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 The

word chronological
comes from two words:

- Chrono means time

-Logic means reason or order
a particular narrative or
sequence of events is related
in their respective order in
linear time.
 We use this pattern to tell
stories, relate historical events
and to write biographies
 We also use it to explain
processes and procedures
 Then, And then
 Next day, Next week, Next Month, Next year
 First, second, third <--sometimes used as a
sequence transition
 After that
 Later on, Later that day
 Last week, Last month, Last year
 Finally
 In the morning, afternoon, evening
 The following day, week, month, year
 Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
First, it is so important to talk to your parents. As we know the
communication is the key to all relationship, first of all it is
advisable that you talk to you mom first because she must
have gone through the same thing when she was younger.
Then, it is important to introduce your boyfriend to your
siblings because they usually get along with him and that can
help us to get the first best impression. Last, you have to talk
with your father about the good qualities of your boyfriend.

Second, I suggested that you have to prepare your boyfriend

.First, talk to your boyfriend in order to introduce him to your
parents when he is ready. Second, give him advice on how
to react when he will have some trouble with you parents.
Next, give some information about some traditions that you
have in your home for example if he must pray before dinner.
Finally, plan to have the meeting between your
boyfriend and parents. First, of all, it is important to
choose the best place, for example a restaurant or in
your house, in other words somewhere your parents
are most comfortable with. Next, the important thing
that your boyfriend can do is to cause a good
impression, for example he should avoid wearing
jeans, he could wear a casual sweater and pants,
just a little dressy, he does not have to rent a tux.
Before sit down in the meeting he should shake your
dad’s hand and hug or kiss your mom. Last, help him
select a gift that is appropriated and as elegant as
possible; however, not too expensive
Mary was born in 1890, The following year
Jack was born 1891 and after that the
twins Harriet and Henry in 1892.
 Basically, it is like looking at a
timeline to view what
occurred first and what
happened after that.
 Chronological order is a
method of organization in
which actions or events are
presented as they occur or
occurred in time and can also
be called time or linear order.
 Good writing relies on precision and
compelling storytelling to entertain
and inform audiences
 It's important for writers to determine
the best method of organization when
attempting to explain an event or

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