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 A fatty acid contains a long hydrocarbon chain and a terminal

carboxylate group. The hydrocarbon chain may be saturated ( with
no double bond ) or may be unsaturated ( containing double bond )
 It occurs in many tissues in the body , including liver , kidney and
heart .
 Fatty acids oxidation doesn’t occur in the brain ,Erythrocytes and
adrenal medulla . These are the cannot utilize fatty acids for
energy requirements
 Fatty acids can be oxidized by :

1. Beta oxidation : Major mechanism , occur in the mitochondria

matrix . 2- C units are released as acetyl Co A per cycle .
2. Alpha oxidation : Predominantly takes place in brain and liver , one
carbon is lost in the form of CO2 per cycle .
3. Omega oxidation : Minor mechanism , but becomes important in
conditions of impaired beta oxidation .
4. Peroxisomal oxidation : Mainly for the trimming of very long chain
fatty acids .
 β-oxidation of fatty acid – the break down of a fatty acid to acetyl-Co A
 β-oxidation may be defined as the oxidation of fatty acids on the beta-
carbon atom . This results in the sequential removal of a two carbon
fragments, acetyl Co A
 occurs in the mitochondria
 Process is strictly aerobic
 After production Acetyl-Co A is fed directly into the Krebs cycle
 The beta oxidation of fatty acids
involve three stages :
1. Activation of fatty acids in the cytosol
2. Transport of activated fatty acids into
mitochondria ( carnitine shuttle )
3. Beta oxidation proper in the mitochondrial
 Activation of FA
 This proceeds by FA thiokinase ( acyl CoA synthetase ) present in
 Thiokinase requires ATP , COA SH , Mg++ .The product of this
reaction is FA acyl COA and water .
Transport of fatty acyl Co A from cytosol
into mitochondria :
 Long chain acyl Co A traverses the inner mitochondria membrane with a special
transport mechanism called carnitine shuttle .
 Transport of acyl Co A into the mitochondria ( rate limiting step )
1. Acyl groups from acyl Co A is transferred to carnitine to from acyl carnitine
catalysed by carnitine acyltransferase I , in the outer mitochondrial
membrane .
2. Acylcarnitine is then shuttled across the inner mitochondrial membrane by
a translocase enzyme .
3. The acyl group is transferred back to Co A in matrix by carnitine
acyltransferase II .
4. Finally , carnitine is returned to the cytosolic slide by translocase , in
exchange for an incoming acyl carnitine .
 A saturated acyl Co A is degraded by a recurring sequence of four reactions :
a) Oxidation by flavin adenine dinucleotide ( FAD )
b) Hydration
c) Oxidation by NAD+
d) Thiolysis by Co ASH

 The fatty acyl chain is shortened by two carbon atoms as a result of these reactions .
 FADH2 , NADH , and Acetyl Co A are generated .
 Because oxidation is on the β carbon and the chain is broken between the α (2) and β (3)
carbon atoms hence the name β oxidation .
 The first reaction is the oxidation of acyl Co A by an acyl Co A
dehydrogenase to give α-β unsaturated acyl Co A ( enoyl Co A )
FAD is the hydrogen accepter
 The second reaction is the hydration of the
double bond to β-hydroxyacyl Co A
 The third reaction is the oxidation of β-hydroxyacyl Co A
to produce β-ketoacyl Co A NAD dependent reaction
 The fourth reaction is cleavage of the two carbon
fragment by splitting the bond between α and β carbons
 By thiolase enzyme
 The release of acetyl Co A leaves an acyl Co A
molecule shortened by 2 carbons .
 This acyl Co A molecule is the substrate for the
next round of oxidation starting with acyl Co A
dehydrogenase .
 Repetition continues until all the carbons of the
original fatty acyl Co A are converted to acetyl Co A
 In the last round a four carbon acyl Co A ( butyryl
Co A ) is cleaved to 2 acetyl Co A .
e.g. Palmitic ( 16C )
 β-oxidation of palmitic acid will be repeated 7 cycles producing 8
molecules of acetyl Co A .
 In each cycle FADH2 and NADH+H* is produced and will be transported to
the respiratory chain .
• So 7 cycles 5x7 = 35 ATP
 Each acetyl Co A which is oxidized in citric cycle gives 12 ATP
( 8x12=96 ATP )
 2 ATP are utilized in the activation of fatty acid ( it occurs once ) .
 Energy gain = Energy produced – Energy utilized
 =35 ATP + 96 ATP – 2 ATP =129 ATP

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