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Earthquake Resistant

Design Competition

Workshop on Analytical Model

The Need for Modeling

Real structure cannot be

analyzed, it can only be “load
tested” to determine response.
We can only analyze a “model” of
the structure.
We therefore need tools to model
the structure as close as possible
and to analyze the model.
Mathematical Models
of Structure
Analytical Model using
Computer Software SAP2000
Error / deviation from real behavior
comes from:
Imperfection of idealization.
Data accuracy.
Minimum Data Input for
Structural Analysis
1. Geometry
2. Material
3. Section
4. Restraints
5. Loadings
1. Geometry
1 bay x 1 bay (15 cm x 15cm)
9 stories (@5 cm)
1. Geometry (define grids)
1. Geometry (define grids)
1. Geometry (draw frames)
Draw Quick Draw Frame
2. Material (define)
DefineMaterialAdd New Material

•Static & Dynamic

• Static
3. Section (define)
Define  Section Properties  Frame
Add New Property  “Concrete”
3. Section (assign)
View  Set Display Option  View by
Color of
3. Section (assign)
Select all  Assign  Frame  Frame
Section  “5mm”
4. Restraints (assign)
Select “Foundation” Joints  Assign 
Joint  Restraints
5. Static Loadings
Draw “Platforms”  Steel, 5cm x 15cm x

• “Extrude”
5. Static Loadings (apply loads)
10 N in x-direction on each platform
Define  Load Pattern  Add Live Load
5. Static Loadings (apply loads)
Select each platform centroid
Apply Frame Point “Live” Load in x
Run Analysis (F5)
Display  Show Deformed Shape  Live
See U1 (x direction of a point)
Should Be Noted:
With the same material, restraints, and
More “U1”  More Deflection  Less
Stiffness  Weaker Structure
“Modify” Geometry & Section (see
Competition rules)  to get “minimal” U1 
make your structure stronger
Aside of geometry & section design, each
team may have variations of: joint strength,
precision of construction, etc.
Static versus Dynamic Loads
In reality, the deflection due to dynamic
loadings =
U1 (static) x Dynamic Magnification Factor
6. Dynamic Loadings
Define  Function  Time History  Sine
Adjust the input
6. Dynamic Loadings
Delete the previous static load
Select all platform  Assign gravity live
6. Dynamic Loadings
Define Mass Source  From Loads
6. Dynamic Loadings
Define  Load Cases  Add New
Run Analysis (F5)
View “U1” @1 sec, @2sec, etc. &
“Modify” Geometry & Section (see
Competition rules)  to get “minimal” U1 
make your structure stronger.
Important (dynamic analysis):
Stiffer structure  does not automatically
show less U1 (Resonance Effect  See
If the natural frequency of structure is far
from that of the ground motion  no
resonance effect, all logics are the same as
static analysis.

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