Agricultural Engineering Law, Professional Ethics, Engineering Contracts Specifications and Legal Documents

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Agricultural Engineering Law, Professional

Ethics, Engineering Contracts

Specifications and Legal Documents

Dr. Rossana Marie C. Amongo

Assistant Professor VII
Agricultural Machinery Division
Secretary, PSAE Region IV

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
What are Laws?

• Laws are rules of conduct of any organized society,

however simple or small, that are enforced by threat of
punishment if they are violated. (Encyclopedia, Columbia
University Press)

• Law, in its most general and comprehensive sense,

signifies a rule of action; whether animate or inanimate,
rational or irrational.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
What are Laws?

• It is a rule of action, which is prescribed by some superior,

and which the inferior is bound to obey (Jones' Blackstone,
Bancroft-Whitney Co., 1915)

• Law is a system of rules, usually enforced through a set of

institutions. It shapes politics, economics and society in
numerous ways.

• Law does not develop systematically until a state with a

centralized police authority has appeared.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
What are Laws?
Early law systems:
- The code of Hammurabi (Babylonia) –
1st written code of laws in human history

- The Laws of Manu (India) –

governs the day to day activities of ancient India

- The Mosaic code (Palestine) –

laws that God gave to the Israelites through Moses that begins
with the Ten Commandments.

Laws applied to religious and ethical system in a society to

produce a legal order to enforce its ethical and social

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UP Los Baños
Classification of Laws
1. Moral Law
- based on the premise that there is such a thing as
right and wrong, and there are some things that you
"ought" to do, and some things that you "ought not" to

- Divine Law (law that comes from God)

- Ecclesiastical Law or Canon Law (law governing 3
major churches: Roman Catholic; Eastern
Orthodox; Anglican Communion)

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UP Los Baños
Classification of Laws
2. Natural or Scientific Law
is a theory that posits the existence of a law whose
content is set by nature and that therefore has validity

- Physical Sciences (eg. Big Bang Theory)

- Natural Sciences (Applied Sciences)
- Social Sciences (studies of the social life of
human groups and individuals)

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UP Los Baños
Classification of Laws
3. Law of art and literature
- Music
- Painting
- Poetry

4. International Law
- Private International Law
- Law of Nations or Public International Law

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UP Los Baños
Classification of Laws
5. Governmental Law
- Constitutional Law (basic laws of nation states and
other political organizations serving as framework
for government to execute new laws and

- Statute Law (set down by a legislature or the

executive branch of government)

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UP Los Baños
Classification of Laws
5. Governmental Law
- Common Law (laws applied in courts and tribunals)

- Equity (a common law with a concept

encompassing ideals of justice (fairness) and/or

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Classification of Laws

6. Laws without government sanctions

- Laws of games
- Laws of private associations and societies

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UP Los Baños
The Agricultural Engineering Law

R.A. 3927 – the first Agricultural Engineering Law was

enacted by the 5th congress of the Philippines in 1964.

R.A. 8559 – An Act Regulating the Practice of Agricultural

Engineering in the Philippines (known as the Philippines
Agricultural Engineering Act of 1998) was enacted by the
Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines
in 1998.

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UP Los Baños
The Agricultural Engineering Law

• Board Resolution No. 01, Series of 1998. [Rules and

Regulations Implementing Republic Act No. 8559 (IRR
for brevity)]

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UP Los Baños

• 1912 – UPLB (formerly UPCA) instituted the

undergraduate program in BSA (major in Agricultural


B.S.C.E. & B.S.M.E
Appointed as associate professor of agricultural
engineering in 1912 and 1st Head of the Department
of Agricultural Engineering

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UP Los Baños

• 1951- Araneta Institute of Agriculture (now De La Salle-

Araneta University, Inc (formerly GAUF): offered BSAE
(4-yr course).

• 1955 – Central Luzon State University Agricultural

(formerly CLAC) offered a
4-yr BSAE degree program.

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UP Los Baños

• 1965 – University of the Philippines-Los Baños (formerly

UPCA) added to its curriculum the BSAE program.

• 1968 – University of Southern Mindanao (formerly MIT)

offered BSAE degree program.

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UP Los Baños

• 1970 – Mindanao State University (Marawi City) offered


• To date, there are now about 45 Higher Education

Institutions (HEI) offering the BSAE degree program.

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UP Los Baños

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños

SECTION 1. Title - This Act shall be known as the

“Philippine Agricultural Engineering Act of 1998.”
SEC. 2. Statement of Policy - It is hereby declared a
policy of the State to promote and upgrade the practice of
agricultural engineering profession in the Philippines by
instituting measures that will result in relevant agricultural
engineering education and better career prospects for
professional agricultural engineers.

Likewise, the State hereby guarantees the delivery of

basic and technical services to accelerate agricultural
modernization through adequate and well-trained
professional agricultural engineers throughout the
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UP Los Baños

SEC. 3. Definition of Terms - As used in this Act, the

following terms shall mean:

Practice of agricultural engineering – shall refer to the

profession requiring the application of the fundamental
and known principles of engineering to the peculiar
condition and requirements of agriculture as an industry
and as a field of science, and shall include, but not
limited to the following:

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1. Consultation, evaluation, investigation and
management services on agricultural engineering;

2. Management or supervision and the preparation of

engineering designs, plans, specifications, project
studies and estimates for agricultural, aquaculture and
fishery, and forest product machinery, agricultural
buildings and agricultural processing equipment,
irrigation and soil conservation systems and facilities,
agricultural waste utilization systems and facilities;

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UP Los Baños
3. Conducting research and development, training and
extension work, and consultancy services on agricultural
engineering facilities/ services, system and facilities;

4. Testing, evaluation and inspection of agricultural,

fishery and forest product machinery and other related
agricultural engineering facilities and equipment;

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UP Los Baños
5. Management, manufacturing and/ or marketing of
agricultural machinery and other related agricultural
engineering facilities and equipment;

6. Teaching, agricultural engineering subjects in

institution of learning in the Philippines;

7. Employment with the government provided such

item or position requires the knowledge and expertise
of an agricultural engineer.

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UP Los Baños
Agricultural engineer - An agricultural engineer is natural
person who has been issued a certificate of registration
by the Board of Agricultural Engineering and has taken
the oath of profession of agricultural engineers.

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UP Los Baños

SEC. 4. Creation and Composition of the Board -

There is hereby created a Board of Agricultural
Engineering, hereinafter called the Board, to be
composed of a chairman and two (2) members to be
appointed by the President of the Philippines from a
list of three (3) recommendees for each position,
chosen and ranked in the order of preference and
submitted by the duly accredited association of
agricultural engineers in the Philippines.

The Board shall be organized not later than six (6)

months from the effectivity of this Act.

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UP Los Baños
• SEC. 5. Qualifications of Members of the Board - A
member of the Board shall, at the time of their
appointment, possess the following qualifications:

Must be a natural-born citizen and resident of the


Must be at least thirty-five years of age;

Must be a holder of Bachelor’s Degree in

Agricultural Engineering or its equivalent, conferred
by a school, academy, college or university in the
Philippines or abroad that is accredited by the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED);

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UP Los Baños
A registered agricultural engineer with a valid
professional license and an active practitioner for not less
than ten (10) years prior to his appointment;

Must not, for a period of three (3) consecutive years prior

to the appointment, be a member of the faculty of, directly
or indirectly, in any school, academy, institute, college or
university where a regular course in agricultural
engineering is being taught, nor have any pecuniary
interest in or administrative supervision over any such
institutions of learning;

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Must not, for a period of three (3) consecutive years prior
to the appointment, be connected with a review center or
any group or association where review classes or
lectures in preparation for the licensure examination are
offered or conducted at the time of appointment; and

Has never been convicted of any offense involving moral


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UP Los Baños
SEC. 6. Term of Office - The members of the Board
shall hold office for a term of three (3) years and until
their successors shall have been appointed and
qualified. Of the members first appointed under this Act,
one (1) member shall be appointed and hold office for
three (3) years; one (1) member for two (2) years; and
one (1) member for one (1) year.

The chairman or a member of the Board may be

reappointed for another term but in no case shall he
serve continuously for more than six (6) years. Each
member of the Board shall qualify by taking the proper
oath of office prior to entering upon the performance of

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 7. Compensation and allowances of the Board -
The chairman and members of the Board shall receive
compensation and allowances being received by the
chairmen and members of existing regulatory boards
with the Professional Regulation Commission,
hereinafter referred to as the Commission as provided
for the General Appropriations Act.

SEC. 8. Vacancy and Removal of Board Members -

Any vacancy occurring in the Board within the term of a
member shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the
term only.

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UP Los Baños
The President may remove any member of the Board on
the following grounds:

Neglect of duty;

Violation or tolerance of the violation of this Act or

the Code of Ethics for agricultural engineering;

Final judgment of crimes involving moral turpitude.

The member concerned shall be given due notice

and hearing where his right to be heard and to
defend himself, assisted by counsel, shall be
respected in the proper administrative investigation.
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UP Los Baños
SEC. 9. Powers and Duties of the Board - The Board
shall exercise the following specific powers, functions
and duties:

To promulgate and adopt the rules and regulations

necessary for carrying out the provisions of this Act;

To supervise the registration, licensure and practice of

professional agricultural engineers in the Philippines;

To administer oaths of successful examinees entering

the practice of agricultural engineering;

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To issue the certificate of registration to successful

To issue, suspend or revoke the license for the practice

of agricultural engineering profession;

To adopt an official seal of the Board;

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To look into the conditions affecting the practice of the
agricultural engineering profession and whenever
necessary; adopt such measures as may be deemed
proper for the enhancement and maintenance of high
professional and ethical standards of the profession;

To prescribe and/ or adopt a Code Ethical and

Professional Standards for the practice of agricultural
engineering profession;

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UP Los Baños
To hear and try administrative cases involving violations
of this Act, its implementing rules and regulations, the
Code of Ethics for Professional Agricultural Engineers
and for this purpose, to issue subpoena and subpoena
duces tecum to secure the appearance of witness and
the production of documents in connection therewith;

Prescribe guidelines in the Continuing Professional

Education (CPE) program in coordination with the
accredited association for professional agricultural

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To insure, in coordination with the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED), that all educational institutions
offering agricultural engineering education comply with
the policies, standards and requirements of the course
prescribed by CHED in the areas of curriculum, faculty,
library and facilities;

To discharge such other duties and functions as may be

deemed necessary for the enhancement of the
agricultural engineering profession and the upgrading,
development and growth of agricultural engineering
education in the Philippines;

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To prepare, adopt, issue or amend the syllabi of the
subjects for examinations;

To approve, issue, limit or revoke temporary license to

practice agricultural engineering.

All policies, resolutions, rules and regulations of the

Board shall be subjected to the review and approval of
the Commission.

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 10. Supervision of the Board, Custodian of its
Records, Secretariat and Support Services - The
Board shall be under the administrative supervision of
the Commission. All records of the Board, including
applications for examination, examination papers and
results, minutes of deliberation, administrative cases and
other investigations involving agricultural engineers shall
be kept by the Commission.

The Commission shall designate the Secretary of the

Board and shall provide the secretariat and other support
services to implement the provisions of this Act.

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 11. Annual Report - The Board shall, at the close
of each calendar year, submit an annual report to the
President through the Professional Regulation
Commission giving a detailed account of its proceedings
and accomplishments during the year and making
recommendations for the adoption of measures that will
upgrade and improve the conditions affecting the
practice of agricultural engineering in the Philippines

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UP Los Baños

SEC. 12. Examination Required - All applicants for

registration for the practice of agricultural engineering
shall be required to undergo and pass a written
technical examination as provided for in this Act.

SEC. 13. Qualification of an Applicant for

Examinations - Every applicant for the examination
for agricultural engineers shall establish the following:

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UP Los Baños
Be a citizen of the Philippines;

Be a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Agricultural

Engineering or its equivalent in a school, academy,
institute, college or university duly recognized by the

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 14. Fraudulent Application - The Board may
suspend or revoke any certificate of registration obtained
through misrepresentation made in the application for

SEC. 15. Scope of Examination - The examination for

agricultural engineering shall basically cover the
following subjects:
Agricultural mechanization, power, machinery and
Soil and water conservation, irrigation and drainage;
Rural electrification, agricultural processing and
agricultural structures.
The said subjects and their syllabi may be amended
by the Board so as to conform to technological changes
brought about by continuing trends in the profession.

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 16. Rating in the Board Examinations -
To be qualified as having passed the Board examination
for agricultural engineers, a candidate must obtain a

-weighted general average of seventy percent (70%),

-no grades lower than fifty-five percent (55%)
seventy percent (70%) or higher but obtains a rating below
fifty- five percent (55%) in any given subject must take
the examination in the subject or subjects where he
obtained a grade below fifty- five percent (55%).

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 17. Report of Ratings - The Board shall submit to
the Commission the ratings obtained by each candidate
within twenty (20) days after the examination, unless
extended for just cause. Upon the release of the results
of the examination, the Board shall send by mail the
rating received by each examinee at his given address
using the mailing envelope submitted during the

SEC. 18. Reexamination - An applicant who fails to pass

the examination for the third time shall be allowed to take
another examination only after the lapse of one (1) year.

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 19. Oath - All successful candidates in the
examination shall be required to take their oath before
the Board or any government official authorized to
administer oaths, prior to entering upon the practice of
the agricultural engineering profession.

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 20 Certificate of Registration and Professional
License - A certificate of registration shall be issued to
applicants who pass the examination for agricultural
engineers subject to payment of registration fees.

The certificate of registration of a professional

agricultural engineer shall bear the signatures of the
chairman of the Board and the chairman of the
Professional Regulation Commission and stamped with
the official seal of the Board indicating that the person
named therein is a registered agricultural engineer.

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UP Los Baños
A professional license bearing the registration number,
date of issue, expiry date, and duly signed by the
chairman of the Board, shall likewise be issued to every
registrant upon payment of the professional fee.

No person shall practice agricultural engineering in this

country unless such person has secured a license to
practice agricultural engineering in the manner herein

A licensee is entitled to practice the profession with all

the privileges appurtenant thereto until the expiration of
the validity of his license.

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 21. Seal and Use of Seal -
Each registrant shall, upon registration, obtain the seal of
such design as the Board of Agricultural Engineering
may adopt.

Plans and specifications prepared by or under the direct

supervision of a registered agricultural engineer, shall be
stamped with the said seal during the validity of the
professional license.

No person shall stamp or seal any document with the

seal of registrant after his professional license has
expired or lost its validity unless he has been reinstated
to the practice and/ or unless his license has been

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UP Los Baños
No officer or employee of the government, chartered
cities, provinces and municipalities now or hereafter
charged with the enforcement of laws, ordinances or
regulations relating to the construction or alteration of
agricultural structures, machineries and equipment,
processes and system shall accept or endorse any plans
or specifications which have not been prepared and
submitted in full accord with the provisions of this Act,
nor shall payment be approved by any such officer for
any work, the plans and specifications of which have not
been so prepared, signed and sealed by a duly
registered agricultural engineer.

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UP Los Baños
No agricultural engineer shall sign his name, affix his
seal or use any other method of signature of plans,
specifications or other documents made or under
another agricultural engineer’s supervision unless the
same is made in such manner as to clearly indicate the
part of such work actually performed by him, and no
person, except the agricultural engineer in charge shall
sign for any branch of the work or any function of
agricultural engineering practice not actually performed
by him.

The agricultural engineer in charge shall be fully

responsible for all plans, specifications and other
documents issued under his seal or authorized

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UP Los Baños
Drawings and specifications duly signed, stamped or
sealed as instruments of service are the property and
documents of the agricultural engineer, whether the
projects for which they were made is executed or not.

No person without the written consent of the agricultural

engineer or author of said documents, shall duplicate or
make copies of said documents for use in the repetition
of and for other projects or building, whether executed
partly or in whole.

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UP Los Baños
All drawings, specifications and other documents to be
used for the design, construction, test and evaluation of
agricultural structures, machineries, equipment,
processes and systems shall be signed and sealed by a
licensed agricultural engineer.

Violation of any of the foregoing shall be ground for

administrative and/ or criminal action.

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 22. Indication of License and Professional Tax
Receipt - The agricultural engineer shall be required to
indicate his Professional License Number, the duration
of validity, including the professional tax receipt number
on the documents he signs, uses or issues in connection
with the practice of his profession.

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 23. Grounds for Suspension and Revocation of
License, Cancellation of Temporary/ Special Permit -
The Board shall have the power, upon due notice and
hearing, to revoke or suspend the license of an
agricultural engineer, or to cancel a temporary/ special
permit for any cause specified in the preceding sections,
including, but not limited to,
1. the use or perpetuation of any fraud or deceit in obtaining a
certificate of registration or for incompetence

2. negligence or for abetting the illegal practice of agricultural


3. violation of the provisions of this Act, its implementing rules

and regulations and/ or

4. violations of the policies of the Board including the Code of

Ethics and Professional Standards for agricultural engineers

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UP Los Baños

SEC. 24. Vested Rights: Automatic Registration of

Practicing Agricultural Engineers - All practicing
agricultural engineers who are registered at the time this
Act takes effect, shall automatically be registered.

SEC. 25. Practice Not Allowed for Firms and

Corporations - The practice of agricultural engineering
is a professional service, admission to which shall be
determined upon the basis of an individuals personal

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No firm, company, partnership, association or
corporation may be registered or licensed as such for the
practice of agricultural engineering.

Provided however, that persons properly registered and

licensed as agricultural engineer may among themselves
or with a person or persons properly registered and
licensed as an agricultural engineer may form or obtain
registration with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) of a firm, partnership or association
using the term “Agricultural Engineers,” but nobody shall
be a member, partner or associate unless he is duly
registered and licensed agricultural engineer.

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 26. Integration of Agricultural Engineers - The
agricultural engineering profession shall be integrated
into one (1) national organization which shall be
recognized by the Board and by the Commission as the
one and only integrated and accredited association of
agricultural engineers.

An agricultural engineer duly registered with the Board

shall automatically become a member of the integrated
and accredited association of agricultural engineers, and
shall receive the benefits and privileges appurtenant
thereto upon payment of the required fees and dues.

Membership in the integrated and accredited association

shall not be a bar membership in other associations of
agricultural engineers.

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 27. Foreign Reciprocity - No foreign agricultural
engineer shall be issued a temporary license to practice
the agricultural engineering profession or consultancy
thereof or be entitled to any of the rights and privileges
under this Act unless the country of which he is a subject
or citizen specifically permits Filipino agricultural
engineers to practice within its territorial limits on the
same basis as the subjects or citizens of such foreign
state or country.

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SEC. 28. Funding - Such sums as may be necessary to
carry out provisions of this Act shall be included in the
General Appropriations Act of the year following its
enactment into law.

SEC. 29. Implementing Rules and Regulations -

Subject to the approval of the Commission, the Board
shall adopt and promulgate such rules and regulations,
including the Code of Ethics and Professional Standards
for Agricultural Engineers, to carry out the provisions of
this Act, which shall be effective after thirty (30) days
following its publication in the Official Gazette or in a
major daily newspaper of general circulation.

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 30. Enforcement - The Professional Regulation
Commission shall be the enforcement agency of the
Board. As such the Commission shall implement the
concerned provisions of this Act, enforce its
implementing rules and regulations as adopted by the
Board, conduct investigations on complaints including
violations of the Code of Ethics and Professional
Standards of the profession and persecute when so

SEC. 31. Transitory Provision - The existing Board of

agricultural engineering shall continue to function in the
interim until such time the new Board shall be constituted
pursuant to this Act.

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SEC. 32. Penalties - In addition to the administrative
sanctions imposed under this Act, any person who
violates any of the provisions of this Act shall, upon
conviction, be penalized by :

1. a fine not less than fifty thousand pesos

(P50,000.00) nor more than two hundred thousand
pesos (P200,000.00), or

2. imprisonment of not less than six (6) months nor

more than three (3) years, or

3. both fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the


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SEC. 33. Separability Clause - If any clause, provision,
paragraph or part hereof shall be declared
unconstitutional or invalid, such judgement shall not
effect, invalidate or impair any other part hereof; but
such judgement shall be merely confined to the clause,
provision, paragraph or part directly involved in the
controversy in which such judgement has been

SEC. 34. Repealing Clause - All laws, decrees,

executive orders and other administrative issuances and
parts and parts thereof which are consistent with the
provisions of this Act are hereby modified or superseded.
Republic Act. No. 3927 is hereby repealed.

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 35. Effectivity - This Act shall take effect fifteen
(15) days following its publication in the Official Gazette
or in a major daily newspaper of general circulation in
the Philippines, whichever comes first.

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UP Los Baños

(Sgd.) Neptali A. Gonzales (Sgd.) Jose De Venecia Jr.

President of the Senate Speaker of the
House of

This act which is a consolidation of House Bill No. 10465 and

Senate Bill No. 2393 was finally passed by the House of
Representatives and the Senate on February 13, 1998.

(Sgd.) Hezel P. Gacutan (Sgd.) Roberto P. Nazareno

Secretary of the Senate Secretary General
House of Representatives

Approved: February 26, 1998

President of the Philippines

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UP Los Baños
Resolution No. 01
Series of 1998



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UP Los Baños
Areas of Practice :
Article 1 Sec 3 of IRR

1. Agricultural Machinery, Equipment and Power Units

2. Agricultural Buildings and Structures

3. Agricultural Electrification and Energy

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4. Agricultural Processing and Food Engineering

5. Soil and Water Conservation

6. Irrigation and Drainage and Water Resources


7. Agricultural Waste Disposal and Utilization and

Environmental Management

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8. Agricultural Information Resources and Technology

9. Agricultural Instrumentation and Control

10. Fishery and Aquaculture Resources Engineering,


11. Forest Products Resources Engineering

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SEC. 27. Automatic Registration. – All practicing
agricultural engineers who are registered with the
Professional Regulation Commission in accordance
with R.A. No. 3927 are hereby automatically registered
and authorized to practice the agricultural engineering

Those agricultural engineers registered with the

Professional Regulation Commission in accordance
with the same Act who are not practicing their
profession at the time R.A. No. 8559 took effect shall
be registered upon filling an application. There should
be no deadline for the filling of such application.

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 28. Registration of Successful Examinees. – All
those who passed the licensure examination shall,
unless specifically deferred for cause by the Board, be
registered after taking the oath of a professional before
the Board or any person authorized by law to administer
oath and payment of the prescribed fees.

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 29. Issuance of Certificate of Registration and
Professional License. – Upon compliance with the
requirements for registration, the name of the
Agricultural Engineer shall be entered in the Roll of
Agricultural Engineers and he/ she shall be issued a
certificate of registration and the corresponding
professional license.

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 30. Renewal of the Professional License. – The
professional license issued to an agricultural engineer
shall be valid for three (3) years on the birth month of the
agricultural engineer upon presentation of the required
Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit units
earned and payment of the fees for the period under

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 31. Temporary Removal from the Roll of
Agricultural Engineers. – An agricultural engineer who
has been delinquent in the payment of his annual license
fees for five (5) consecutive years since his last payment
of said fees shall, after due process has been observed,
be dropped from the Roll of Agricultural Engineers.

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UP Los Baños
• SEC. 32. Lifting of Deferment of Registration. – If the
disciplinary action imposed upon a successful examinee
in a decision rendered by the Board or the Commission
is not the cancellation of examination papers and/ or
prohibition from taking future examinations, the
respondent-examinee who passed the said licensure
examinations may be allowed by the Board to register if
such is provided in the decision.

A duplicate certificate of registration to replace any

certificate lost or destroyed may be issued upon
application and payment of the prescribed fees.

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UP Los Baños
SEC. 33. Grounds for the Revocation or Suspension
of Professional License.

Use or perpetuation of any fraud or deceit in

obtaining a certificate of registration;



Abetting the illegal practice of agricultural

engineering and

Violations of any provisions of R.A. 8559

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UP Los Baños

SEC. 39. Code of Ethics and Professional Standards.

– The Board, in consultation with the Integrated
Accredited Association of Agricultural Engineers and
subject to the approval of the Commission, shall adopt
and promulgate a Code of Ethics and Professional
Standards for agricultural engineers.

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UP Los Baños
The Board and the Integrated and Accredited
Association of Agricultural Engineers with the assistance
of the Commission shall work for the incorporation of the
Code of Technical Standards of Agricultural Engineering
by the Secretary of Public Works and Highways as part
of the National Building Code.

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UP Los Baños
Scope of Examination
(Proposed, based on R.A. 8559)
• Agricultural mechanization, agricultural power,
agricultural machinery and equipment and allied subjects

• Soil and water resources development and conservation,

irrigation and drainage and allied subjects (33%)

• Rural electrification, agricultural processing, agricultural

structures and allied subjects (33%)

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UP Los Baños
Agricultural mechanization …(33%)
Competency Weight No. of
(%) Items

1. Agricultural Power and Tractor Operation 20 100

1.1. Analyze and evaluate the operation of internal combustion engines; be 5 25
able to identify the parts and know the function of each part of internal
combustion engines.
1.2. Evaluate and compare the different sources of power in the farm , their 5 25
applications and limitations as well as the commercially available farm
engines, their brands and technical specifications; be able to estimate
the power available from each source.
1.3. Determine the physical, chemical, and thermodynamic properties of 5 25
fuels and lubricant, and determine their most appropriate and efficient
1.4. Supervise tractor operation in trailing works, plowing, harrowing and 5 25
other relevant field operations; be able to know its field operation signs
and symbols and safety procedures; and direct preventive maintenance
procedures, trouble shooting and housekeeping for tractors and its

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Agricultural mechanization …(33%)
Competency Weight No. of
(%) Items
2. Agricultural Machinery Management, Extension and Marketing 20 100
2.1. Determine and evaluate the operation and performance of production 7 35
machinery and primary processing equipment
2.2. Prepare and implement marketing and extension strategies for 7 35
agricultural machinery.
2.3. Plan and manage agricultural machinery at the micro and macro levels 6 30
3. Agricultural Machinery Design, Fabrication/Manufacturing and 20 100
3.1 Prepare and evaluate designs, technical specifications and cost 10 50
estimates of agricultural machinery; and be able to determine its power
requirements, capacity and efficiency
3.2 Test and evaluate fabricated/manufactured/distributed agricultural 10 50
machinery and equipment.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Agricultural mechanization …(33%)
Competency Weight No. of
(%) Items
4. Agricultural Economics, Marketing and Information Technology 20 100
4.1. Apply agricultural economics, and engineering economy in 7 35
agricultural engineering projects; be able to prepare/evaluate
feasibility studies for agricultural engineering projects and evaluating
these studies in terms of their feasibility indicators- net present value
(NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), benefit cost ratio (BCR), Return
on investment (ROI) and payback period (PBP)
4.2. Apply agricultural marketing in agricultural engineering enterprises; 7 35
and be able to prepare and evaluate business plans for agricultural
engineering projects; be able to understand and apply the principles of
international trade agreements for the marketing/export of agricultural
4.3. Apply computer technology and information systems in planning and 6 30
development of agricultural production systems; be able to apply
geographic information systems (GIS) in planning and decision
making; and recognize which type, not brands of software are
appropriate for the speedy solution of different agricultural
engineering problems and tasks.
PSAE Review Class 2011
UP Los Baños
Agricultural mechanization …(33%)
Competency Weight No. of
(%) Items
5. Agricultural Engineering Laws, Professional Ethics, Engineering 20 100
Contracts, Specifications and Legal Documents
5.1 Apply Agricultural Engineering Law, its implementing Rules and 7 35
Regulations, Code of Ethics and other policy issuances of the Board of
Agricultural Engineering in the practice of profession
5.2 Be able to know the agricultural engineering documents to be 7 35
prepared, signed and sealed by licensed agricultural engineer; and
prepare bid proposals, contracts documents and other legal documents
necessary in the practice of agricultural engineering profession.
5.3 Apply and relate relevant laws such as the National Building Code, 6 30
AFMA Law, Carp Law, Local Government Code, New Cooperative
Code, Renewable Energy Laws (Solid Waste Management Act and
Climate Change ) in the practice of agricultural engineering.
Total 100 500

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Soil and water resources …(33%)
Competency Weight No. of
(%) Items
1. Hydrology 10 50
1. Describe the hydrologic cycle; hydrology in engineering 1 5
1.2. Describe the principles of hydrometeorology; weather and 3 15
hydrology; precipitation, evaporation and evapotranspiration;
weather instruments
1.3 Describe the principles of watershed/surface hydrology; runoff, 3 15
infiltration, seepage and percolation, stream flow, soil erosion and
sediment transport.
1.4 Describe the basic theories of groundwater hydrology; aquifer 3 15
systems and lithography, well hydraulics and well development;
water quality analysis

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Soil and water resources …(33%)
Competency Weight No. of
(%) Items
2. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 40 200
2.1. Apply theories and practices in leveling, mapping, triangulation, 5 25
topographic, route, and construction surveys, and global
positioning system (GPS);
2.2. Apply the theories and principles of fluid mechanics in the 3 15
design, construction, and management of agricultural engineering
production systems and facilities.
2.3. Apply the basic theories of groundwater hydrology in planning 2 10
water resources projects.
2.4. Analyze the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of 5 25
hydraulics machineries and facilities (i.e. pumps, and turbines);
Pump size determination and specifications
2.5. Plan, design, construct, operate and manage irrigation and 15 75
drainage systems and facilities; design small canal structures for
the conveyance of irrigation and drainage water.
2.6. Apply the theories and principles in designing pressurized 10 50
irrigation systems and facilities.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Soil and water resources …(33%)
Competency Weight No. of
(%) Items
3. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering 25 125
3.1. Explain and apply the basic soil-water- plant relations in crop 2 10
3.2. Apply the principles of hydrometeorology in the planning and 2 10
design and management of water resources facilities.
3.3. Apply the principles of watershed hydrology in the planning and 2 10
design of agricultural engineering facilities .
3.4. Design, construct, manage farm ponds, reservoirs including earth 10 50
dams and spillways.
3.5. Design of soil and water control structures and facilities for stream 5 25
banks and sloping cultivated agricultural areas.
3.6. Design of vegetative and lined water conveyance channels. 2 10
3.7. Maintain water conservation works, drainage and erosion control 2 10

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Soil and water resources …(33%)
Competency Weight No. of
(%) Items
4. Aquaculture Engineering 10 50
4.1. Apply the theories and principles of fishery science and 2 10
aquaculture resources engineering.
4.2. Plan, design construct, operate and manage aquaculture systems 5 25
and facilities; pond, pen, cage tank and re-circulating systems.
2.3. Analyze the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of 3 15
aquaculture machineries and facilities; Pumps and aerator size
determination & specs.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Soil and water resources …(33%)
Competency Weight No. of
(%) Items
5. Mathematics, Agricultural Statistics and Operation Research 10 50
5.1. Apply the theories and concepts of sets, real number systems, 1 5
radical and rational numbers, linear equations, laws of equalities
and inequalities, quadratic equations, laws of exponents, partial
fraction, progression, permutation, combination and probability,
complex numbers, and to the solutions of algebraic problems
5.2. Apply the principles of trigonometric functions and their relations, 1 5
logarithms, circular, inverse trigonometric functions to the
solutions of right and oblique triangles in both plane and spherical
5.3. Analyze straight lines functions and graphs, limits, continuity 1 5
concepts, curves, and others, and solve geometric and physical
5.4. Solve problems relative to the application of the theories and basic 1 5
concepts of functions and limits, continuity, derivatives and its
application, algebraic functions, polynomial curves, maxima and
minima, differential of exponential, logarithmic, inverse
trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, curvature, indeterminate
PSAE Review Class 2011
UP Los Baños
Soil and water resources …(33%)
Competency Weight No. of
(%) Items
5.5. Apply the fundamental principles of integration, definite integrals, 1 5
plane areas, partial differentiation, triple integrals, series of
constant terms, power series, compute areas between two curves,
application of integration to the solution of fluid pressure, work,
moment of inertia, power series.
5.6. Apply the principles of sampling technique 1 5
5.7. Construct, analyze, and interpret probability distribution. 1 5
5.8. Conceptualize, design, and implement research studies, 1 5
investigation and experiments in agricultural engineering, collect
and analyze data, and interpret results.
5.9. Apply the concepts, theories, and principles of regression and 1 5
correlation analysis; Describe and apply the methods of testing of
significance and analysis of variance;
5.10. Apply the theories and principles of allocating resources, project 1 5
scheduling and programming;

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Soil and water resources …(33%)
Competency Weight No. of
(%) Items
6. Agricultural and Fishery Sciences 5 25
6.1. Describe and apply the principles of crop science, crop protection, 3 15
soil science and animal science
6.2. Describe the principles of fishery science and aquaculture, 2 10
environmental requirements for aquaculture, measurements of pond
water dissolved oxygen, BOD/COD, pH and turbidity
Total 100 500

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Rural electrification … (33%)
Competency Weight No. of
(%) Items
1. Rural Electrification 25 125
1.1. Prepare plans, designs, technical specifications and cost estimates of 8 40
electrical systems for agricultural buildings and structures to include
lighting, plan lay-out, appropriate sizing of wires; determining the
wattage requirements of outlets, voltage requirements of circuits and
breakers and the main circuit breaker.
1.2. Supervise the installation and energization of electrical systems in 2 10
agricultural buildings and structures.
1.3. Prepare plans, designs, technical specifications and cost estimates, 3 15
and supervise the operation and maintenance of electric motors and
1.4. Prepare plans, designs, technical specifications and cost estimates, 4 20
and supervise the operation and maintenance renewable energy
projects/systems for farm electrification.
1.5. Develop and utilize the potential of renewable energy sources, 4 20
waterfalls, biomass, animal waste, biofuel crops, ocean, geothermal,
sunlight, wind, etc.
1.6. Apply the theories, principles and practices of electronics, 4 20
instrumentations and control in the design, construction and operations
of agricultural engineering facilities and projects
PSAE Review Class 2011
UP Los Baños
Rural electrification … (33%)
Competency Weight No. of
(%) Items
2. Agricultural processing 30 150
2.1. Prepare and evaluate plans, designs, technical specifications and cost 7 35
estimates of agricultural processing system and facilities to include
primary and value adding processes
2.2. Apply the theories and principles of psychrometry in drying 2 10
2.3. Analyze the spectral properties & radiation energy distribution 2 10
network .
2.4. Analyze and apply the principles of steady state, transient conduction, 2 10
and radiant heat transfer in the design of heat transfer equipment and
2.5. Describe and apply natural and forced convection transfer of heat and 2 10
mass in boundary layers and in fluids with phase change;

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Rural electrification … (33%)
Competency Weight No. of
(%) Items
2. Agricultural processing 30 150
2.6. Prepare and evaluate plans, designs, technical specifications and cost 6 30
estimates, and supervise the operation and maintenance of
refrigeration systems and facilities for agricultural products.
2.7. Describe and apply the basic concepts, theories and principles, 2 10
processes and laws of thermodynamics.
2.8. Analyze and apply Otto, Carnot, and reversed cycles (refrigeration 2 10
cycle, vapor compression system, and the internal combustion engine).
2.9. Compute the cooling loads and determine the power requirements of 2 10
refrigeration and ventilation systems.
2.10. Analyze and design processes flows of agricultural products with 3 15
application of the theories and principles of GMP,SSOP and /or

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Rural electrification … (33%)

Competency Weight No. of

(%) Items
3.Agricultural Structures 35 175
3.1. Prepare and evaluate plans and designs, technical specifications and 6 30
cost estimates of agricultural buildings which include site
development, floor plans, elevation , cross sections, foundations, roof
farming plan, ventilation requirements; pest and rodents control;
water supply requirements and facilities.
3.2. Apply the theories and principles of engineering mechanics (statics 4 20
and dynamics)& strength of materials in the design of agricultural
3.3. Apply technological software in the preparation plan and cost 2 10
estimate of agricultural buildings and structures
3.4. Prepare and evaluate plans and design , technical specifications, 6 30
program of works and cost estimates of farm-to-market roads, farm
bridges and other horizontal agricultural structures

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Rural electrification … (33%)

Competency Weight No. of

(%) Items
3.Agricultural Structures 35 175
3.5. Supervise or mange the construction, operation and maintenance of 4 20
agricultural buildings and structures with the application of CPES
3.6. Apply the theories and principles of structural analysis including for 4 20
moving loads
3.7. Plan and design farmstead for efficient and cost effective 2 10
agricultural production systems
3.8. Apply the theories and principles of psychrometrics in the design, 4 20
construction, operation, and management of greenhouses and
appurtenant structures & facilities for the production of high value
3.9. Prepare agricultural machinery and equipment plan based on the 3 15
agricultural process that will serve as the reference for the design of
the floor plans etc.;

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Rural electrification … (33%)
Competency Weight No. of
(%) Items
4. Waste Management 5 25
4.1. Prepare and evaluate and plans and designs, technical specifications 2 10
and cost estimates of agricultural (animal) waste management
systems and facilities consisting of biogas digesters, waste treatment
lagoons, organic fertilizer production and composting (techniques)
4.2. Apply governmental regulations and technical requirements in the 1 5
design, operation & maintenance of agricultural waste mgt facilities
4.3. Supervise or manage the construction, operation and maintenance of 1 5
agricultural waste management systems and facilities
4.4. Apply the theories, principles and methodologies of agricultural 1 5
waste management system
5. Forest Products Engineering 5 25
5.1. Apply theories and technologies in the extraction and processing 2 10
(mechanical, chemical etc) of forest products
5.2. Develop and utilize non-wood forest products and special forest 2 10
products of bamboo and rattan
5.3. Apply technological advancement in the production and 1 5
development of forest resources and its by-products
Total 100 500
PSAE Review Class 2011
UP Los Baños
Professional Regulation Commission
Resolution No. 270
Series of 1993



PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Agricultural Engineer
Engineering plans, designs, specifications and cost
estimates on:

1.a. Farm Buildings and Structures such as:

silos and its components

farm machinery sheds
farmer houses
green/ screen houses
poultry and livestock houses
slaughter houses
bulk handling systems
agricultural equipment sheds

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Engineering plans, designs, specifications and cost
estimates on:

1.b. Agricultural processing facilities

cold storage
mills (rice, corn peanut, feed, etc.)
seed processing plant : (storage, graders, sorters,
packaging, labeling, baling, caning, etc.)

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Engineering plans, designs, specifications and cost
estimates on:

1.c. Agricultural power and machinery such as

power tillers
fads and aerators
pest control equipment
windmill, etc.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Engineering plans, designs, specifications and cost
estimates on:

1.d. Soil and Water conservation project, technology,

structures and systems like

drip irrigation
small impounding project
contour farming
small farm reservoir
drainage system
sloping agrometeorological devices
water management
water and land development
PSAE Review Class 2011
UP Los Baños
Engineering plans, designs, specifications and cost
estimates on:

1.e. Farm electrification such as

electric generators and motors
village type power plant including development of
non-conventional energy equipment
facilities for agricultural purposes

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Bid proposals/ offers (agricultural machinery and
equipment, post harvest facilities, feasibility

Technical reports and studies (Evaluation reports,

valuation, appraisal, and testing and evaluation of
agricultural machinery, equipment and facilities)

Certifications (patents, copyright, etc.)

Area development planning pertinent to agriculture

development, physical development plans and
farm subdivision, etc.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Feasibility studies, programs, project proposals on
agricultural engineering field intended for
financing and other purposes.

(Agricultural) Resources surveys, assessments and

mapping such as water resource inventory for
irrigation and farm households use, farming
systems, land evaluations, agrometeorological
assessment, land use surveys and planning, soil
surveys, etc. for rural agricultural development

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Enforcement and Regulation

• DBM Memo Circular

• Code of ethics and professional standards for
agricultural Engineers
• Code of technical standards
• Seal and use of seal
• Memorandum Circulars
• Others

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Budget Circular No. 2003-3.
Sept. 12, 2003
Reallocation of Agriculturist positions and other
positions performing agricultural engineering work
to existing engineer classes of positions

Engineer I, II, III, IV & V;

Provincial Agricultural Engineer,
City Agricultural Engineer,
Municipal Agricultural Engineer

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Code of Ethics

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that defines what is

good for the individual and the society and establishes
the nature of obligations, or duties, that people owe
themselves and to one another.

The word ethics is derived from the Greek word ethos,

which means "character," and from the Latin word
mores, which means "customs.”

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Code of Ethics

In modern society, it defines how individuals, business

professionals, and corporations choose to interact with
one another.

The code of ethics is a written system of standards for

ethical conduct.

It could express the principles which should govern the

professional relations of an agricultural engineer to his
client or employer, to the other professionals, and to the
PSAE Review Class 2011
UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Article 1. General Provisions

Registered Agricultural Engineers (RAEs) must adhere

to a Code of Ethics and Professional Standards, which
provides for the maintenance of high standards and
competence and integrity.

They must have a clear concept of, and the commitment

to their obligations, to their profession, to their clients or
employers, to their colleagues in the profession and to
the public.
PSAE Review Class 2011
UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 1. Definition of Terms

Registered Agricultural Engineers – is a natural person who

has issued a certificate of registration by the Board of
Agricultural Engineering and has taken an oath of
profession of agricultural engineers.

Client- the person or entity, which retains an agricultural

engineer that engaged in the practice of agricultural
engineering for the performance of professional services.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 1. Definition of Terms

Employer – the person or entity that employs and

agricultural engineer for the rendition of agricultural
engineering and related services.

Enterprise – any person or entity whether organized for

profit or not for which an agricultural engineer renders
professional services.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 1. Definition of Terms

Firm – a proprietorship or professional partnership of two or

more agricultural engineers or persons engaged in the
practice of agricultural engineering, including individual
partners thereof.

Code – a system of rules and regulations on any subject. It

is an accepted way of behavior, especially the mores of
the society.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 1. Definition of Terms

Competence – the relevant knowledge and skills applied to

the standards of performance expected in the workplace,
includes the capacity to apply skills and knowledge to
new task in a range of environments (Regional Model
Competency Program)

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 1. Definition of Terms

Integrity – the condition of having no part or element

wanting; unbroken state; material wholeness;
completeness entirety. Moral soundness, probity,
wholeness, completeness, honesty and sincerity to
perform work in its entirety in the quality or state of being

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 1. Definition of Terms

Obligation – the action of binding oneself by oath, promise,

or contract to do or forebear something; a binding
agreement which is enforceable by law, whereby a
person or persons become bound to payment of a sum
of money or other performance; a binding legal
agreement or responsibility restricting power inherent to
such an agreement or responsibility.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 1. Definition of Terms

Duties – obligations of behavior or conduct in relation to

others and to GOD who have a stronger claim on a
person than his self interest the work someone is
expected to do because of his vocation or profession.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 1. Definition of Terms

Ethics – the moral system of a particular school of thought,

relating to morality of behavior. The rules of conduct
recognized in certain department of human life
conforming to an accepted standard of good behavior in
the performance of a profession or trade.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 1. Definition of Terms

Standards- includes engineering practices, and the data

adopted by the Philippine Society of Agricultural
Engineers (PSAE), Inc. and the Board of Agricultural
Engineering (BOAE).

A model to be followed or initiated established by custom

and consent, a degree of quality, level of achievement,
etc. desirable and necessary for some purposes.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Article II. Responsibility and duty of Registered Agricultural

Engineer (RAE)

Section 1. Every person admitted to the practice of

agricultural engineering in the Philippines as
RAE shall endeavor to discharge duties and
responsibilities with fidelity to the public, his
employer and clients, and with fairness and
impartiality to all.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 2. They should uphold the honor and dignity of

their profession and also avoid connection with
any enterprise of questionable character.

Section 3. It is their prime duty to interest self in public

welfare, and to be ready to apply his technical
knowledge for the benefit of mankind.

Section 4. In their dealings with fellow engineers, he should

be fair and tolerant.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Article III. Professional Life of a Registered Agricultural

Engineer (RAE)

Section 1. Registered Agricultural Engineer (RAE) should

endeavor to make effective the agricultural
engineering profession by interchanging
information and experience with other
engineers and students and by contributing to
the work of agricultural engineering societies,
schools, and the scientific and engineering

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 2. Registered Agricultural Engineer (RAE) should

not advertise his work or merit in self - laudatory
manner and he should avoid any conduct or
practice likely to discredit and do injury to the
dignity and honor of his profession.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics
Section 3. Registered Agricultural Engineer (RAE) shall
strive to continuously update and enhance their
professional knowledge, skills and
competitiveness through rigorous research and
study, active and meaningful participation in
continuing professional development programs,
seminars, workshops and conventions
authorized by the National and/or Regional
Chapters of the Philippine Society of Agricultural
Engineers (PSAE), Inc, an accredited
professional organization (APO), or educational
institutions accredited and supervised by he
State through the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED).

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Article IV. Registered Agricultural Engineer’s (RAE)

Relation with the Public

Section 1. Registered Agricultural Engineer should

endeavor to disseminate public knowledge of
agricultural engineering, and discourage if not
curb the spread of untrue, unfair and
exaggerated statements regarding agricultural

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 2. Registered Agricultural Engineer should have

direct responsibility for safeguarding to the life
and health of the public and employees who
may be affected by their work for which they are

Section 3. Registered Agricultural Engineer may express

only such opinions as are founded on adequate
knowledge and honest conviction when serving
as a witness before a court, commission, or

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 4. Registered Agricultural Engineer should not

make ex-parte statements, criticism, or opinions
on matters connected with public policy which
are inspired or paid for the private interest,
unless they indicates on whose behalf they are
making the statement.

Section 5. Registered Agricultural Engineer should refrain

from expressing publicly opinion on any
agricultural engineering subjects unless well
informed as to the facts relating hereto.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Article V. Registered Agricultural Engineer’s Relation with

Clients and Employers

Section 1. In professional matters, Registered Agricultural

Engineers should act for each of their clients or
employers as faithful agent or trustee.

Section 2. Registered Agricultural Engineers should act

with fairness and justice between their clients or
employers and the contractor when dealing in

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 3. Registered Agricultural Engineers should make

their positions clear to their clients or employers
before undertaking an engagement wherein they
may be called upon to decide on the use of
inventions, apparatus, or any other thing in
which they have interest.

Section 4. Registered Agricultural Engineers should guard

against conditions that are dangerous or
threatening to life, limb, or property on work for
which they are responsible, or if they are not
responsible, should promptly bring such
conditions to the attention of those responsible

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 5. Registered Agricultural Engineers should point

out clearly the consequences that might possibly
arise if deviations from their agricultural engineering
work would be made or if their opinions thereon
would be overruled by non technical authority.

Section 6. Registered Agricultural Engineers may assist or

advise their clients or employers on matters
pertaining to agricultural engineering and may
cooperate with other experts and specialists
whenever their clients or employers’ interests will
best be served by such service.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 7. Registered Agricultural Engineers should

disclose NO INFORMATION concerning the business
affairs or technical processes of clients or employers
without their consent, unless in obedience to a lawful
order of a court.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Article VI. Registered Agricultural Engineers Relations with

Fellow Engineers and Allied Profession

Section 1. Registered Agricultural Engineers should

endeavor either individually or collectively to
protect and uphold the dignity, honor and
prestige of the agricultural engineering

Section 2. Registered Agricultural Engineers should see to

it that credit for engineering work is given to
those to whom credit is properly due.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 3. Registered Agricultural Engineers should, in the

public interest and to maintain the standards of
the profession, observe the principles of
reasonable or adequate compensation for those
engaged in agricultural engineering work,
including those employed in subordinate

Section 4. Registered Agricultural Engineers should

endeavor to create opportunity for the
professional development and advancement of
engineers in their employ.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 5. Registered Agricultural Engineers should refrain

from committing acts that will injure or tend to
injure the professional reputation, prospects, or
practice with their fellow engineers. However, if
there are sufficient grounds to believe that
another engineer has committed unethical,
illegal or unfair acts on the practice of
agricultural engineering profession, the former
may bring the matter of the attention of the
Board of Agricultural Engineering or to the
proper authorities for appropriate action.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 6. Registered Agricultural Engineers should

restrain from, if not avoid entirely criticizing
another’s work in public, bearing in mind the
fact that the engineering societies and
engineering press provide the proper forum for
technical discussions and criticisms.

Section 7. Registered Agricultural Engineers should not

take away from another agricultural engineer a
prospective employment after becoming aware
that definite steps have been taken by the latter
toward its consumption.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Section 8. Registered Agricultural Engineers should not

resort to unfair competition by under bidding or
reducing the usual fees after acquiring information as
to the fees offered by the other agricultural engineers
from similar services.

Section 9. A Registered Agricultural Engineer should NOT

USE advantage his salaried position to compete
unfairly with fellow engineers.

Section 10. Registered Agricultural Engineer should refrain

from associating with engineers who engage in
unethical or illegal practices, and should refuse to
share responsibility for their work.
PSAE Review Class 2011
UP Los Baños
Board of Agricultural Engineering
Code of Ethics

Article IX. Penalty Provision

Section 1. Violation of any of the provision of this code

which causes damage or injury to another shall
be punishable by:

1. fine of not more than P 5,000.00 or

2. imprisonment of not more than two months, or

3. both in the discretion of the court.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Executive Order No. 220 S, 2003
Directing the Adoption of the Code of Good Governance for
the Professionals in the Philippines

Adopted by the 42 Professional Regulatory Board

General Principle of Professional Conduct

Professionals are required not only to have an ethical
commitment, a personal resolve to act ethically, but also to
have both ethical awareness and ethical competency.

Ethical Awareness - the ability to discern between right and wrong

Ethical Competency - the ability to engage in sound moral reasoning
and consider carefully the implications of alternative actions

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Executive Order No. 220 S, 2003
Specific Principle of Professional Conduct

1. Service to others
2. Integrity and Objectivity
3. Professional Competence
4. Solidarity and Teamwork
5. Social and Civic Responsibility
6. Global Competitiveness
7. Equality of all Professions

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Code of Technical Standards

• Res. No. 05, Series of 2002: PAES I

• Res. No. 01, Series of 2003: PAES II
• Res. No. 02, Series of 2003: PAES III
• Res. No. 01, Series of 2005: PAES IV
• Res No. 01, Series of 2007: PAES V
(Board Resolutions adopting the PAES and prescribing it
as a code of technical standards for the practice of
agricultural engineering)

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Code of Technical Standards
(2001) (2003) (2003) (2005) (2007) (2009) (2009) VIII
General 3 3
Prodn 15 8 7 10 6 10 46
Post 11 11 8 8 10 38
Engg 6 7 7 20
Agri 3 10 8 21
Meat 24 24
Farm to 1 1
Market Rd
Total 35 25 22 21 17 1 32 20 153
Code on Agricultural Buildings

Res. No. 02, Series of 2003 – Adoption and promulgation

of the Philippine Agricultural Engineering Code on
Agricultural Buildings and Endorsing the same to the
Secretary of the Department of Public Works and
Highways for his approval as referral code of the
National Building Code of the Philippines.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Seal and Use of Seal

• Res. No. 07, Series of 2004 - “ Rules and regulations on

the design of seal and the signing and sealing of plans,
designs, specifications, drawings, reports and other
documents by Registered Agricultural Engineers

The octagon stands for the eight functional practice of AE :

1. Planning and designing
2. Managing
3. Research and development
4. Training and extension
5. Testing, evaluation, inspection and investigation
6. Teaching
7. Consulting
8. Valuation on AE facilities, services, systems & technologies

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Accreditation of the Philippine Society of
Agricultural Engineers (PSAE), Inc
• Res. No. 01. Series of 2004-Accreditation of the
Philippine Society of Agricultural Engineers (PSAE), Inc.
as the one and only integrated and accredited
organization of agricultural engineers.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

PRC Res. 2004-179, Series of 2004.

“Standardized Guidelines and Procedures for the
Implementation of the Continuing Professional Education
for All Professions”

Board Res. No. 2, Series of 2004 – Creation of the

Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Council for
Agricultural Engineering and Designation of the
Chairperson, and the Two (2) Members Thereof.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
CPE Council for Agricultural Engineering

• Engr. Ariodear Rico

Chairperson, Representing BOAE

• Engr. Frannie Macalintal

Member, Representing the PSAE

• Dr. Arnold R. Elepano

Member, Representing the Academe

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Objectives of the CPE Program
• To provide and ensure the continuous education of a
registered professional with the latest trends in the
profession brought about by modernization and scientific
and technological advancement;

• To raise and maintain the professional’s capability of

delivering professional services;

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Objectives of the CPE Program
• To attain and maintain the highest standards and quality
in the practice of his profession;

• To make the professional globally competitive; and

• To promote the general welfare of the public.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Board Res. No.__, Series of 2005

Rules and Regulations Implementing Section 9(J) of

Republic Act No 8559 Prescribing Guidelines and
Procedures in the Continuing Professional Education
(CPE) Program for Registered Agricultural Engineers

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Professional Regulation Commission
Resolution No. 321
Series of 2006
Amendments of Sec. 15 of Resolution No. 179
Series of 2004

Standardized guidelines and procedures for

the Implementation of CPE for Registered
Professionals by Prescribing Fee for the
Accreditation of Continuing Professional
Education (CPE) Providers

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Requirements for Accreditation

Registration Fee – P 5,000

Validity – 3 years
Every Program to be Implemented – P 3,000
Validity – 3 years

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Criteria for Accreditation
A. For CPE Provider
1. Must be a duly registered organization, firm, institution or
agency or a professional agricultural engineer of good
standing and has never been convicted with crime.
2. Shall have established mechanism for measuring the
quality of the program being offered or administered.
3. Must have adequate, modern and updated instructional
materials to carry out the CPE programs and activities for
registered agricultural engineers.
4. Shall have instructors, lecturers and resource speakers with
good moral character and technical competence and are
holders of current license as Professional Agricultural

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Criteria for Accreditation
B. For CPE Programs, Activities or Sources

1. The scope shall be beyond the basic preparation for

admission to the practice of the Agricultural Engineering.
The contents shall be relevant/related, but not limited to the
practice of agricultural engineering.
2. The Program/ Activities, or sources shall enhance the
competence of the professional by upgrading and updating
knowledge and skills for the practice of the agricultural
engineering profession as brought about by modernization
and scientific and technical advancement in the profession.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
1. Seminars/Conventions

Matrix for CPE Programs/Activities
1 CU per hour
or Sources
Certificate of Attendance with number of
Seminar Program and Certified list of

Resource Speaker 5 CU per hour Photocopy of Plaque

Certification and copy of Paper and Program
of Invitation

Panelist/Reactor 3 CU per hour Certification from Sponsoring Organization

and Copy of Program

Facilitator/Moderator 2 CU per hour Certification from Sponsoring Organization

and Copy of Program

Organizer 5 CU per hour Certification from Organization and copy of

Chairman 3 CU per hour Program

2. Academic Preparation

Masters Degree 1 CU/Academic Unit University Certification/Diploma/Transcript

30 CU additional upon completion of Records
of Degree

Doctoral Degree 2 CU/Academic Unit University Certification/Diploma/Transcript

45 CU additional upon completion of Records
of Degree

Fellowship 15 CU per year Certification from the granting Institution

Certificate of Fellowship
Matrix for CPE Programs/Activities or Sources
Programs Credit Units Supporting Documents
3. Self Directed Learning Package
Distance Learning Module 10 CU per complete set of Module Copy of duly accomplished module and evaluation

Technical Paper/ Professional Journal 1CU Professional/Technical Article Copy of duly Accomplished Article and Evaluation
4. Authorship
Research/ Innovative Programs/Creative 10 CU Duly Certified/ Published Technical Report/ Paper
Book Monograph 25-50pp 51-100pp Over 100pp Published Book with Proof of Copyright
Single Author 4CU 6CU 8CU
2 Authors 3CU 4CU 6CU
3 or More 2CU 3CU 4CU

Professional Journal Editor 5 CU per Article Copy of Published Journal

Peer Reviewer 2 CU per Article Copy of Published Journal
5. Inventions 10-30 CU per Invention Certified Copy of Patent Certificate
6. Post Graduate/ In-Service Training 0.25 CU per hour (Maximum of Certificate of Training and Training Description
40 CU per Training
7. Study/ Observation Tour 2 CU per day Certification from Sponsoring Institution
(Maximum of 30 CU per Training
8. Professorial Chair 10 CU per chair/year Certification of Grant or Appointment Paper
Such other Activities/ Programs/ Source to be recommended by the council and approved by the Commission (such as meetings of
Standards-Setting Bodies for the Agricultural Engineering Profession)
Memo Circular No. 2005-09

• Implementation of R.A. No. 9184, The “Procurement

Reform Act of 2003”, The Procurement of Agricultural
and Fishery Infrastructure, Facilities, Machineries,
Equipment, and Consulting Services on Agricultural
Engineering in Relation to R.A. No. 8559, the “Philippine
Agricultural Engineering Act of 1998”.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Memo Circular No. 2005-11
• Implementation of Section 17 of R.A. No. 7160, known
as the “Local Government Code of 1991” and R.A. No.
8435, known as “Agricultural and Fisheries
Modernization Act of 1997”

Re: Design, Construction, Management and/or Provision of

Irrigation, Small Water Impounding, Farm Machinery,
Post Harvest Facilities, Farm to Market Roads,
Agricultural ad Fishery Infrastructures Projects and
Agricultural Engineering R & D and Extension in relation
to R.A. No. 8559, known as the “Philippine Agricultural
Engineering Act of 1998”.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Agricultural and Fisheries Modernization Act
of 1997

What is the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization

The Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act
(AFMA) of 1997 (Republic Act 8435) was passed by the
Senate and the House of Representatives on December
15, 1997 and December 16, 1997, respectively. It was
signed into law by then President Fidel V. Ramos
on December 22, 1997.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Agricultural and Fisheries Modernization Act
of 1997

What are the main objectives of AFMA?

a) To modernize the agricultural and fishery sectors by

transforming these sectors from a resource-based to
a technology-based industry;
b) To enhance profits and incomes in the agricultural
and fishery sectors, particularly of the small farmers
and fisherfolk by ensuring equitable access to assets,
resources and services, and promoting higher-value
crops, value-added processing, agribusiness
activities, and agro-industrialization;
PSAE Review Class 2011
UP Los Baños
Agricultural and Fisheries Modernization Act
of 1997 (RA 8435)
c) To ensure the accessibility, availability and stability
of food supply at all times;
d) To encourage horizontal and vertical integration,
consolidation and expansion of agricultural and
fishery activities, groups, functions and other
services through the organization of cooperatives,
farmers’ and fisherfolk’s associations, corporations,
nucleus estates, and consolidated farms and to
enable these entities to benefit from economies of
scale, afford them a stronger negotiating position,
and enable them to pursue more focused, efficient
and appropriate research and development efforts;
PSAE Review Class 2011
UP Los Baños
Agricultural and Fisheries Modernization Act
of 1997
e) To promote people empowerment by strengthening
people’s organizations, cooperatives and NGO’s,
and by establishing and improving mechanisms
and processes for their participation in government
decision-making and implementation;
f) To pursue a market-driven approach to enhance
the comparative advantage of our agricultural and
fishery sectors in the world market;
g) To induce the agricultural and fishery sectors to
continuously ascend the value-added ladder by
subjecting their traditional or new products to
further processing in order to minimize the
marketing of raw, unfinished or unprocessed
products; PSAE Review Class 2011
UP Los Baños
Agricultural and Fisheries Modernization Act
of 1997
h) To adopt policies that will promote industry
dispersal and rural industrialization by providing
incentives to local and foreign investors for them to
establish industries that have backward linkages to
the country’s agricultural and fishery resource
i) To provide social and economic adjustment
measures that increase productivity and improve
market efficiency while ensuring the protection and
preservation of the environment and equity for small
farmers and fisherfolk; and
j) To improve the quality of life of all sectors.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Agricultural and Fisheries Modernization Act
of 1997
Who are eligible for exemption from the payment of
import duties of agricultural and fishery Inputs,
equipment and machinery as provided for under
Section 109 of Republic Act 8435?
a) Agricultural sectors;
b) Cooperatives;
c) Farmers and fisherfolk;
d) Farmers and fisherfolk organizations and
e) Fishery enterprises;
f) Fishery sectors; and
g) Import consolidators.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
R.A. No. 8981
(The “PRC Modernization Act of 2000”)
Section 11. Persons to Teach Subjects for Licensure
Examination. All subjects for licensure
examinations shall be taught by persons who
are holders of valid certificates of registration
and valid professional license of the profession
and who comply with other requirements of the

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Sec 1(e), Art. IV of
Res.No.1, Series of 2001.(IRR of RA 8981)
Effective January 1, 2009, all transcripts of records for four
(4) year tertiary courses, and effective January 1, 2010
all transcripts of records for five (5) year tertiary courses,
which are subject to licensure examinations, shall reflect
a certification under oath by the registrar that all the
subjects for licensure examinations were taught by
persons who are qualified under the above paragraph.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Sec 1(f). IRR of RA No. 8981

It shall be the duty of the school administration to ensure

compliance with the requirements under the above
paragraph. The school administrator and/or faculty
member who violate/s the provisions of the section may
be subject to administrative and/or criminal charges
under appropriate provisions of existing laws.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
PRC Resolution No. 3, S 2007

Rules and regulations implementing the ASEAN Mutual

Recognition Arrangement on Engineering Services-
Professional Agricultural Engineering Services

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
PRC Resolution No. 3, S 2007
Rules and regulations implementing the ASEAN Mutual
Recognition Arrangement on Engineering Services-
Professional Agricultural Engineering Services

Brunei Darussalam The Union of Myanmar

Kingdom of Cambodia The Republic of the Philippines
Republic of Indonesia The Republic of Singapore
Lao People’s Democratic Republic The Kingdom of Thailand
Malaysia The Socialist Republic of Vietnam

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
PRC Resolution No. 2009-09, S 2009
Implementation and Enforcement of Republic Act No.
8559 (R.A. 8559) known as the “Philippine Agricultural
Engineering Act of 1998” and its implementing rules and
regulations in the identification, validation, design and
construction of farm-to-market roads

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
PRC Resolution No. 2009-09, S 2009
- Assigned licensed agricultural engineer/s as part of the appropriate
organizational units of the central, regional, provincial, district and
foreign assisted offices of DA,DAR,DPWH, DENR, ARMM and OPE,
OME, PAO,MAO, LGU in the identification, validation, design and
construction of farm-to-market roads

- Require the participating contractors in the public bidding of farm-to

market –road projects to have Phil. Constructors Accreditation Board
(PCAB)specialty license on Agricultural Engineering Works or licensed
Agricultural Engineer as Sustaining Technical Employee responsible
for the supervision and inspection of the construction of farm-to-
market road projects of contractors.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Other Legal Documents

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
• National Building Code of the Philippines, 1972

• To safeguard life, health, property, and public

welfare, consistent with the principles of
environmental management and control; and to this
end, make it the purpose of this Code to provide for
all buildings and structured, a framework of
minimum standards and requirements by guiding,
regulating, and controlling their location, siting,
design, quality of materials, construction, use,
occupancy, and maintenance, including their
environment, utilities, fixtures, equipment, and
mechanical electrical, and other systems and
PSAE Review Class 2011
UP Los Baños



• Distribution of Lands

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
• "Local Government Code of 1991

• the territorial and political subdivisions of the State shall

enjoy genuine and meaningful local autonomy to enable
them to attain their fullest development as self-reliant
communities and make them more effective partners in
the attainment of national goals.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Republic Act 9003
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of

An act promoting for an ecological solid waste

management program, creating the necessary institutional
mechanisms and incentives, declaring certain acts
prohibited and providing penalties, appropriating funds
therefore and for other purposes

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Republic Act 9367
Biofuels Act of 2006

An act to direct the use of biofuels establishing for this

purpose, the biofuels program appropriating funds
therefore and for other purposes

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Republic Act 9513
Renewable Energy Act of 2008

An act promoting the development , utilization and

commercialization of renewable Energy resources and for
other purposes

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Republic Act 9729 or the Climate Change
Act of 2009 which became a law last Oct.
23, 2009

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Engineering Contracts and
A contract is a binding agreement that the courts will

All contracts are agreements but not all agreements are


Agreements often impose merely a social or moral

obligation hence they are not legally enforceable by law.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Engineering Contracts and
• As to origin
– Express contract - an agreement that is stated in
words, either orally or in writing; bilateral or
multilateral ( to protect the parties involved; prevent
a later disagreement over the terms)

– Implied contract - a contract in which the

agreement of the parties is inferred from their
conduct; unilateral

– Quasi contract – not strictly a contract but a legal

obligation imposed to avoid injustice

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Engineering Contracts and

• As to obligation status
– Bilateral contract - a contract in which both parties
exchange promises

– Unilateral contract – a contract in which only 1 party

makes a promise

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Engineering Contracts and
• As to participants
– Two-party contract- two parties are involved
– Joint contract – two or more parties merge to enter
into a contract with another party/ies; each party
takes full responsibilities for the conduct and
completion of the contract
– Several contract - two or more persons enter into a
contract as promisors or promisees but keep their
liability more or less separate
– Joint and Several contract – same nature as the two
abovementioned types
– Third party beneficiary contract - two or more
parties enter into a contract for the protection of a
third party who is not part of the contract
PSAE Review Class 2011
UP Los Baños
Engineering Contracts and
• As to form
– Contract under seal – one with seal attached; more
binding than others (deeds, bonds)
– Contract of record – as a consequence of court
– Simple or parol contract – less formal than a sealed

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Engineering Contracts and
• As to legal status
– Valid contract – one that meets all the requirements
of a binding contract

– Void contract – not a contact at all; without legal


– Voidable contract – a contract capable of being void

– Unenforceable contract – valid in all respect except

that it is unenforceable through court action

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Engineering Contracts and
• As to completion status
– Executory contract – the obligations are yet to be

– Executed contract – all obligations are

accomplished upon making the contract; no future
obligations follow

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Engineering Contracts and
• Essential Elements in a Contract:
- Two parties or more
- Mutual Agreement must be understandable and
- Valuable consideration equally treated
- Obligations must be of legal acts not contrary to the
- Contract must be set forth based on form and
manner of execution

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Engineering Contracts and
Questionable capacity to enter into a contract:

• Infants

• Persons of unsound minds

• Drunken persons

• Persons under legal guardianship

• Corporations
PSAE Review Class 2011
UP Los Baños
Engineering Contracts and

• Convicts

• Enemy aliens

• Foreign countries and their Sovereigns

• Professional persons who are required by law to

register and to be licensed

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Technical Specifications

• Technical specifications are detailed, exact statement

of particulars, especially a statement describing
materials, dimensions, and quality of work for
something to be built, installed, or manufactured.

• It covers almost any phase of industrial activity hence

it must be comprehensive and well prepared.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Technical Specifications

Technical specifications are used to convey the nature of:

1) machinery/output
2) supplies of material to be furnished, and
3) work to be done in a contract.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Technical Specifications

The preparation of such specifications requires an

extensive technical knowledge of:

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Technical Specifications

The responsibility of the Agricultural Engineer

– The more general the specifications, the greater

responsibility of the engineer.

– As details defined by the specifications, moral &

legal responsibility is decreased.

– Standard tests are undertaken to guarantee and

lessen the responsibility of the engineer.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Engineering Drawing and Specifications

It is a technical drawing, that defines fully and clearly the

requirements for engineered items

It is usually created in accordance with standardized

conventions for layout, nomenclature, interpretation,
appearance (such as typefaces and line styles), size,

In the olden times, it is often referred to as "blueprints" or


PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Engineering Drawing and Specifications

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Engineering Drawing and Specifications

Common information recorded on an engineering


• Title
– The title of the drawing.

• Name
– The name of the person who produced the drawing.
This is important for quality control so that problems
with the drawing can be traced back to their origin.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Engineering Drawing and Specifications

• Checked by
– In many engineering firms, drawings are checked by
a second person before they are sent to
manufacture, so that any potential problems can be
identified early.

• Version
– Many drawings will get amended over the period of
the parts life. Giving each drawing a version number
helps people identify if they are using the most
recent version of the drawing.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Engineering Drawing and Specifications

• Date
– The date the drawing was created or amended on.

• Scale
– The scale of the drawing. Large parts won't fit on
paper so the scale provides a quick guide to the
final size of the product.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Engineering Drawing and Specifications

• Projection System
– The projection system used to create the drawing
should be identified to help people read the
drawing. (1st angle projection, 3rd angle projection).
First Angle Projection
the ISO standard considers a projection on the opposite direction, like an X-
ray radiography; the top view is under the front view, the right view is at the
left of the front view.

Third Angle Projection

American standard places the left view on the left and the top view on the top.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Engineering Drawing and Specifications

• Company Name
– Many CAD drawings may be distributed outside the
company so the company name is usually added to
identify the source.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Writing Specifications

To achieve Fairness, one should avoid the following:
1. Indefinite Specifications
“Concrete should be made of one part by volume Portland Cement, 2 ½ parts by
volume of sand and 5 parts by volume of water”

2. Intermediate Specifications
“Concrete is to be made of such material and in such proportions as the engineer
shall direct”

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Writing Specifications

3. Ambiguous/ unnecessary Specifications
“Concrete shall not be dropped at a greater distance than one foot”

4. Arbitrary Specifications
“The contractor shall commence and prosecute work at such points, at such times
and with such forces as the engineer may direct”

5. Unfair Specifications
“The engineer must be permitted to remove such portions of work as s/he may
from time to times s/he thinks necessary, for the discovery of improper material or
workmanship and the contractor shall restore such work at his own expense.”

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Writing Specifications
• To achieve Clearness/Clarity the engineer should:

1. Use effective and correct English

2. Avoid the use of brevity or wordiness. Use short and

simple sentences that would describe the work to be

3. Avoid the use of ellipsis (short forms of words/

abbreviations/acronyms) which is not familiar with the
end users.
PSAE Review Class 2011
UP Los Baños
Writing Specifications
4. Avoid the use of totality language or words like: "all,"
"always," "never," "every," and "none," which may
create logical error. Conflicting requirements often
result from totality statements.

5. Avoid the use of slash marks “/” or “virgule” in

engineering specifications.
“When we write A/B, we usually mean "either A or B" or "either A or B or both" or
"both A and B" or "number of A's divided by number of B's." There's no telling
which one.”

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Writing Specifications
6. Proper usage of verb tenses and auxiliary verb
Specifications always state requirements in the future
tense using the emphatic form "shall."
The weaker auxiliary verbs "will," "should" and "may" do not express a
requirement. Specifications containing the word "shall," are usually included in the
database of requirements.

7. Avoid the use of modifiers that apply to two or more

“The flange shall be fastened by nuts and bolts of stainless steel.”

8. Write specifications in the third person form.

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Writing Specifications

• Some consequences of unclear and unfair

– may hamper intelligent bidding
– may add materially to the cost
– may involve a confession which is an
embarrassment to the engineer

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños
Maraming Salamat Po!

PSAE Review Class 2011

UP Los Baños

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