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Innovative Lesson Plan

By Megan Grable

ECED 303
Fall 2019
It Looked like Spilt
Literacy activity

Nature walk

art project
What did you do in
this activity?
I sat in the library area and read the book to
the children, I pointed out the different
shapes and asked follow up questions like,
“What sound does the pig make?” and “Do
you eat ice cream?”
What did you do in
this activity?
When we were on the playground I pointed
out the different clouds in the sky and
asked the children what shapes they could
see in the clouds.
What did you
do in this
The children painted their own
“clouds” onto dark paper, they
each had their own paint bowl
and a paintbrush as well as white
glitter to sprinkle after he painting
was over.
● What did you enjoy most about this activity?
I enjoyed the children’s interest at looking at the sky. At one point a few on the kids laid on the ground and
looked up at the sky pointing at different clouds. One of the children also pretended to blow out the candles on
the “birthday cake” cloud in the book.

● What did the children enjoy most about this activity?

For the most part, the painting and looking at the clouds was the best part. Exploring the art materials and
listening to the teachers as we pointed out shapes in the cloud was fun for the kids.
● What did you learn about the specific language and literacy
strategy you choose for this lesson?
I learned to allow the children to look at the book several times over the days, it was a two day project as the
day we read the book wasn’t a good day for looking at clouds, so adapting their lesson a bit to accommodate
that. The children liked being able to refer back to the book later.

● What did you learn about innovative and creative lesson planning?
The use of many different parts of the activity made it more meaningful, being able to connect the book, with
the walk, with the art activity made the experience better for the children. I also learned that a structured circle
time was difficult for the children to sit through as some children weren’t as interested in the book. I was able
to find more success by reading the book to a few children at a time, instead of a full circle time reading.
● What does this mean for your future teaching?
I think I will try and have more involved activities that connect several different activities to a book. I found
that the concepts seem to be more engaging for the children when we have it presented in several different
ways. I also think diversifying the way I read to make it more developmentally appropriate by only reading to
a few children at a time and having the reading being lap or side by side reading instead of a formal circle
would be more successful.

● What did you learn about yourself?

I learned that being flexible and adapting the lesson to suit the children is best. When I could see that the
children weren’t engaged I made the choice to not try and have a full circle but to have smaller reading times
for trh kids. By reading the attitudes of the children I was able to have them be more engaged and the activity

was more meaningful.

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