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State and Nation in the Age of

“Globalization means we have to re-
examine our ideas, and look at ideas
from other countries, other cultures,
and open ourselves to them”

- Herbie Hancock
Nation and state are two different but interlinked
concepts. Different in the sense that nation is a ore
cultural and identity- based term, while state mainly
refers to a political entity bounded by a territory and
headed by a government (Quilop 2006).

Both nation and state share the fact that they

refer to a single group of people despite the difference
on how these groups are organized, with one stressing
a more cultural organization and other a more political
one. However, these concepts complement each other
and their combined assumptions of the cultural and
political make up for a stronger organization.


Thus, is the creation of the concept nation- state, which generally
refers to a political unit with a defined territory , government and
constituents that more or less share the same culture and identity. In a
nation- state, the political organization and the government are
supported by a cultural base of imagined unity and identity as
presented by Benedict Anderson in his most influential work on
nationalism, Imagined Communities (1991).

During the late 19th century and 20th century, the creation of
nation- states was experienced in Southeast Asia, following the
decolonization process that started with the loss of Spanish control
over the Philippines in 1898. Decolonization hastened by different
political and economic turmoil in both Europe and Asia in the 20th
century, such as the First and Second World Wars. This political
upheavals ultimately led to the reconfiguration of power from the
Europeans to the two superpowers, the Union Soviet Socialists
Republic (USSR) and the United States of America(USA), and the
consequent loss of more European colonies in Southeast Asia such as
Singapore from the British, Vietnam from the French.


However, with the advent of colonization, he
defined physical and cultural boundaries of nation-
states are now being threatened by a new type of
order that some scholars claim to have taken its
roots on various historical processes such as the
colonization during the 16th century. Globalization is
a process of interaction and integration of every
landscape in the planet (Levin Institute 2015). To
borrow Arjun Appadural’s terms (Appadurai 1996),
these landscapes include the technoscape
(technology), financescape (economics),
ethnoscape (culture and social life), and ideoscapes


Globalization is a process that is slowly
changing things into one complex scheme that
transcends cultural, political and social
boundaries- a system devoid of spatial restraints
that ultimately challenges the very existence of
nation- states.


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