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PC\Downloads\6 Phrases for The

Office- Business English Lesson.mp4
- to connect with someone
to talk about the project or work.
• Let's touch base tomorrow to arrange the project.

• I'll touch base with you tomorrow and let you know how
I'm going.

• I'll touch base with him later to tell him about the meeting.
- give someone some
information that they missed.
• I missed the meeting yesterday. Can you fill me in?

• Please fill me in the important informations about the new


• I filled her in on the latest news.

- start the
process, project, task, meeting etc.
• Let's get the ball rolling on this project.

• He will try to get the ball rolling again on peace talks.

• We have to get the ball rolling on this project soon.

- to summarise in a brief
clear way.
• In a nutshell we need to increase our costumer base by

• I can eplain it to you in a nutshell.

• The manager discussed the presentation in a nutshell.

- in agreement or
the same understanding.
• Let's arrange a meeting on this project to make sure
we are on the same page.

• It is very important that we are all in the same page

with this.

• We must be on the same page before we start the

- keep you
informed and up to date on something.
• We've hired a new intern to help you with data entry,
so be sure to keep her in the loop about the project.

• I will be on a business trip, so please keep me in the

loop about the company's condition.

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