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Quản Trị Quan hệ khách hàng

Nhóm 7
Name: Đoàn Minh Quang
Hồ Hoàng Trọng Thiên
Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Trân

Phạm Quốc Lý
Low/High High/High

Face to Face Meetings: Face to Face Meetings:

•Curently meets once every •Curently meets once every
High 6 months
4 months
•Optimal meeting frequency •Optimal meeting frequency
is once every 1 months is once every 4 months
Direct Mail/ Telesale: Direct Mail/ Telesale:
•Current Interval is 21 days •Current Interval is 13 days
•Optimal Interval is 4 days
Customer value

•Optimal Interval is 13 days

Face to Face Meetings: Face to Face Meetings:

•Curently meets once every •Curently meets once every
6 months 3 months
•Optimal meeting frequency •Optimal meeting frequency
is once every 14 months is once every 4 months
Direct Mail/ Telesale: Direct Mail/ Telesale:
Low •Current Interval is 27 days •Current Interval is 10 days
•Optimal Interval is 26 days •Optimal Interval is 19 days

Low Duration of relationship High


Acquired Customer
customer profitability

Acquisition Process Retention Process

•Firm actions
•Customer actions
•Competitor actions
•Customer characteristics
•Brand knowledge, which is made up of a customer’s
awareness of the brand ( brand awareness) and a customer’s
image of the brand (brand image)
•Brand attitude, which is made up of a customer’s trust in
the brand (brand trust) and a customer’s emotional response’s
image of the brand (brand effect)
•Brand behavior intention, which is made up of a customer
intention to purchase a brand (purchase intention)
•Brand behavior, which is made up of a customer’s repeat-
buying behavior (brand loyalty), relationship with other
customers of brand (brand advocacy), and willingness to pay
a price premium over other brands (brand price premium

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