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Singkarak Lake, is a lake that located between the cities of Padang Panjang and Solok.

It has an
area of 107.8 km², being approximately 21 km long and 7 km wide. The majestic Lake Singkarak is
an enormous crater lake set within a dramatic volcanic landscape. It said that this lake is the
widest lake in Sumatra and the second biggest lake on the island, after Lake Toba. A world of
silent calm, breathtaking vistas and spectacular views awaits here. Here you can embrace the
remote natural beauty that Indonesia is so famous for. Moreover, Lake Singkarak is also famous
for its Bilih fish which is a species of fish that only lives in this lake. This fish is especially unique as
it cannot survive anywhere but Lake Singkarak, not even in an aquarium.
A hydroelectric project however has diverted most of the lake outflow to the Anai river which
flows westward into the Indian Ocean near Padang. This Singkarak power station uses this water
to generate power for the West Sumatra and Riau provinces. The nuance while crossing the
street at the edge of the lake, the stretch of blue water will be seen throughout the eyes can see.
Especially during sunny day and blue sky is really charming. The hills and the clouds view in the
sky will also make the admiration greater. At the edge of lake, there are a few restaurants and
boat rentals to surround this lake. Do not forget to try the local food that available in Lake
Singkarak which is Bilih fish. You can enjoy eating bilih fish while looking at the blue water of the
lake. It would be a pleasant experience. Lake Singkarak is located 70 km from Padang, 20 km from
Solok and about 36 km from Bukittinggi. From Minangkabau international airport, you can take a
rented car or a public minibus plying the Padang-Solok route and then take other transportation
to the lake. This journey will take you passed the Sitinjau Laut area which is famous for its sharp
curves and steep canyons.
Descriptive text is a text that describes what kind
of person or an object described, good shape,
properties, and other numbers. Its purpose is to
describe and reveal a particular person, place, or
Identification : Contains the identification of matter
/ a will be describe or introduce a particular person or
thing or place that will describe.
Description : Contains a description of something
such as animal, things, place or person by describing its
forms, colors , quality, behavior or anything related to
what the writer describe.
 Specific participant : has a certain object, is not common and
unique (only one).
 The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for
 The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is
simple present because it tells the fact of the object described.
 Action verb: verbs that show an activity
Jember Regency
Jember is a regency in East Java. It is located in between Bondowoso and
Banyuwangi. Banyuwangi is regency that is located at the easternmost end
of Java Island, before Bali Strait, so that we can know that Jember is near
enough from Bali Island.
Jember is a beautiful place. In Jember, there are a lot of interesting places
to visit, such as Papuma Beach, Watu Ulo Beach, Watu Ondo, Pancer
Beach, Rembangan, and so on. Jember also has a famous carnival, named
Jember Fashion Carnaval. It is an international annual fashion carnival
which usually held in August. Beside some beautiful places and a famous
carnival, Jember also has a unique culture. People usually called it as
Pendhalungan. Pendhalungan is an acculturation culture between Javanese
and Maduranese. Jember has a total area of 3,293.34 km2. Because of
that, it creates a different culture between North Jember and South
Jember. In North Jember, there are a lot of Maduranese people and they
usually speak Maduranese. On the other hand, In South Jember, not many
Maduranese people live there. It is dominated with Javanese people.
Because of that, it creates a new unique language which other regency do
not have. The example is word “Cek” which means “very”.

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