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Euree Paik, Sylvie Park, Yoon Hee
Hwang, Sinikka, Han Ju Yi,
Amelie Michele
Table of Contents
 What is APEC
 Goal
 Operation
 Structure
 History
 Achievements
 Topics of Interest-APEC Project Involvement
 Criticisms
 Conclusion
17 May 2006 GROUP 4 - APEC 2
Economic Cooperation
APEC is….
 The largest international organization in the
Asian Pacific region formed in 1989
 Forum to promote economic growth in the
Asia-Pacific region
 Aims to reduce region wide barriers to trade
and investment
 Aims to foster long-term cooperation in the

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APEC Overview
 Formed in 1989
 Currently 21 member economies
 Goal to promote economic growth
 Population of 2.5 billion
 Cumulative GDP of $19 trillion (USD)
 47% of world trade

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Member Economies
 21 “member economies”- includes
political entities
- Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile,
China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of
Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New
Guinea, Peru, the Philippines, the Russian
Federation, Singapore, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan),
Thailand, the United States of America, Viet Nam
 Binds three major trading blocs
-Asia, Oceania, America
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Map of APEC

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Policy Goals
1994, Borgor, Indonesia

 “Borgor Goals”:
free and open trade and investment in
the Asia-Pacific by
- 2010 for industrialized economies
- 2020 for developing economies.

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 Multilateral economic and trade forum
 21 member economies take turns
hosting the APEC forum annually
- the host at the meeting also serves as a
chair of APEC
 Small contributions are made by
member countries
- special fundings are available on
project basis

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Operation Cont’d
 Unique Features:
 APEC requires no treaty obligation from the
member economies
 Decisions are reached by consensus
 Commitments are undertaken voluntarily by
member countries

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Three Levels of Operation
 Policy Level  annual economic leaders meetings – goals
for the following year
 based on reports and recommendations,
create “Leaders Declaration”

 Working Level
project coordination based on the annual
agenda and policy goals
Senior Official Meetings (usually quarterly)

monitor projects and funding

 Action Plan Level Each and every member economy is

responsible to work in the promotion of
economic growth by participating in:
Individual Action Plans

Collective Action Plans

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Leaders’ Meeting

APEC Business Sectoral Ministerial

Advisory Council Meetings

Ministerial Meeting

Senior Officials APEC

Meeting (SOM) Secretariat

Committee on Budget & SOM SOM

Trade & Management Committee on Special Working
Investment Committee ECOTECH Task Groups (11)
(CTI) (BMC) (ESC) Groups

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APEC Timeline
1989 Canberra, Australia
begins as an informal ministerial group
1993 Blake Island, USA
APEC’s vision outlined
1994 Bogor, Indonesia
setting of “Bogor Goals”
1995 Osaka,Japan
OAA–framework for meeting the Bogor Goals

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Timeline cont’d
1996 Manila, Philippines
MAPA and ECOTECH established
1997 Vancouver, Canada
endorsing of EVSL & Individual Action
2001 Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
Shanghai Accord & Security issues
2003 Bangkok, Thailand
Health Security Issues included
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 Exports increased by 113 %

 FDI grew by 210 % and by 475 % in lower

income member countries

 Gross Domestic Product grew by a third

 As a result of strong economic performance

Poverty in East Asian members fell by a third

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Topic of Interest 1
APEC Social Safety Net Capacity
Building Network (APEC SSN CBN)
 Issue of the social dimension
 strengthen social safety net in the
Asia Pacific Region
 equitable distribution of benefits of

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Topic of Interest 2
 Agricultural Technical Cooperation
Experts’ Group (ATCEG)
 promotes agricultural technical
cooperation between APEC member
 incorporates work of the FEEEP

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Topic of Interest 3
Counter Terrorism

 APEC Counter Terrorism Action Plans

 identify capacity and gaps in
regional security frameworks
 encourage implementation measures
to combat terrorism

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APEC’s Criticisms
 Excessive Diversity of Member States
 impediment to coalition/integration

 Defect of Key Principles

-open regionalism

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Concluding Remarks
 APEC is an essential forum that clearly
has positive impacts on trade

 Continuous improvement in weak areas

is needed to move a step closer to the
Bogor goals.

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 Thank you everyone…

 We now welcome any comments or
questions you may have…. ^-^

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