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Materials Needed:

• Notebook
• Folder
• Writing Utensil
• Book

Monday, September 30th

Write down three classes in your schedule that
require the ability to read and provide an
example of what type of reading it requires
Materials Needed:
• Notebook
• Folder
• Writing Utensil
• Book

Tuesday, October 1st

What were three ways clowns date back to the
past from yesterday’s article?
Materials Needed:
• Notebook
• Folder
• Writing Utensil
• Book

Wednesday, October 2nd

What are signal words? Provide examples of
three different kinds
Materials Needed:
• Notebook
• Folder
• Writing Utensil
• Book

Thursday, October 3nd

Which of the four topics covered so far do you
have the most trouble with? Why do you think
that is?
Materials Needed:
• Notebook
• Folder
• Writing Utensil
• Book

Friday, October 4th

How did you study for the test outside of

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