Employees Perception About HRM Practices and Their Commitment

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 The aim of the study is to find the impact of HRM
practices on the Organizational commitment. There is
significant relationship of HRM practices on
Organizational Commitment.
 In this study we used 173 respondents half of the employees were
from private and remaining were from government and semi
 It is find from the research that the some HRM practices has not
significant impact on the Organizational commitment i.e Training
and Development Recruitment & Selection where the
performance evaluation has the significant relation and impact on
the Organizational Commitment. If we focus on the Compensation
& Benefit and Performance Evaluation it will increase the employee
commitment to organization and it will benefit for the organization
in monetary and performance side. It is wasteful to invest on other
HRM practices this is a significance of the research.
 Broad and specific area
This research address the issue of Organizational commitment with
reference to the HRM practices and laters impact on them. The
research use the HRM Practices as tool.
 Purpose
The purpose of the research is to find the important HRM practices that
increase the Organizational Commitment of the Employees. Employees
are real assets of the organization if it is committed and loyal with the
organization than definitely it will increase its pride. The relationship that
was found from the research was positive and significant for the some
of the HRM practices such as Compensation & Benefit and
Performance Evaluation.
 Motivation
 The significant relation among the HRM practices and
Organizational Commitment is motivation factor for the other
researchers and reader of this type of this researches.
 Significance
The research has significant important in the private companies and
government sector. Because it is demanding research for the private
sector executives to gain lessons from the research and improve the
Organizational Commitment of employees for the increase of their
profits and overall performance of the organization.
 Research question
 The research question is
 Hypothesis 1(H0): Employees’ perception of effectiveness of HRMPs
will relate positively with their commitment to the organization.
 HA: Employees’ perception of effectiveness of HRMPs will not relate
positively with their commitment to the organization.

 HRM is a philosophy of managing people which is based on the belief that
human resources are uniquely important in sustained business success.
 HRM Practices
1. Recruitment and Selection
2. Training and Development
3. Compensation and Benefits
4. Promotion and Transfers
 1. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION- It is the process of searching for prospective
employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an
organization. Recruitment technically precedes selection. Selection is the
process of choosing the most suitable persons out of all applicants. It is the
process of matching the qualifications of applicants with job requirements
 2. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT - Training is the process of increasing the
knowledge and skills for doing a particular job.
 3. COMPENSATION- Wage, Salaries and other forms of employee’s
compensation constitute a very large component of operating costs
 compensation and Supplementary compensation. Basic
pay refers pay in the form of wages and salaries. It is fixed
and non-incentive payment. Supplementary compensation
consists of incentive and variable payments, based on
either individual output or output of group as a whole.
 4. PROMOTIONS AND TRANSFERS- Promotion refers to
advancement of an employee to a higher post carrying
greater responsibilities, higher status and better salary.
Promotion can be made on different criteria’s like seniority,
merit etc.
Transfers refer to a horizontal or lateral movement of an
employee from one job to another in the same
organization without any significant change in status and
 Organizational commitment is the individual's psychological
attachment to the organization. Higher is the rate of commitment,
more is the attachment towards the organization.
 Model of commitment
 Affective Commitment: AC is defined as the employee's positive
emotional attachment to the organization
 Continuance Commitment: The individual commits to the
organization because he/she perceives high costs of losing
organizational membership, including economic costs (such as
pension accruals) and social costs (friendship ties with co-workers)
that would be incurred.
 Normative Commitment: The individual commits to and remains
with an organization because of feelings of obligation.
Research methodology
 Population and sample
The population for the proposed study comprised of officers at
various private and public organizations in Lahore region. Simple
random sampling was used in this research.
 Research design
A longitudinal study has been conducted at the private and
public sector of Lahore to measure the employees’ perception
about HRMPs of their organization and their work place
 Inclusion Exclusion Criteria
The data was collected from the clerical staff to officer cadre
employees. It was not collected from class iv employees such as
peon, drivers etc it is humble requested to the respondents that
they fill the data with honest and correct knowledge would be
provided to us.
 Instrumentation
 A complete and authentic questionnaire was prepared to get
 Data collection
 Data has been collected through questionnaire
taken from the previous authentic researches and
their scale was used. Population of the study
consist of educated individuals who could easily
comprehend and complete the requisite
questionnaire. Data was collected in one month
after rigorous follow-up and pursuance as the
people were generally reluctant to spare time No
problem as such was reported by the respondent
in filling in the questionnaire and the responses to
various questions showed a reasonable
 Sample
 The sample comprised of 173 employees of public and private organizations ware
participated in the survey. The majority of respondents were in the age group of 25- 30
(45.7%) Table.1 and Fig.1 . Largely, the sample consisted of employees who had a Master
Degree (42.8%). The sample largely consisted of male (68.2%) as against female
employees(31.8%) which is consistent with the overall proportion of female in the total work
force of the country estimate to be around 20%.
 Results and Discussion
 SPSS was used to analyze the results . Reliability of the scale variables were measured by
cronbach’s Alpha test. A value of 0.7 or more was used as criterion for reliability scale.
Because of the values are greater than 0.7 all data is reliable . the value of Cronbach’s
Alpha is 0.952 (Table 4)
 On analyzing correlation of Recruitment & Selection with organizational commitment it was
found that correlation was high of 69.4 % approximately (Table 5). The correlation between
the performance evaluation and organizational commitment was high it was almost 70.2
%(Table 5).on the other hand the correlation between the Training and Development was
low 46.9% (Table 5)which is low correlation and the correlation result of the compensation
and Benefits with the organizational commitment is moderate with 60.2% (Table 5).
Table. 6 Model Summary

CONTI.. R R Square Adjusted R
Std. Error of the
Change Statistics

R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F


.702a .493 .490 .57631 .493 166.584 1 171 .000


.741b .548 .543 .54578 .055 20.670 1 170 .000


.754c .569 .561 .53485 .020 8.018 1 169 .005


.764d .584 .574 .52723 .015 5.921 1 168 .016

 The table shows the value of R square value of independent
variables. The best model is model 2 which performance evaluation
and Compensation & Benefits because the R square change is
greater in the model 2 i.e. 0.055 there is also a positive relationship
between the Compensation & Benefit and Performance Evaluation
with Organizational Commitment because he value of R square is
0.543 i.e 54.3 % (Table 6). Other models are less significant an their
relation is positive but they incurred less in the dependent variable.
 The beta value of the model 2 independent variables is less than 1
i.e. 0.533 and 0.289 respectively (Table 7).so it caused less than 1
percent change in the dependent variable i.e. Organizational
Commitment and the p value is less than 0.05 i.e. 0.00 of both the
variables suggest that there is a significant relationship between the
performance evaluation and Compensation and Benefit with
Organizational Commitment. This means that if we focus on the
performance evaluation and Compensation and Benefits then it
will increase the employees commitment
 In this research we set a stage to study the Employees
perceptions about HRM Practices than their commitment
to the organizations we survey private, public organizations
try to find the relationship among different HRM practices
on Organizational Commitment.
 After analysis we find that there is strong relationship of
some HRM practices on Organizational Commitment .
Performance Evaluation and Compensation and Benefits
have a strong impact on Organizational Commitment .
 If we evaluated employees on merit and give them in time
and fair promotions and provide competitive packages
then there is strong commitment of employees with that
particular organization. In turn Organizations achievement
rate increases multiple times and organizations will flourish
 The present study was taken only in Lahore and
private and public organizations situated there
and convenient sample so the results of the study
are not generalizable and scope of the research
is limited .
 It would be ideal to take up a larger sample to
avoid methodological restrictions and ensure
generalizability of the findings.
 There is need to study the relationship between
HRMPs commitment and firm performance
systematically in order to delineate the linkage
between organizational performance and human
resource practices.

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