National Accountability Bureau

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National Accountability Bureau

1 : Arbaz Ahmad 19801

2 : M. Ahmad Hassan 19823
3 : Usman Ayub 19832
4 : Muhammad Talha 19834
Formed: 16 November 1999
Headquarters :Islamabad Capital Venue
Regional Offices : Four regional offices in
four provinces of the country
Chairman : Senior Justice (retired) Javed Iqbal
Website :
What is NAB
• The National Accountability Bureau
(abbreviated NAB) is an autonomous and
constitutionally established federal institution
responsible to build effort against corruption
and prepare critical national economic
intelligence assessments against economic
terrorism to Government of Pakistan
Organizational Chart
The Bureau has three principal functions:
1. Awareness
2. Prevention
3. Enforcement
Core Values of NAB
1. Integrity ƒ
 To do the right thing the right way and at the
right time ƒ
 Being honest and responsible ƒ
 Focus on what is right for both the organization
and the society
2. Honour
 Self respect ƒ
 Dignity
 ƒHigh moral and ethical standards
3. Dedication
Commitment to cause ƒSincerity of purpose
4. Dependability ƒ
 Reliable in performance of duty
 ƒAbsolute trustworthiness
 ƒResponsible for the assigned job
5. Judgment
 ƒWeighing facts for the right course of action ƒ
Sound decisions, without missing the details
6. Tact
 ƒCompletion of task without generating hostility ƒ
 Courtesy and respect to others
 ƒDiscreet to avoid embarrassments or defamation
7. Courage ƒ
 Ability to do what needs to be done regardless of
fear or risk ƒ
 ƒOvercome difficulty with dignity
8. Proactive ƒ
 Ability to foresee the problem
Initiative to suggest the right action
9. Justice ƒ
 Being impartial and consistent to apply
reward and punishment ƒ
 Fair in discharge of duties
 ƒAvoiding favouritism and nepotism
NAB aims to be a credible, effective ,efficient
and dynamic anti-corruption organization
creating an enabling environment for a
corruption free society by engaging all stake
holders in the flight against corruption
through a program which is holistic , inclusive
and progressive.
To eliminate corruption through a
comprehensive approach ,encompassing
enforcement includes investigation
prosecution, awareness and prevention
To rejuvenate the government bodies ,
enhancing their capability for efficient
utilization of public resources
To increase awareness and prevent corruption
in society through advocacy and education
Performance and Operations
• Since its formation, the institution has
recovered over Rs.327.101 Billion
approximately 4 billion from corruption
committed by country’s elite politician ,
bureaucrats, former military officers and those
involved in white collar crimes.
Punishment for corruption and corrupt
practices (sec10)
 Punishment for 14 years imprisonment or
fine or both.
Imprisonment of Fine (sec 11)
Fine shall not be less than gains derived by the
Cognizance of Offence(Sec 18)
 Accountability court can only take cognizance
of any offence reference by chairman
False Evidence (Sec 30)
 The accountability court is empowered to
take cognizance of false evidence during the
investigation of trail
Delegation of powers by chairman (sec 34A)
The chairman of NAB can delegate any or all
of his powers and authorized performance of
his function to any officer of NAB.
Monitoring and Evaluation
System for Nab
• NAB wanted a monitoring and evaluation
framework to bring transparency and
accountability in its operations .
• The need for the system was originated from a
requirement laid down by the Secretary of
Law to see the total number of cases in each
case to track their progress.
• This system was proposed by the Supreme
Court of Pakistan
Four Phases of the System
 Complaints: The first phase is the complaint
entry, followed by a complaint verification.
Ideally, a complaint is processed within two
months . The unprocessed complain can be seen
by graphical representation.
 Inquiry :The next step is inquiry, which should
be processed in four months. Again, the system
allows users to view the number of closed and
unresolved inquiries in the form of graphical
 Investigation :In the investigation section, the
cases in question are investigated for further
processing, and it also takes the same amount of
time as inquiry, i.e., four months.
 Prosecution: In this phase, all the cases, facing
prosecution, can be seen. The percentage of
processed and unresolved cases is represented
on the same graphical display. Prosecution
phase is completed in two months’ time.
• The biggest advantage of the common man’s
right to information is that it brings transparency
• Electronic and print media investigative reporting
must be strengthened and encouraged to report
corruption and corrupt practices
• Create strong institutional forums for whistle
• Discourage corruption and corrupt practices
individually and collectively

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