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• Content Curation is the act of discovering, gathering, and
presenting digital content that surrounds specific subject
• Content curation does not include generating content,
instead, gathering content from a variety of sources, and
delivering it in an organized fashion. For instance, a content
curator is not necessarily responsible for creating new
content, it is also for finding relevant content pertaining to a
specific category and delivering this information to readers in
a mash-up style.
• Quora
• Quora is a gold mine for insightful perspectives on hot topics you can use as
the basis for a wide range of content.
• Slideshare
• does provide you with the chance to learn from others and share your
knowledge. You can look through various Slideshares of those in your
industry to gain new information and curate content, and you can share the
best ideas with your audience.
• Pinterest
• Pinterest is also fantastic for collecting useful “hacks”, tricks and tips you can
build your content around.
• Twitter List
• Twitter List can help you monitor content from influencers, news
websites, and other relevant companies which can be resources for real-
time marketing.
• Google Alerts
• One of the most powerful free tools available, also sends you emails based on
specific keywords and topic.
• Feedly
• It helps you to curate blog content that can be used as resources for
future posts or give you great ideas for upcoming content. Google Alerts-
One of the most powerful free tools available, also sends you emails
based on specific keywords and topic.
1. It provides a variety of perspectives.
2. Expands your content offering.
3. Positions you as a thought leader in your niche.
4. Extends your reach by leveraging other people’s audiences.
5. Helps to connect with leaders, experts and other websites.
6. Will diversifies your content distribution via social media.
7. Offers more content for your audience to share on social media.
• Step 1: Identify a Topic
• On what topic do your prospects want to hear from you every single day?
• On what topic does your company have a unique position?
• On what topic do you want to be a thought leader?
• Step 2: Follow the Influencers
• Bloggers
• Analysts
• Trade publications
• Online news sites
• Journals
• Step 3: Share
• Select only the most relevant content
• Be comprehensive and open minded
• Share across channels
• Step 4: Organize Content
• Step 5: Create your own content
• Curating content for blogs, websites, social media
accounts and newsletters can add value to your sites and
your marketing efforts and functions in a variety of ways.
In addition to adding to your existing unique media,
curated content allows you to demonstrate more
versatility, an ability to work with others, and industry
awareness that simply creating unique information does
not. Getting started with curation can be intimidating, but
once you get started, it can benefit nearly any platform.
• Importantly, content curation isn't about using
other people's content, as curation is often used to
source topics, industry news, and ideas for creating
unique content. Content curation applies to many
parts of the Internet including social media

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