Tinea Capitis: Anggota Kelompok: Suci Melinda M. Brigitha Rahmaddini NRP St. Hardianty Ayu Resky A. Juliana Ramdani

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Tinea Capitis

Anggota Kelompok :
Suci Melinda M.
Brigitha Rahmaddini NRP
St. Hardianty Ayu Resky
A. Juliana Ramdani
• Dermatophytes are represented by
approximately 40 species divide among the 3
genera Trichophyton,Microsporum,and
• Dermatophytes are classified further
according to their ability to attach to,invade
and use keratin as a source of nutrition
underlies the pathogenesis of superficial
fungal infection.

K, Sewon. A, Masayuki. B, Anna L. 2019. Fitzpatrick's Dermatology. 9th ed. Toronto : McGraw Hill Education
Bleiker, T. Charles, R. Creamer, D. 2016. Rook's Textbook of Dermatology. 9th ed. UK : Wiley Blackwell.
Definition of tinea capitis
• Synonyms and inclosions:
Ringworm of the scalp ,tinea
• Tinea capitis is a superficial
fungal.This is ringworm of the
scalp.Describes a dematophytes
infection of hair and scalp
typically caused by Trichophyton
and Microsporum species,with
the exception of Trichophyton

K, Sewon. A, Masayuki. B, Anna L. 2019. Fitzpatrick's Dermatology. 9th ed. Toronto : McGraw Hill Education
Bleiker, T. Charles, R. Creamer, D. 2016. Rook's Textbook of Dermatology. 9th ed. UK : Wiley Blackwell.
• The principal feature of tinea capitis inrecent
years has been the rise of M.canis as the
dominant organism in infections in some parts
of europe
• Spread of T.tonsurans in urban communities in
the USA and western Europe,particularly the
UK and in some other european countries.
• Predominantly an infection of children
between the ages of 3 and 14 years

Veronica. 2016. Tinea kapitis tipe gray patch yang diduga disebabkan oleh Microsporum dan Trichophyton.
• Predominantly an infection of children,
particularly with T.tonsurans infections.
• Some species such as show a predilection for
African/Caribbean hair type adults in AIDS.
• RSUP Prof.Dr.R.D.Kandou Manado january-
december 2012 6 case tinea capitis(9,23%)
from 65 cases of dermatophytosis.
• RSUP Sanglah Denpasar,2007-2010 (0,21%) 5-
14 years

Salazar, E. Zigall, DA. Vega, D. 2018. Tinea kapitis : Unusual Chronic Presentation in A Elderly Women.
• Hygiene
• Immune status of the host
• Standard of living
• Climate
• Genetic constitution
Causative organisms:
• Inflammation :
– M.audouinii,M.canis,M.gypseum,M.nanum
• Non-inflammation :
– M.audouinii,M.canis,M.ferrugineum,T.tonsurans
• Black dot :
– T.tonsurans,T.violaceum
• Favus:
– M.gypseum,T.schonleinii,T.violaceum

Modish, MM. Assiri, MMI. Althui, AMY. 2017. A Study of Tinea in Children.
Differential Diagnosis
Alopecia areata Discrete patches of hair loss with no
epidermal changes; total loss of hair or
fine miniature hair growth; exclamation
point hairs; no crusting; no
inflammation; possible nail pitting.

Atopic dermatitis Personal history or family history of atopy;

less often annular; lymphadenopath
uncommon; alopecia less common.

Ely, John W, Sandra Rosenfeld, Mary Seabury. 2014. Diagnosis and Management of Tinea Infections. University of Iowa Carver
College of Medicine. p. 704
• Anamnesis
• Physical Examination
History Taking in Dermatologic Diagnosis

Chief Complaint and History

of the Present Illness
History Taking in Dermatologic Diagnosis
Physical Examination in Dermatologic Diagnosis

• Noninflammatory Type

• “Black Dot”

• Inflammatory Type
• Culture Saboraud Dextrose Agar (SDA)
• Culture Saboraud Dextrose Agar (SDA)
• Culture Saboraud Dextrose Agar (SDA)
Wood Lamp of Dermatophyte
• M.audouinii and M.ferrugineum

• T.schoenleinii
• Biopsy of skin scalp
Differential Diagnosis
Bacterial scalp abscess Alopecia less likely, hair pluck is painful

Psoriasis Gray or silver scale; nail pitting; 70% of

effected children have family history of
psoriasis; involvement of other sites.

Ely, John W, Sandra Rosenfeld, Mary Seabury. 2014. Diagnosis and Management of Tinea Infections. University of Iowa Carver
College of Medicine. p. 704
Differential Diagnosis
Seborrheic dermatitis Alopecia uncommon; lymphadenopathy
uncommon; greasy scale; typical
distribution involving nasolabial folds,
hairline, eyebrows, postauricular folds,

Trichotilomania No scale, commonly involves eyelashes

and eyebrows; hairs of varying lenghts

Ely, John W, Sandra Rosenfeld, Mary Seabury. 2014. Diagnosis and Management of Tinea Infections. University of Iowa Carver
College of Medicine. p. 704
Recurrence is uncommon when adequate amounts of
griseofulvin, fluconazole, or terbinafine have been taken,
although exposure to infected persons, asymptomatic carriers, or
contaminated fomites will increase the relapse rate. Without
medication, there is spontaneous clearing at about age 15 years,
expect with T. tonsurans, which often persists into adult life.

James, William D et all. 2018. Andrew’s Disease of The Skin Clinical Atlas. Philadelphia : Elsevier.

James, William D et all. 2018. Andrew’s Disease of The Skin Clinical Atlas. Philadelphia : Elsevier.

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