonging to the division in question. Under certain circumstances, this could result in logistical problems and
large volumes of data. Take this into account when choosing the time of the changeover and the changeover methods described

The market rules that apply to you also have an influence on the time of the changeover. Depending on how much room to
maneuver you have with regard to applying the market rules, and depending on the initial situation in your system, choose one
of the following changeover methods:

Changeover on key date

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Rolling changeover

A s a general rule, you can only change the quantity determination procedure if the registers of the installations concerned only
contain meter reading results whose meter reading date is before the changeover date. Therefore, take the following
recommendation into account.

We recommend choosing dates for the changeover that are in the future and for which no changeover has yet taken place.

Changeover on K e y Date

For this method, you change over all installations that are assigned to the selected division to the quantity determination
procedure on a specific key date.

If the market rules that apply to you stipulate that you have to determine the consumption for every meter reading a s of a
certain key date, and you want to change over to this quantity determination procedure a s quickly a s possible in order to comply
with these rules, you can use the Changeover on K e y Date model.

To change over the installations in your system to the quantity determination procedure that is defined for a division in
Customizing, and that is valid a s of a defined key date, you have to use a report to convert the installations at register level. This
report has to interpret the Customizing settings and apply them to the installations.

You can use the Define Quantity Determination Procedure report (REQD_SET_QDPROC_TO_REGISTER) for this purpose. This
report changes the quantity determination procedure on the key date defined in Customizing.

Alternatively, you can use the report a s a template to create a company-specific changeover report in your project.

Rolling Changeover

With this method, you change over the installations in your system that are assigned to a selected division to the quantity
determination procedure in different stages. If you choose the changeover date so that the installations are changed over after
billing, you avoid having to enter additional measurement data on the changeover date and you achieve a clear differentiation
between the quantity determination procedures.

To change over the installations in your system to the quantity determination procedure defined in Customizing, you have to use
a report to convert the installations at register level. This report has to interpret the Customizing settings and apply them to
the installations. The report also has to move the from-date of the quantity determination procedure so that the changeover
date is different from the key date defined in Customizing.

You can use the Define Quantity Determination Procedure report (REQD_SET_QDPROC_TO_REGISTER ) for this purpose. You
can also implement the method C h a n g e From-Date of Quantity Determination Procedure (CHANGE_VALID_FROM_EADZ_QD)
of BAdI Quantity Determination Procedure (ISU_QD_PROC).

Alternatively, you can use the report a s a template to create a company-specific changeover report in your project.

Us e
For more information about the changeover of quantity determination procedures and about the Define Quantity
Determination Procedure report, see Define Quantity Determination Procedure for Existing Installations.

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Read the information in the following sections to familiarize yourself with the functions and concepts of the quantity
determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter Reading. Alternatively, choose the following links to access
information about the concepts behind this quantity determination procedure.

Change Meter Reading Results

Quantity Determination Trigger Concept

Check for Final Determined Consumption in Technical Transactions

Estimation Procedure

Change Meter Reading Results

During the entry of meter reading results, the system uses the difference from the previous meter reading result to calculate
the consumption. If you change or delete meter reading results, the system automatically recalculates the consumption

Co ncept
The system analyzes the environment of the changed or deleted meter reading result and recalculates all quantities that are
based on the changed or deleted meter reading result. The following examples relate to cumulative consumption registers.

The abbreviations in the examples have the following meaning:

MR = Meter reading result

Q = Quantity

The orange arrows followed by a meter reading result (MR) or quantity (Q) illustrate the change described in the text.

Example 1 - Value Changed

The change to the value for meter reading result MR2 means that quantities Q1 and Q2 are recalculated.

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Example 2 - New Meter Reading Result Between Exising Meter Reading Results

The entry of the new meter reading result MR3 means that the already determined quantity Q is split into two parts Q1 and Q2
during recalculation.

Example 3 - Meter Reading Result Between Other Meter Reading Results Deleted

The deletion of meter reading result MR2, which is between meter reading results MR1 and MR3, means that the already
determined quantities Q1 and Q2 are combined into a single quantity Q during recalculation.

Example 4 - Status of Meter Reading Result Changed from “Active” to “Inactive”

The change to the status of the meter reading result from Active to Inactive is handled the same way a s the deletion of a meter
reading result, which is described in the previous example. The already determined quantities Q1 and Q2 are combined into a
single quantity Q during recalculation.

Quantity Determination Trigger Concept

If a final quantity determination is not possible for certain meter reading results, the system automatically creates quantity
determination triggers.

A quantity determination trigger identifies a meter reading result without a final quantity determination and shows that
quantity determination has to be calculated again for a data record in order to get the final results. The availability of a final
quantity is a prerequisite for subsequent processes such a s billing. Billing can only take place based on a final quantity.

A final quantity is defined a s a quantity that was determined at a time when all the parameters (for example, current calorific
value) or the previous meter reading were known. The final quantity is saved to the database.

Reasons for Generating Quantity Determination Triggers

The system generates quantity determination triggers for the following reasons:

01 - No Current G a s Data

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Quantity determination triggers with reason 01 are usually generated a s a result of missing time-specific g a s values.
These can be billing calorific values, for example, or other values used to determine the quantity.

For more information about determining g a s factors, see Customizing for Contract Billing under Special Functions G a s
Billing .

02 - Previous Meter Reading Document Not Unique

Quantity determination triggers with reason 02 are generated in the following cases:

A meter reading order still exists between the previous meter reading and the new meter reading.

The quantity determination procedure was changed over between the previous meter reading and the current
meter reading.

99 - Other

Due to the high flexibility of device management and meter reading, certain situations may arise when it is not be
possible to uniquely and consistently determine the quantity. In such cases, the system generates quantity
determination triggers with reason 99 - Other.

These reasons are displayed on the relevant interfaces along with additional information about quantity determination.

A c tivities
Depending on the reason for the generation of the quantity determination trigger, certain follow-up actions are necessary
before the trigger can be processed.

For more information, see P r o ce s s Quantity Determination Trigger under Activities in Production Operation.

Check for Final Determined Consumption in

Technical Transactions
The successfully executed quantity determination for a register results in the final determined consumption. This result
depends on a number of influencing factors. The final determined consumption is consistent a s long a s these factors are not
changed after the quantity has been determined successfully. For this reason, the system no longer allows changes in the
following technical transactions if the change relates to the period in which the consumption was determined:

Transaction E G 7 0 / E C 3 0 : C h a n g e Rate Data

The following fields cannot be changed at register level:

Rate Type

G a s Procedure

Fixed Temperature

Volume Correction Factor

Consumption Fixed Value to be Weighted Linearly

Validity Period

Consumption Percentage for Weighting

Period Consumption

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Number of D a y s for Which Period Consumption is Valid

Register Not Relevant for Billing

Transaction EG72: Device Allocation

If the quantity determination for a register has been successfully carried out in a certain period, the system no longer
allows changes to the device allocation of the register within that period. This also applies for the billing factor and
measured pressure.

Transaction E G 6 0 : C h a n g e Logical Register

If the quantity determination for a register has been successfully carried out in a certain period, the system no longer
allows changes to the logical register within that period. This rule not only applies for gas, but also for other divisions
such a s electricity and water.

Transaction EG76: Register Relationship

If the quantity determination for a register has been successfully carried out in a certain period, the system no longer
allows changes to the register relationship of the register within that period.

Estimation Procedure
If measurement data is incomplete or implausible, it may be necessary to replace or add to this data with estimated values.
Data simulations and forecasts are also based on estimations. In S A P Utilities, estimation procedures are used in the following

Estimate meter reading results

Validate meter reading results

Billing simulation

Budget billing plan creation

Unbilled revenue reporting

The estimation procedures used are extrapolation and interpolation. When using the quantity determination procedure
Quantity Determination During Meter Reading, both of these procedures use the quantities saved in the system for the
respective base period a s a basis for estimation. The system uses these quantities to calculate the quantity for the estimation
period and then calculates the estimated value for the meter reading.

During extrapolation, a value is determined beyond the base period. During interpolation, a value is estimated between other
existing values. The base period is the period that contains all meter readings used a s the basis for estimation.

One feature of the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter Reading for the g a s division is that
the quantity is calculated once an actual meter reading is available following one or more estimations (usually extrapolations).
In this case, the g a s factors are determined for the most recent actual previous meter reading result. This part of the concept is
described in section Interaction - Estimation and Meter Reading.

With these differences in mind, you can read the information about the classical estimation procedures for discrete values:

Classical Estimation Procedure

The aspects specifically relevant for quantity determination during meter reading are described in the following sections.

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During estimation, assumptions are made regarding the time-related distribution of the quantity on which the estimation is
based. This distribution is described with a weighting function y(t). The examples in the further sections are based on a linear
distribution of weightings in which the weighting function increases by one unit per day. In practice, you can also set up and use
other weighting methods in the system. For more information about weighting procedures and the necessary Customizing
settings, see Weighting Procedures.

The following sections describe extrapolation and interpolation a s estimation procedures for discrete data during the use of the
quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter Reading.

Extra polation


The concept for calculating the quantity once an actual meter reading result is available following one or more estimations
(usually extrapolations) is described in the following section:

Interaction - Estimation and Actual Meter Reading

During the estimation procedure of extrapolation, a value is forecast for the entire base period.

The steps described below are carried out automatically by the system and are not visible to the user. The description should
explain the algorithm that derives an expected quantity from a quantity stored in the system and forecasts a meter reading

When using the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter Reading, extrapolation takes place a s

1.The saved (and rounded) quantities from the meter reading results in the representative base period are added
together a s a basis for extrapolation.

2. The system determines the weighting Y of the base period.

3. The system determines the weighting Ye of the forecast period.

4. The system determines the quantity Qe for the forecast date by multiplying the added quantity from the base period
with the quotient of the weighting of the forecast period and the weighting of the base period.


The factor ( Q / Y) describes the Expected Weighted Consumption.

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5. From this forecast quantity Qe, that has not yet been rounded, the system calculates the estimated meter reading
result Qe taking the relevant factors (such a s the g a s factors and register factors) into account.

This is then rounded and saved according to the system settings.

6. Taking into account the factors from the forecast period, the system determines the final consumption value from the
difference between the estimated meter reading result E and the previous meter reading result MR1. The final
consumption value is then rounded and saved.

The system does not wait for actual g a s factors for extrapolation, but determines the final quantity immediately. This
means that no quantity determination triggers are generated.

The following figure shows extrapolation using a simple example. The abbreviations have the following meanings:

Q = Quantity

Qe = Forecasted quantity

Y = Weighting of base period

Ye = Weighting of forecast period

MR = Meter reading result

E = Estimated meter reading result


In the example, the base period is between MR0 and MR1; that is 12.31.2008 to 06.30.2009.

In the example, the forecast period is between MR1 and E; that is 07.01.2009 to 12.31.2009.

C onstraints
Whereas during the classical quantity determination procedure, you can exclude estimated values from being used a s a basis
for extrapolation, this is not possible when using the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter
Reading a s the estimated quantities are also necessary a s a basis for extrapolation. If you have selected the Ignore Estimated
Meter Reading Results During Extrapolation checkbox in the control parameters in Customizing for Meter Reading Data
Processing, the system ignores this setting a s soon a s a period exists in which the quantity determination procedure Quantity
Determination During Meter Reading is used for a register.

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Customizing for S A P Utilities Device Management Meter Reading Basic Settings Define Control Parameters for Meter
Reading Data Processing .

During the estimation procedure of interpolation, a value is estimated between two existing values. These existing values can
be actual values or estimated values.

The steps described below are carried out automatically by the system and are not visible to the user. The description should
explain the algorithm that uses the weighting procedure to distribute a quantity saved in the system and, from that, derives the
estimated meter reading result.

Interpolation Between Consecutive Meter Readings

When using the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter Reading, interpolation between
consecutive meter readings takes place a s follows:

1.The basis of interpolation between two meter reading results is the quantity saved and rounded for the second meter
reading result.

2. The system determines the weighting Y of the base period

3. The system determines the weighting Ye of the period for which you want the quantity Qe to be estimated.

4. The system calculates the estimated quantity Qe a s follows:


The factor (Q / γ) describes the Expected Weighted Consumption.

5. From this estimated quantity Qe, that has not yet been rounded, the system calculates the estimated meter reading
result E taking the relevant factors (such a s the g a s factors and register factors) into account.

This is then rounded and saved according to the system settings.

The following figure shows interpolation using a simple example: The estimated meter reading result E was interpolated based
on the estimated quantity Qe.

The abbreviations have the following meanings:

MR = Meter Reading Result

Q = Quantity

Y = Weighting

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E = Estimated Meter Reading Result

Qe = Estimated Quantity

Ye = Weighting for Estimated Quantity


Interpolation Between Non-Consecutive Meter Readings

The system prefers actual meter reading results to estimated meter reading results a s a basis for estimation. If an estimated
meter reading result follows an actual meter reading result, the base period is extended a s far a s the actual meter reading

This is explained in the following figure.

The abbreviations have the following meanings:

MR = Actual Meter Reading Result

E = Estimated Meter Reading Result

Y = Weighting

Q2 = Quantity for Meter Reading Result MR2

Q2' = New Quantity Dynamically Calculated for Meter Reading Result MR2 a s Part of Interpolation

Qe = Estimated Quantity

Ye = Weighting for Estimated Quantity

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Example 1

In example 1, there are three meter reading results in the period December 31, 2 0 0 8 to December 31, 2009: MR0, E1, and MR1.
E1 is an estimated meter reading result. The algorithm ignores this estimated result during interpolation and uses the two
actual meter reading results M R 0 and MR1 instead. As described in the previous section Interpolation Between Consecutive
Meter Reading Results, the basis for interpolation is the quantity saved and rounded from the second meter reading result. This
quantity Q2 refers to the period MR1 to MR2, which is from October 01, 2 0 0 9 to December 31, 2009. However, for the
interpolation, the system needs a quantity that refers to the period from January 1, 2 0 0 9 to December 31, 2009. The system
calculates this quantity Q2' dynamically. The next steps for determining the estimated value Ex are identical to steps 2-5 from
the previous section Interpolation Between Consecutive Meter Readings.

Example 2

In example 2, there are three meter reading results in the period December 31, 2 0 0 8 to December 31, 2009: MR0, E1, and MR1.
E1 is an estimated meter reading result. The algorithm ignores this estimated result during interpolation and uses the two
actual meter reading results MR0 and MR1 instead. The basis of interpolation is the quantity saved and rounded for the second
meter reading result. This quantity Q2 refers to the period E1 to MR1, which is from April 1, 2 0 0 9 to December 31, 2009.
However, for the interpolation, the system needs a quantity that refers to the period from January 1, 2 0 0 9 to December 31,
2009. The system calculates this quantity Q2' dynamically. The next steps for determining the estimated value Ex are identical
to steps 2-5 from the section Interpolation Between Consecutive Meter Readings.

During quantity determination for the estimated and saved meter reading result Ex, the estimated meter reading result E1
is used. The quantity saved for meter reading result Ex refers to the period up to the previous meter reading result ( E1 -

The base period can be extended in both directions. This is shown in the following example. You want to validate an actual meter
reading result MR1, which is between two estimated meter reading results E1 and E2. The estimation procedure of
interpolation is also used during validation if you correct meter reading results using transactions EL 27 and EL29.

This is explained in the following figure. The same abbreviations are used a s in example 1.

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Example 3

In example 3, E1 and E2 are estimated meter reading results. The algorithm ignores these estimated results during
interpolation and uses the two actual meter reading results MR0 and MR2 instead. The basis of interpolation is the quantity
saved and rounded for the second meter reading result. This quantity Q2 refers to the period E2 to MR2, which is from October
1, 2 0 0 9 to December 31, 2009. However, for the interpolation, the system needs a quantity that refers to the period from
January 1, 2 0 0 9 to December 31, 2009. The system calculates this quantity Q2' dynamically. The next steps for determining the
estimated value E are identical to steps 2-5 from the section Interpolation Between Consecutive Meter Readings. The quantity
saved for meter reading result Ex refers to the period up to the previous meter reading result ( E1 - Ex ).

Interpolation Between Estimated Meter Readings

If interpolation or reversal takes place multiple times between estimated meter reading results, it is generally not possible to
determine the original total consumption.

This is explained in the following figure. The abbreviations have the following meanings:

MR = Actual Meter Reading Result

E = Estimated Meter Reading Result

Q = Quantity

Q1 = Quantity for Meter Reading Result MR1

Qe = Estimated Quantity

Φ = G a s Factor

Example 4

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In example 4, interpolation takes place between the estimated meter readings M R 0 and MR1. The system uses the (averaged)
factor Φ from the period M R 0 to MR1 in all steps for the conversion between meter reading and consumption. This ensures that
the total consumption Q is retained:

Q= Qe + Q1.

If another meter reading is subsequently estimated between M R 0 and E, the system uses the averaged factor Φe from the
period MR1 to E for the conversion between the meter readings and consumption values. However, a s the factors Φ and Φe are
generally different, the total consumption Q is not retained.

Interaction - Estimation and Actual Meter

One feature of the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter Reading for the g a s division is the
way in which the quantity is calculated once an actual meter reading is available following one or more estimations (usually

In this case, to harmonize the results, the g a s factors are determined for the most recent actual previous meter reading result.
The system calculates the quantity a s follows:


This is explained in the following figure.

The abbreviations have the following meanings:

MR = Actual Meter Reading Result

E = Estimated Meter Reading Result

Q2 = Quantity for Meter Reading Result MR2

Φ = G a s Factor

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In the example, E1 and E2 are estimated meter reading results. The g a s factor Φe is an averaged value for the period E2-MR2.
However, the g a s factor Φe is not used for quantity determination for the period E2-MR2. The g a s factor Φt, which relates to
the period up to the next actual previous meter reading result, is used instead.

This procedure allows more consistency with regard to further actions in the period MR1-MR2, such a s interpolation and
deletion or correction of estimated meter reading results.

One-Off Activities for Changeover

If you want to use the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter Reading, you have to carry out
certain activities to changeover to this procedure. These activities are described in the following sections. Alternatively, choose
the following links to access information about the one-off activities for the changeover.

1.Check Company-Specific Starting Point

2. Activate business function Utilities, Quantity Determination ( ISU_QD_1 )

3. Define a quantity determination procedure for each division in Customizing

4. Use a report to convert existing installations

After changing over to this quantity determination procedure, there are a number of other activities you have to carry out in
day-to-day business. For more information about these activities, see Activities in Production Operation.

Check Company-Specific Starting Point

Before you change over divisions in your system to the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter
Reading, check the company-specific starting point. This primarily refers to the g a s procedures and rates used in your system a s
well a s the enhancements and business add-ins you have implemented. These procedures and rates have to meet certain
prerequisites if they are to be used in collaboration with the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During
Meter Reading.

Gas Procedure
To enable a correct quantity determination, it must be possible to uniquely determine the g a s factor between two meter
readings. Therefore, we recommend that you only use g a s procedures that uniquely determine the g a s factor.

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The g a s procedures that meet this condition are those that are based on arithmetic/weighted average value calculation.

R ates
Variant programs for quantity determination that are based on the input operand category QUANT can continue to be used
without adjustment, with the exception of variant program QUANTI25. Check the variant programs used in your system to
determine whether you use them for special customer-specific solutions for quantity determination. In certain circumstances,
you may need to adjust the respective rates or schemas.

The variant program QUANTI25 - Display Register Operand for Consumption in Interim Dimension is not compatible with the
quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter Reading. This is because the variant can no longer
calculate the interim dimension if the quantity has already been determined during meter reading.

Enhancements and Business Add-Ins

Check the enhancements and business add-ins implemented in your system in connection with the implementation project to
determine whether they are compatible with the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter
Reading. Due to the high flexibility of the S A P enhancement concept, these implementations are used differently in every
company. This means that we cannot provide a universally valid statement regarding the compatibility of the enhancements
and business add-ins implemented in your system with the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During
Meter Reading. Therefore, you should analyze all enhancements and business add-ins that use meter readings and
consumption values.

In the following tables you can find a selection of enhancements and business add-ins that may not be compatible with quantity
determination during meter reading.

If you have implemented one of the following enhancements, check for your implementation project whether it is compatible
with the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter Reading:

Enhancement D e s c r ip tio n

EDMLELHR IS-U: Customer-specific extrapolation procedure

EDMLELAH IS-U: Comparison of extrapolation procedure of customer < - > IS-U

EDMLELHA IS-U: Extrapolation procedure for estimation of meter reading


EDMLELHP IS-U: Extrapolation procedure with artificial period consumption

E BI A 0 015 IS-U: Backbilling customer exit

The following enhancements can no longer be taken into account if you use the quantity determination procedure Quantity
Determination During Meter Reading.

E D M A S S E S – Customer-specific assessing check

S e e also: Information about Assessing under Important Notes.

E D M M R 0 0 2 – Change to g a s date during entry of meter reading results

This enhancement is replaced by the business add-in ISU_QD_GAS_DATE_CHANGE (BAdI for C h a n g e to G a s Date
During Entry of Meter Reading Results).

If you have implemented one of the following business add-ins (BAdIs), check for your implementation project whether the
implementation is compatible with the quantity determination procedure Quantity Determination During Meter Reading:

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B u s i n e s s Add-In Description

ISU_USE_EASTE U s e of E A S T E entries

ISU_BENDEF_EPVG ISU: User-defined consumption per weighting unit

I S U _ G E W S C H L _ E X T R A P OL ISU: Determination of weighting key in extrapolation/assessing

Defining the Quantity Determination

The Quantity Determination Procedure determines how the energy quantity from meter reading results is determined or
calculated at register level.

The quantity determination procedure applies for all installations in which a device is installed.

You can use a quantity determination procedure to define the following for a register from a specified time:

1.Quantity determination is to be performed during billing.

This is the standard procedure that does not determine final quantities or consumption values until billing is
performed. This procedure is possible for cumulative and balancing consumption registers and demand registers.

2. Quantity determination is to be performed during meter reading.

This procedure determines the final quantities or consumption values during the meter reading. This procedure is
possible for cumulative and balancing consumption registers. This is required during deregulation so that the
consumption values recorded can be sent to all authorized market participants in a timely manner.

The quantity determination procedures determined here are used exclusively for discretely read registers and not for interval

Us e
Implementation phase ( a s part of an implementation project):

You can define the quantity determination procedure at register level for installations that already exist in the system: This can
take place for an entire division, for a division with a selection of installations, or for a division with a selection of meter reading
units. Use the conversion report REQD_SET_QDPROC_TO_REGISTER (see Defining the Quantity Determination Procedure for
Existing Installations).

Read the documentation on Defining the Quantity Determination Procedure for Existing Installations carefully before
carrying out the conversion.

Day-to-day operation:

For billing-related installation, modification, or removal, the system defines or changes the quantity determination procedure in
the background when you save the data. The following transactions are used to do so:

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Billing-Related Installation ( EG34 )

Full Installation ( EG31 )

Full Replacement ( EG30 )

Billing-Related Removal ( EG35 )

Full Removal ( EG32 )

Device Modification ( EG42 )

C h a n g e Logical Register Number ( EG60 )

You can display the quantity determination procedure using the transactions C h a n g e Rate Data ( EG70 ) and Display Rate Data
( EG71 ).

You define the quantity determination procedure required in Customizing.

You make the relevant settings in Customizing for S A P Utilities under Basic Settings/Enterprise Structure Define Quantity
Determination Procedure . You also define the division and date from which the procedure is to apply.

Example Customizing
The following Customizing setting specifies that consumption values a s of January 15, 2011 for division 01 (Electricity) are
determined during billing, and for division 0 2 ( Ga s ) are determined during meter reading.

Division Date Quantity Determination P r o c e d u r e

01 January 15, 2011 0 2 (Quantity Determination During Billing)

02 January 15, 2011 0 3 (Quantity Determination During Meter


Conversion of Quantity Determination Indicator for Existing Installations

Changes to the Customizing settings do not have an immediate effect on existing installations. To define the quantity
determination procedure selected for existing installations at register level according to the Customizing settings, you have
executed the conversion report.

Technical Transactions
If you use technical transactions, the system defines or changes the quantity determination procedure a s follows at register

1. For a technical installation:

The quantity determination procedure is not defined or changed in this case.

2. For a full installation:

For a full installation at the electricity installation on January 01, 2011:

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Device Register Valid f r o m Valid to Quantity


NNN 1 January 01, 2011 December 31, 9 9 9 9 02

In this case, the quantity determination procedure = 0 2 - Quantity Determination During Billing

For a full installation at the electricity installation on May 01, 2011:

Device Register Valid f r o m Valid to Quantity


NNN 1 May 01, 2011 December 31, 9 9 9 9 02

3. For a billing-related installation:

For an installation at the first installation (electricity installation) on January 01, 2011:

Device Register Valid f r o m Valid to Quantity


NNN 1 January 01, 2011 December 31, 9 9 9 9 02

The first installation is always regarded a s the leading installation here.

During installation at the second installation ( g a s installation) on May 01, 2011, which is the leading installation
according to the BAdI ISU_QD_PROC.

Device Register Valid f r o m Valid to Quantity


NNN 1 January 01, 2011 April 3 0 , 2011 02

NNN 1 May 01, 2011 December 31, 9 9 9 9 03

In this case, the quantity determination procedure = 0 2 Quantity Determination During Billing and 0 3 - Quantity
Determination During Meter Reading

If you install a device in several installations, you must implement the interface method IF_EX_ISU_QD_PROC -
>GET_LEADING_INSTALLATION in the BAdI ISU_QD_PROC to define which installation is the leading

4. For a replacement:

a. If the quantity determination procedure for the old device was already defined before the replacement:

If the old and new device both have the same register data, the system transfers the quantity
determination procedure from the old device to the new device.

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If the new device has more registers than the old device, the system determines the quantity
determination procedure from the Customizing settings for the new registers. It uses the replacement
date a s the start date for determining the quantity determination procedure.

If the new device has fewer registers than the old device, the system determines the quantity
determination procedure from the Customizing settings for the registers to be removed. The replacement
date minus a day is used a s the Valid_To date here.

b. If the quantity determination procedure for the old device was not yet defined before the replacement:

The quantity determination procedure for the old and new device is defined for the billing-relevant period.

5. For a billing-related removal:

a. If the quantity determination procedure for the device was already defined before the removal:

This example shows the follow-on activity according to the example in point 3 (billing-related installation).

During removal from the second installation ( g a s installation) on December 31, 2011 the system does not
change the quantity determination procedure.

Device Register Valid f r o m Valid to Quantity


NNN 1 January 1, 2011 April 3 0 , 2011 02

NNN 1 May 01, 2011 December 3 0 , 2011 03

NNN 1 December 31, 2011 December 31, 9 9 9 9 02

During removal from the final installation (electricity installation) on February 01, 2012, the system
changes the quantity determination procedure a s follows:

Device Register Valid f r o m Valid to Quantity


NNN 1 January 01, 2011 April 3 0 , 2011 02

NNN 1 May 01, 2011 December 3 0 , 2011 03

NNN 1 December 31, 2011 January 31, 2012 02

b. If the quantity determination procedure for the device was not yet defined before the removal:

The quantity determination procedure for the device is defined for the billing-relevant period.

6. For a full removal:

a. If the quantity determination procedure for the device was defined before the removal:

The quantity determination procedure is determined from the Customizing settings for the device.

b. If the quantity determination procedure for the device was not yet defined before the

removal: The quantity determination procedure for the device is defined by the

removal date -1.

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7. For a technical removal:

The quantity determination procedure is not defined or changed for a technical removal. When the technical removal
takes place, the quantity determination procedure should already have been changed.

8. For a modification:

a. If the quantity determination procedure for the device was defined before the modification:

The system defines or changes the quantity determination procedure if the field Interval Length ID,
Division Category,Reactive, Apparent or Active Registers, is changed, or according to the Customizing
setting made under S A P Utilities Device Management Installation Basic Settings Define S y s t e m
Parameters for Installation/Removal/Replacement .

If you change the field Register Category, Register Code, the system determines the quantity
determination procedure according to the Customizing settings. If you modify other fields or have not
made the Customizing setting under S A P Utilities Device Management Installation Basic
Settings Define S y s t e m Parameters for Installation/Removal/Replacement , the system does not
change the quantity determination procedure.

b. If the quantity determination procedure for the device was not defined before the modification:

The quantity determination procedure for the device is defined for the billing-relevant period.

9. Changing the logical register number:

a. If the quantity determination procedure for the device was defined before the logical register number was

If a new placeholder for a logical register number on screen is generated, the system determines the
quantity determination procedure from the Customizing settings, or from the Customizing settings and
the BAdI implementation ISU_QD_PROC, if the device is installed in multiple installations.

If a terminated placeholder for a logical register number on screen is extended, the system determines
the quantity determination procedure for the new period from the Customizing settings and the BAdI
implementation ISU_QD_PROC, if the device is installed in multiple installations.

If a current placeholder for a logical register number on screen is terminated, the system restricts the
quantity determination procedure to the current date minus a day.

b. If the quantity determination procedure for the device was not defined before the logical register number was

The quantity determination procedure for the device is defined for the billing-relevant period.

Defining the QD Procedure for Existing

You can use conversion report REQD_SET_QDPROC_TO_REGISTER to define the quantity determination procedure at register
level for installations that already exist in the system. This can take place for an entire division, for a division with a selection of
installations, or for a division with a selection of meter reading units. A combination of a selection of installations and meter
reading units is possible.

You can only a c c e s s the report with a selected division. The report selects:

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All installations of a division

Selected installations of a division

Installations for selected meter reading units of a division

Note that the last time-based allocation to the installation is selected automatically for meter reading units.


You have made the relevant Customizing settings for quantity determination under S A P Utilities Basic Settings/Enterprise
Structure Define Quantity Determination Procedure .

Before starting the report, you have to make the following settings:


Date from which the procedure is valid (changeover date)

Requested quantity determination procedure

In the standard system, you can only change over to another quantity determination procedure if registers only
contain meter reading results whose meter reading date is before the changeover date (in Customizing). We
recommend choosing dates for the changeover that are in the future and for which no changeover has yet taken

For a rolling changeover, the changeover date can also be determined using a BAdI implementation within a period
(for more information about the BAdI implementation, see the Features section of this documentation).

Requested quantity determination procedure

The conversion report REQD_SET_QDPROC_TO_REGISTER is a sample report that only supports certain scenarios (see the
Constraints section of this documentation). You can copy this report and adjust it to define your own project-specific

Us e

You can use this report to make the initial settings for the quantity determination procedure for existing installations.

When you define the quantity determination procedure, the system generates meter reading orders with meter reading reason
17 - Meter Reading Due To C h a n g e in Installation Structure for consumption registers. The date of the generated meter
reading orders is the day before the key date that you defined in Customizing (date of meter reading order = Customizing date
minus 1 day). You can determine the meter reading results by m a s s estimation, for example. This type of changeover is called a
k e y date changeover (for more information, see Notes About the Time of the Changeover).

If you use the Reverse Meter Reading transaction ( EL37 ) to delete one of these meter reading results, the system generates a
new meter reading order with reason 17.

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