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I am truly free: The

Real Concept of
How do you define
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but
not to live in a way that respects and enhances the
freedom of others”
- nelson mandela
• Freedom stands for something greater than
just the right to act however I choose
• it also stands for securing to everyone an
equal opportunity for life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness. To most reasonable
• freedom means more than just 'free to do
whatever I want
• The terms “freedom from” and “freedom to”
portrays two different concepts and ideas ,
hence, young people should be able to
understand how to become active
practitioners of freedom in their homes,
schools, and communities.
• Freedom is only realized nation. Some people
think that independence and freedom can
only felt if the freedom can only felt if the
country they live in has its own government.
• Freedom is merely a physical reality. Freedom
sometimes thought by people as the ability to
go around without something or someone
preventing you from doing so.
• Freedom is doing what we want to. Some call
“absolute freedom” they say that freedom can
be experienced if one can do what he or she
wants to do.
• Freedom can be achieved instantly. People
dream of instantaneous freedom. Those who
want to be free from poverty turn to
gambling, stealing and doing other illegal acts;
and those who want to be free from
depression resort to harm themselves.

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