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Ways to Build Your Students' Confidence

• Model confidence.
• Be prepared to teach.
• Accept mistakes with grace.
• Praise and encourage your students.
• Challenge them academically.
• Allow your students many opportunities for success.
• Foster creativity in the classroom.
• Affirm your students.
• Give them jobs.
• Teach them organization skills.
The Importance of a Facilitator at a School
Team Building
• An educational facilitator is one who opens the doors
to learning rather than simply providing information
to students in a rote format.
• The trend in educational facilitators as teachers
operates on the premise that students learn better
when they are guided and allowed to discover
knowledge on their own rather than constantly being
spoon fed facts and information.
Why Is Teamwork Important in the Classroom?

• Teachers and paraprofessionals

• Co-Teaching
• Teachers and parents
• Students Collaboration.
Why Socialization Required?
• There is much that the teacher can do to foster and
promote social development in the student. Children tend
to fall into four basic social categories in the school
• REJECTED - Students who are consistently subjected to
ridicule, bullying and harassment by classmates.
• ISOLATED - Students who, although not openly rejected,
are ignored by classmates and are uninvolved in the social
aspects of school.
• CONTROVERSIAL - Students who have established a circle
of friends based upon common interests or proximity but
seldom move beyond that circle.
• POPULAR - Students who have successfully established
positive relationships within a variety of groups.

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