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Applied Electromagnetics

- Eléctromagnetismo Aplicádo –
EL 3002 en Inglés

Lecture S6a
More Magneto-Mecanical Forces:
Stress Tensor and Poynting Vector

Ernest Michael, DIE, 2019-II

Magneto-mechanical Forces:
More complicated: ‘’free’’ magnetic field lines

The field lines
• “want to become” shorter
• “want to separate” more

 Concept of magnetic field tension or stress

E. Michael EL3002 Applied Electromagnetics, S6a DIE, 2019-II 2

Magneto-mechanical Forces:
Magnetic field tension:
Observation is that field lines
• “want to become” shorter
• “want to separate” more

1.) force per area (perpendicular) = pressure:

2.) also: shear-pressure (force parallel to area)

Force  change of momentum with time

Pressure  change of momentum density with time

E. Michael EL3002 Applied Electromagnetics, S6a DIE, 2019-II 3

Magneto-mechanical Forces:
Force between matter and magnetic field is
the Lorentz force:

force density Force on currents in a volume

f  ev B  j B F   j  B dV

  B  0 j F
0  (  B)  B dV

1  Bx Bz By Bx 

Fx 
0   Bz
 z
 Bz
 By
 By  dV
y 

E. Michael EL3002 Applied Electromagnetics, S6a DIE, 2019-II 4

Magneto-mechanical Forces:
Static forces:

1  Bx Bz By Bx 

Fx 
0   Bz
 z
 Bz
 By
 By  dV
y 
Fx 
0    T x dV

1  B 2
 B 2
 B 2

T x :  u x  Bx By u y  Bx Bz u z 
x y z

0  2 

E. Michael EL3002 Applied Electromagnetics, S6a DIE, 2019-II 5

Magneto-mechanical Forces:

Lorentz force + electric field force:

Leads to description with

- Maxwell’s stress tensor
- and Poynting Vector

E. Michael EL3002 Applied Electromagnetics, S6a DIE, 2019-II 6

Magneto-mechanical Forces:
mechanical force density


1 E 1
E + j  B = E(  E)  0B   B  (  B)
0 t 0

E. Michael EL3002 Applied Electromagnetics, S6a DIE, 2019-II 7

Magneto-mechanical Forces:

one can write:

with the Maxwell stress tensor:

and with the Poynting vector:

E. Michael EL3002 Applied Electromagnetics, S6a DIE, 2019-II 8

Magneto-mechanical Forces:
In integral-form:

See also

E. Michael EL3002 Applied Electromagnetics, S6a DIE, 2019-II 9

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