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All insects have 6 legs, insects can

use these legs to walk, run and
Some insects have wings. Insects
can use their wings to fly and to
frighten predators. Insects fly to try
and find food and a safe place to
lay their eggs.
Some insect can use their eyes to
see up, down, backwards and
forwards at the same time.
Some insects have two antennae,
they use this for feeling, smelling
and tasting.
Insects have an outer skeleton.
Most insects lay eggs.
Some insects moult their skin.
Some insects drink water. Some
insects eat leaves, blood, dead
plants, animals, flower pollen and
nectar, fruits and vegetables.
Lizards, frogs, birds, spiders and
some insects eat other insects. In
some countries, people also eat
some insects.
If some insects are in danger from
predators, they can stay still or
camouflage. Some insects also pretend
to be dead. Some insects spray their
predators with a liquid.
Some insects live where there are lots
of trees and bushes. They eat the
leaves and hide from predators. Some
insects live in bakeries, kitchens and
restaurants where there is food scraps.
Other insects live in hives or nests.
Some insects are active during the
day, while others are active at
Some people keep some insects as
Some insect only live for 1 year,
while others can live up to 3 years.
Insects need food, water and
shelter to live.
Some insects don’t breathe
through their mouth, they breathe
through tiny holes along their

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