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ALL+ September

215 02 呂信侑
215 40 顧晟右
1.Money can't buy you love.
2.Money is such an important part of our
society that it appears in many idioms
expressing a range of ideas.
3.If something is extremely' expensive, you
could say that it costs an arm and a leg
we describe something that is surprisingly
4.Well, you could say it's going for a song.
Money doesn’t grow on trees.
5. This idiom means it takes a lot of work to
earn money, and there we shourld be more
careful about spending it.
6. Someone who is wealthy' but reluctants to
spend money is called a
7. The total cost of a bill comes at the bottom
(or the foot) of the piece of paper, so
"to foot the bill" means to pay the whole thing.
8. Some idioms that refer to money are not about
monetary riches at all.
9. If someone has been an especially good
friend, you can tell them they're worth their
weight in gold.
10. Money might not be able to buy you
love, but money idioms are worth their
weight in gold. And they don't cost an
arm and a leg to use, either!
1,ton [tn]n.大量(tons of N.表示「許多··;大量:”」,
Dylan has tons of homework that he needs
toget done today.
2, idiom [idiom]n,慣用語;成語
Before a play begins, people often tell the
to "break a leg," an idiom that means "good
3, tricky [trki] adj.困難的;棘手的
A few of the questions I was asked during my job
interview were quite tricky to answer.
4. extremely [ik strimli] adv.極度地:非常
This plant, which is not native to the area,is
extremely difficult to get rid of once it startsgrowing.
5.opposite [apzot]n.相反或對立的人事物 adj.相反的;
Jake's political views are the total opposite of
3. definitely ( defoniui) adv,肯定地;:裏無疑問地
Based on the way the sky looks right now, it's
definitely going to rai
l.cut off從主要部分)切掉、
cut N./代名詞+off cut off+ N.
jillian cut off a piece of chicken and fed
it to her dog.
2, refer to+N.與:···相關、涉及:····
The word "senior" can refer to either an
elderly person or a student in their last
year of high school.

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