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 Every public official and employee shall observe the following as standards of
personal conduct in the discharge and execution of official duties Duties of Public
Officials and Employees.
 In the performance of their duties, all public officials and employees are under
obligation Prohibited Acts ands Transactions.
 System of Incentives and Rewards: A system of annual incentives and rewards is
hereby established in order to motivate and inspire public servants to uphold the
highest standards of ethics. For this purpose, a Committee on Awards to
Outstanding Public Officials and Employees is hereby created composed of the
following: the Ombudsman and Chairman of the Civil Service Commission as Co-
Chairmen, and the Chairman of the Commission on Audit, and two government
employees to be appointed by the President, as members.
 In addition to acts and omissions of public officials and employees now
prescribed in the Constitution and existing laws, the following shall constitute
prohibited acts and transactions of any public official and employee and are
hereby declared to be unlawful Statements and Disclosure.

 Public officials and employees have an obligation to accomplish and submit

declarations under oath of, and the public has the right to know, their assets,
liabilities, net worth and financial and business interests including those of
their spouses and of unmarried children under eighteen (18) years of age living
in their households. Divestment.

 A public official or employee shall avoid conflicts of interest at all times. When
a conflict of interest arises, he shall resign from his position in any private
business enterprise within thirty (30) days from his assumption of office and or
divest himself of his shareholdings or interest within sixty (60) days from such
 Duties of public officials and employees All Publics Officials and employees are
under obligation to:
a) act prompty on letters and request, all public officials and employees ahould
act upon receipt within 15 days on all communications from the public
b) b) Submit a annual performace report, all government offices,agencies and
GOCC must submit the said report within 45 days from the end of the
c) c) Process documents and papers expeditiously. Documents must be processed
within a reasonable time
d) d) Act immediately on the publics personal transactions
e) e) Make documents accesible to the public

 Statement and Disclosure All Public Officials and Employers must submit under
oath, their assets, liabilities net worth and financial and business interest
including spouses and unmarried children under eighteen years old. This called
SALN is common nowadays.
Active citizenship allows for:

 Participation in the community

 Empowering people to influence the decisions which affect their lives

 Knowledge and understanding of the political, social, and economic context of

their participation so that they can make informed decisions

 Able to challenge existing structures.

Different Levels of Active Citizenship
 local level
 regional and national level
 international level

Most people find it more helpful to think about ‘active citizenship’ by what motivates
people to become involved.
 The citizen motivated by the sense of personal responsibility - The citizen who
recognizes the importance of taking part in government elections, who becomes
increasingly aware of individual rights of citizenship as well as the responsibilities
that this places on every adult.
 The citizen motivated by participating in activities in their community - The citizen
who increasingly becomes involved in local activities and groups, who seeks to
learn more about participatory structures and associated community rights, and
who actively engages with those structures.
 The citizen motivated by justice and fairness - The justice orientated citizen who
seeks to develop a high level of awareness of collective rights and of collective
political and social responsibility.
 POLITICAL PARTICIPATION is any activity that shapes, affects, or involves the
political sphere. Political participation ranges from voting to attending a rally to
committing an act of terrorism to sending a letter to a representative. Broadly
speaking, there are three types of participation:
1. Conventional participation: Activities that we expect of good citizens. For most
people, participation occurs every few years at election time. People strongly
committed to politics are more likely to participate on a regular basis.
2. Unconventional participation: Activities that are legal but often considered
inappropriate. Young people, students, and those with grave concerns about a
regime’s policies are most likely to engage in unconventional participation.
3. Illegal participation: activities that break the law. Most of the time, people
resort to illegal participation only when legal means have failed to create
significant political change.
 The concept of "governance" is generally defined in a variety of ways depending on the level of
governance being defined and the goals it seeks to serve.

 Good government with regard to the state has, therefore, come to be associated with the
management of public affairs in an effective, open and responsible manner, and has four basic
• Respect for human rights, constitutionalism and rule of law
• Functional multiparty democracy
• Transparency and accountability
• Effective participation of the governed.

THE the Church

 STATE, is defined
community in which the Lordship of Jesus is explicitly
acknowledged, and where doing His will and serving His purposes takes precedence
over all other demands.

 According to the Bible, the state is one institution among others - family, church.
St. Paul describes rulers as ministers of God (Romans 3:6).

 The purpose of the state is described in various ways, in the Protestant tradition
typically as the establishment of justice; and in the Catholic tradition as the
promotion of the common good. In scripture, the state is seen to function through
its leaders, and point to the furtherance of a just society as the main task.
 The Church’s mission must be seen in the light of God’s ultimate purpose and
plan for mankind and the universe, as revealed in the life, death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ.

 God’s plan is that all the created world, people, supernatural powers, natural
forces and institutions work in agreement with God’s purpose that his
sovereignty over all things will be acknowledged and his reign of peace and
justice will be realized.
 As already illustrated, both the state and the Church derive their mandate
from God and are called to serve His purposes by working for the common
good - that is, for conditions that promote human dignity, responsible steward

 In this way, they are complimentary in their roles. When the state, using its
instruments of governance creates conditions that are enabling of citizens to
enjoy their rights and to exercise their responsibilities in peace; such an
environment is also conducive for the Church to preach the Gospel and uphold
a life of dignity for God’s people.ship and fairness in human relations.
1. Earnestly praying for leaders at all levels
2. Influencing policies
3. Empowering citizens
4. Contribute to strengthening public accountability
5. Contributing to peaceful co-existence and reconciliation.
6. Giving voice to the voiceless

Nurturing good governance should not be a part-time undertaking.

Both the Church and state have a critical role to play, and must undertake this
role with a great deal of commitment, patience, steadiness and with great
attention to detail, trusting in the God who has chosen them to be instruments
for fulfilling his purposes.

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