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 The United Nations Millennium Development Goals are eight goals that
all 191 UN member states at that time, and at least 22 international
organizations have agreed to try to achieve by the year 2015.

 The United Nations Millennium Declaration, signed in September 2000

commits world leaders to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy,
environmental degradation, and discrimination against women.

 The MDGs are derived from this Declaration, and all have specific
targets and indicators, and are inter-dependent.
The Eight Millennium Development Goals are:
 Gender equality is achieved when women and men enjoy the same
rights and opportunities across all sectors of society, including economic
participation and decision-making.

 MDG3 calls for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment
of women. It has one target: the elimination of gender disparity in
primary, secondary and tertiary education by 2015.

 Progress on the goal is tracked by the ratio of girls to boys in class, the
share of women in paid employment in sectors other than agriculture, and
the proportion of female MPs in national parliaments.
 It highlights that education is essential to eliminate discrimination and
transform social attitudes and power relations.
 Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary
foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.
 Providing women and girls with equal access to education, health care,
decent work, and representation in political and economic decision-
making processes will fuel sustainable economies and benefit societies
and humanity at large.

• About two thirds of countries in the developing regions have achieved

gender parity in primary education.
• In Southern Asia, only 74 girls were enrolled in primary school for every
100 boys in 1990. By 2012, the enrolment ratios were the same for girls as for
• In sub-Saharan Africa, Oceania and Western Asia, girls still face barriers to
entering both primary and secondary school.
• Women in Northern Africa hold less than one in five paid jobs in the non-
agricultural sector. The proportion of women in paid employment outside the
agriculture sector has increased from 35 per cent in 1990 to 41 per cent in
• In 46 countries, women now hold more than 30 per cent of seats in
national parliament in at least one chamber.

 Women Empowerment refers to increasing and improving the

social, economic, political and legal strength of the women, to
ensure equal-right to women, and to make them confident enough
to claim their rights.
• The European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) are
embarking on a new, global, multi-year initiative focused on eliminating
all forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG) – the Spotlight
• The Initiative is so named as it brings focused attention to this issue,
moving it into the spotlight and placing it at the centre of efforts to
achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment.
 End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls
 Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the
public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and
other types of exploitation.
 Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced
marriage and female genital mutilation.
 Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal
opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in
political, economic and public life.
 Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic
resources, as well as access to ownership and control over land and
other forms of property, financial services, inheritance and natural
resources, in accordance with national laws.
• Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and
communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women.
• Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for
the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women
and girls at all levels.

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