Distinguish Various Text Types of Informational

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Distinguish various text

types of informational/
factual text
Who are fond of reading
paragraphs? What type of
paragraphs do you usually
At the end of today’s lesson
you will be able to
distinguish various types of
informational/ factual text.
An informational text is
a text that gives factual
information about the
arts, sciences or social
studies. It has the
following types:
Sunset is the time of day when our sky
meets the outer space solar winds. There
are blue, pink, and purple swirls, spinning
and twisting, like clouds of balloons
caught in a blender. The sun moves
slowly to hide behind the line of horizon,
while the moon races to take its place in
prominence atop the night sky. People
slow to a crawl, entranced, fully forgetting
the deeds that still must be done. There is
a coolness, a calmness, when the sun
does set.
The paragraph above is an
example of a descriptive
paragraph. A descriptive
describes a person, place or
object, so the reader can
visualize what the writer is
talking about. The writer uses
any or all of the seven
Oceans and lakes have much in
common, but they are also quite
different. Both are bodies of water,
but oceans are very large bodies
of salt water, while lakes are much
smaller bodies of fresh water.
Lakes are usually surrounded by
land, while oceans are what
surround continents.
Both have plants and animals
living in them. The ocean is home
to the largest animals on the planet,
whereas lakes support much
smaller forms of life. When it is
time for a vacation, both will make
a great place to visit and enjoy.
The paragraph above is an
example of a contrast/compare
paragraph. A contrast/compare
paragraph compares two
subjects and discusses how they
are alike and different and lists a
few examples. Compare
paragraphs show how things are
alike. Contrast paragraphs show
things are different from each
I do well in school, and people think I
am smart because of it. But it’s not
true. In fact, three years ago I
struggled in school. However, two
years ago I decided to get serious
about school and made a few
changes. First, I decided I would
become interested in whatever was
being taught, regardless of what other
people thought. I also decided I would
work hard every day and never give
up on any assignment
. I decided to never, never fall behind.
Finally, I decided to make school a
priority over friends and fun. After
implementing these changes, I
became an active participant in
classroom discussions. Then my test
scores began to rise. I still remember
the first time that someone made fun
of me because “I was smart.”
How exciting! It seems to me
that being smart is simply a
matter of working hard and being
interested. After all, learning a
new video game is hard work
even when you are interested.
Unfortunately, learning a new
video game doesn’t help you get
into college or get a good job.
The paragraph above is an
example of a cause/effect
paragraph. A cause/effect
paragraph analyzes the causes
or effects of a certain situation.
A cause is a reason for, or events
leading up to. An effect is the
results of a cause or causes.
Having the skill to think in the
mode of cause and effect is a key
to victory in daily situations.
Here is the perfect system for
cleaning your room. First, move
all of the items that do not have
a proper place to the center of
the room. Get rid of at least five
things that you have not used
within the last year.
Take out all of the trash, and place
all of the dirty dishes in the kitchen
sink. Now find a location for each
of the items you had placed in the
center of the room. For any
remaining items, see if you can
squeeze them in under your bed or
stuff them into the back of your
closet. See, that was easy!
The paragraph above is an
example of a sequential/time
order paragraph. A
sequential/time orderparagraph
is a method of organization in
which actions or events are
presented as they occur (or
occurred) in time.
How to Relieve Exam Anxiety

There are certain things which

students can do if they suffer from
exam anxiety. To begin with, they should
get a good night’s sleep the day before
the exam. If they sleep well, they will be
able to concentrate and do well in the
exam . If not, this will cause more
stress and anxiety. The second effective
solution is to change their poor study
If they start to study one day before
the exam, this will cause worry and
stress. However, if they change
such habits and start to study
regularly, this will give them
confidence before and during the
exam. The last thing they should do
is to think positive. When they think
they will get rid of all their fears and
worries. For example, visualizing
themselves as a student who has a
high mark before the exam can
make them feel better. In summary,
getting a good night’s sleep,
changing their poor study habits
and thinking positive are effective
solutions to deal with exam
The paragraph above is an example
of a problem/solution paragraph. A
problem/solution paragraph is a
method for analyzing and writing
about a topic by identifying a
problem and proposing one or
more solutions.
Read each paragraph then identify
it whether contrast/compare,
descriptive, problem-solution, or
sequential/time order or cause-
effect paragraph.
1. I haven’t been to Bali, Indonesia, but I have read
about it. I have been to Boracay Island, that’s why I
know these two tourist destinations are similar in
many ways. Both are small islands that have five
beachers, hillside terraces and cool green hills. Bali
and Boracay boast of international cuisinesbecause
people from all over the world visit them. However,
Bali’s beaches are golden while those of Boracay are
white and the sand is fine as powder. A village in bali
is famous for its golden and silver work. There is
none of this in Boracay. There is a cultural center in
Bali called Ubud. On the other hand, there are only
shops where you can buy goods that are very Filipino
in Boracay
2. It was already five days away from Mother’s Day
and Angelie had not decided on what to offer her dear
mother on this day. She did not have enough savings
to buy a gift. So, to solve her problem, she planned
out things. First, she tried to save more from her
allowance. Second, she exerted more effort to help
her mother in the household chores every day. She
saw to it that her mother’ s vase had any kind of fresh
flowers every morning. Then she started to scribble
sweet noteson scrap colored paper and fasten them
on her mother’s cabinet door. Seeing these, her
mother could only smile. When the important day
came, Angelie, instead of surprising her mother with a
fine toothbrush, got one big surprise from her early in
the morning. It was a big thank you note that said, “
You are the greatest daughter I’ve ever had. I love you
so much.”
The lack of rain has horrible effects on farmers.
With no rain their land dries up, and it is very
difficult to grow anything. When the crops fail,
the farmers haven't any choice but to get a
second job in order to make the money they
need. Farming is a full time job and with a
second job, farmers are overworked, stressed
and even depressed. Many farmers end up
selling their land. Some farmers have accepted
the government program, the Conservation
Reserve Program (CRP), which is the land is
left idle to let the grass grow and must be left
idle for certain number of years. While the land
is in the CRP program, some farmers have
taken outside jobs.
Read the paragraphs below.
Identify it whether
descriptive, problem-
solution, problem-
solution, sequential/time
order or cause-effect
The schools today and in the past are similar in a few
ways and different in some aspects. Both have a
learning room, a teacher and books. However, the
classrooms in the past are considered concrete
structures where learning should take place. On the
other hand, the classrooms today utilize technology
like LCD projectors, laptops and other gadgets.
Another is that lesson plans in the past were from
print materials while lessons of today are frome-
books and other online platforms. No matter how
alike and different the schools in the past and today
are, what matters most is how effective learning takes
Boiling is perhaps the safest way to purify cloudy
water. You will need a boling pot, fire, salt, coffee filter
or cloth, charcoal and cotton. First, prefilter the cloudy
water with a cotton filter or folded cloth. Then, boil the
filtered water. Add a small amount of salt to improve
the taste of the water as it is boiling. If you are above
2000 feet altitude, boil for three minutes. Next, let the
water cool. Meanwhile, make a cotton and charcoal
filter by crushing the charcoal and putting it in the
cotton as the trap. This will remove impurities and still
some bad taste from the boiled water. Finally, filter the
boiled water through the cotton trap.
What are the types
of informational
Read the paragraphs below.
Identify it whether
descriptive, or
sequential/time order or
cause-effect paragraph.
. More and more children in the neighborhood were
becoming sick of respiratory diseases, so the
barangay officials planned out some action. The
entry of vehicles was limited, so that fumes
exhausted would be lessened. Since smoking
cigarettes harms the health of children, smokers in
families were advised not to. Families, too, were told
to use water-based paints, odorless detergents,
unscented soap, and other mild cleaning agents so
that children would not inhale the offensive odor.
The people were encouraged to plant more trees and
other plants in their yards in order that air around
would be cleaner.
Hold to Mold a Sculpture
4. First, clean the clay by getting rid of the bits of
sand and dirt from it. Then, add or remove water
from the clay if necessary. If the clay is too wet, it will
not hold a shape. And if it is too dry, it will not be
flexible enough to mold. Next, begin to shape the
clay into something- with your bare hands or with
tools. Roll and push clay into shapes or pull off and
stick back on different places. After the clay has
been molded, put it into a kind of oven to be fired.
Then, build a fire. As the fire slowly gets hotter and
hotter, water is baked out of the clay. Sooner or later,
the clay dries up and becomes hard with a new
shape. Remove it from the oven, and let it cool.
Afterwards, you may paint it or put some designs of
your choice on it.

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