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Oleh karena suatu hal, PELUMAS MESIN DIESEL

(mediteranian/mesran produk Pertamina) digunakan
sebagai PELUMAS HIDROLIC untuk alat berat.

Lakukan identifikasi dampak positif/negatif

• Safety
• Performa komponen peralatan
• Umur komponen peralatan
• Umur pelumas
• Parameter kualitas pelumas apa yang
dibandingkan dan terangkan metode
The Diesel Cycle
Function of Hydraulic Fluids

• Transmit power
• Lubricate moving parts
• Seal clearances
• Dissipate heat
Required Properties of Hydraulic Fluids

• High degree of incompressibility

• Transmit power • Foam resistant
• Low volatility

• Suitable viscosity
• Lubricate moving parts • Good lubricity

• Seal clearances • Compatibility with system material

• Dissipate heat • Good heat transfer capability

• Chemical and environmental stability

• Fire resistant
• Low density
• Nontoxicity
• Inexpensive
• Readily available
Function Property
•Non compressible (high bulk modulus)
•Fast air release
Medium for power transfer and control
•Low foaming tendency
•Low volatility
Medium for heat transfer •Good thermal capacity and conductivity
•Adequate viscosity and viscosity index
Sealing Medium
•Shear stability
•Viscosity for film maintenance
•Low temperature fluidity
•Thermal and oxidative stability
•Hydrolytic stability / water tolerance
•Cleanliness and filterability
•Antiwear characteristics
•Corrosion control
•Proper viscosity to minimize internal leakage
Pump efficiency
•High viscosity index
•Fire resistance
Special function •Friction modifications
•Radiation resistance
•Low toxicity when new or decomposed
Environmental impact
Functioning life •Material compatibility
Required Properties of Hydraulic Fluids: Incompressibility

• The highly favorable stiffness and power-to-weight ratio of

hydraulic systems make them the frequent choice of most
high-power applications. This stiffness of a hydraulic system
is directly related to the incompressibility of the oil.

• Bulk modulus is a measure of this incompressibility. The

higher the bulk modulus, the less compressible, or stiffer the
fluids. A compressible fluid has a low bulk modulus and
causes sluggish operation. It can not be used in applications
where accurate positioning or rigid holding is required.
Required Properties of Hydraulic Fluids: Incompressibility
Mathematically, the bulk modulus is defines by the following
equation.The bulk modulus of an oil changes with pressure and
temperature. But within the operating ranges in most fluid
power systems. This factor can be neglected. A typical value
for β for hydraulic oils is 1.72 x 106 kPa (250,000 psi). Note
that the atmospheric pressure is 14.7 psi.Whereβ = bulk
modulus (kPa)ΔP = change in pressure (kPa)ΔV = change in
volume (m3)V = original volume (m3)
Required Properties of Hydraulic Fluids: Foam Resistance

Air can become dissolved or entrained in hydraulic fluids forming air

bubbles. For example, the air at the liquid-air surface of the reservoir can
be dissolved with oil. Similarly, a small leak in the suction line can cause
the entrainment of large quantities of air from the atmosphere.

Air bubbles will greatly reduce the bulk modulus of the hydraulic fluid and
affect its viscosity. If air bubbles rise to the surface too slowly, they will be
drawn to the pump intake causing pump damage due to cavitation. The
amount of dissolved air can be greatly reduced by proper design of the
reservoir, since this is where the vast majority of air is picked up. Foam-
resistant fluids have chemical additives which break out entrained air to
separate quickly the air from the oil while it is in the reservoir.
Required Properties of Hydraulic Fluids: Viscosity

• Viscosity is probably the single most important property

of a hydraulic fluid. It is a measure of the sluggishness
with which fluid moves.

• When the viscosity is low, the fluid flows easily and is

thin in appearance. A fluid that flows with difficulty has a
high viscosity and is thick in appearance.

• The viscosity of a given hydraulic fluid must be selected

carefully. Too high viscosity results in high resistance to
flow, sluggish operation, increased power consumption,
increased pressure drop through valves and lines and high
temperature rise.
Required Properties of Hydraulic Fluids: Viscosity
On the other hand, too low viscosity results in increased leakage losses past
seals, excessive wear due to the breakdown of the oil film between mating
moving parts. These mating parts. For example, a typical sliding valve spool
moves back and forth inside its body on a thin film of oil. If this passage is
under pressure, the fluid film seals it from adjacent passage. If this film
breaks, sealing will fail and metal parts will start to rub against each other.
Changing Hydraulic Fluids
No single hydraulic fluid possesses all the desirable
characteristics. The system designer must select the fluid that
comes closest to being ideal overall for a particular
application.Hydraulic fluids must be changed periodically, with
a frequency that depends on operating conditions. Laboratory
analysis is the best method for determining when a fluid should
be changed.Generally speaking, a fluid should be changed
when its viscosity and acidity increase due to fluid breakdown
and contamination.Preferably, the fluid should be changed
while the system is at its operating temperature. In this way,
most of the impurities are in suspension and will be drained off.
A lubricant is a substance that
reduces friction by creating a
slippery film between two
surfaces in relative motion.
Lubricants permit one surface to
move easily over the other
surface with low frictional force.

When a lubricant is present

between two rolling and/or sliding
surfaces, a pressurized film can
be generated by the movement of
the surfaces . The viscosity and
non-compressibility properties of
this film separates the surfaces
resulting in no metal to metal
Required Properties of Hydraulic Fluids: Good Lubricity

Hydraulic fluids must have good lubricity to prevent wear to the closely fitted
working parts. Direct metal-to-metal contact is avoided by the film strength
of fluids having adequate viscosity and incompressibility.

Wear is the actual physical removal of surface material due to rubbing action
resulting from the frictional forces between mating parts. Parts that are
affected by wear include pump internals, valve spools, pistons, cylinders,
rings and rod bearings.
The condition in which surfaces are completely separated by a continuous
film of lubricating fluid is commonly referred to as hydrodynamic or full
fluid film lubrication.Under full film lubrication, the lubricant immediately
adjacent to each surface travels at the same speed and direction of each
surface. Fluid speed gradually changes across the film as it changes from the
speed of the upper plate to the that of the lower plate.Full film lubrication
may fail due to low lubricant viscosity, or high oil compressibility. An
increase in speed or viscosity increases oil film thickness. An increase in load
decreases oil film thickness
The following is a list of dynamic seals and the special function each has in relation to cylinder performance:
Piston seals
They function as a pressure barrier.
They prevent fluid from passing the piston and are essential for maintaining the position at rest and
controlling the motion of the cylinder.
Rod seals
They are a pressure barrier and maintain the operating fluid inside the cylinder.
The rod seal regulates the fluid film, which extends with the surface of the piston rod. This is important to
prevent rod corrosion, lubricate the wiper seal, and lubricate the rod seal itself.
Rod seals also accept the lubrication film as it comes back to the cylinder upon retraction of the rod.
Buffer seals
When pressure peaks occur due to excess system pressure, buffer seals protect the rod seal from the pressure
They improve rod seal performance by attenuating the fluctuations in system pressure. They allow the rod
seal to perform with more constant or gradual pressure changes.
They act as a filter against contaminants that may damage the rod seal.
Wiper seals
Wiper seals are important due to their ability to block external contaminants from entering the hydraulic
system and cylinder assembly.
They accept the lubrication film in the cylinder as the rod retracts.
Guide rings
Guide rings prevent metal-to-metal contacts between cylinder components.
They keep the piston rod and piston position accurately centered. This is crucial to the performance of the rod
sealing and piston sealing system.
They react against the radial load caused by side loads acted upon the cylinder assembly.
Criteria for Selecting Seals
There are specific design considerations when selecting seals. The right seal for the
required application will depend on the application parameters and the information
collected from the operating conditions of the hydraulic cylinders. Prior to selecting
any seals, one should investigate the following considerations:
Fluid pressure range: This includes not just the operating range of the fluid system
pressure, but also the severity and frequency of the system pressure peaks.
Temperature range: The resting and operating temperature range of fluid and cylinder
assembly are important on seal selection.
Stroke speed: The velocity of the piston rod’s stroke will impact the seal’s lifetime.
Fluid type: The fluid media and the viscosity are important for seal efficiency and
Hardware dimensions: The size of the seal will determined the size of the cylinder.
This includes the rod and bore dimension, seal groove dimensions, gaps, cylinder’s
overall length, surface finish specifications, and the stroke length.
Cylinder application: How the cylinder is used will impact how long the seals can last
under certain operating conditions. This includes cylinder installation, environmental
factors, and exposure to harsh conditions
Due to time of use or exposure to abuse, hydraulic seals will eventually fail and need to be replaced. A design engineer
may be able to reduce the damage inflicted on hydraulic seals if they keep in mind what typically causes failures, and try
to prevent their damaging impact.
Hydraulic seals become hard when exposed to high temperatures. This is caused by either high fluid operating
temperatures in the application or high-speed heat generation from stroking operations. When seals harden, they crack and
lose elasticity, leading to seal failure.
Whether due to insufficient lubrication or excessive lateral load, wear on the dynamic face of a seal lip can cause
considerable damage.
Installation tools and processes are important to the operating life of seals. Improper installation can cause cuts or dents in
the dynamic lip of the seal, which affects hydraulic seal efficiency as well as introduces foreign elements into the
hydraulic fluid.
Fracturing is the condition resulting in burns, breaking, long cracks, and a complete breaking off of the dynamic side of
seal. This is due to excessive backpressure, high-pressure shocks/spikes, or use of low-grade materials during the
manufacturing process of the seal.
Improper installation
As mentioned before, improper installation can create problems with hydraulic seals. It may result in uncleanliness,
unsafe handling, contamination, and incorrect sizing of the chosen seal. Deciding the seal prior to build is important to
make certain that the design is done correctly to ensure proper sealing.
Introduction of external flotsam and jetsam into the hydraulic rod causes contamination. When particles such as dirt, mud,
powder, or other tiny elements attach themselves to the piston, they dirty the seal. The dirtier the seal, the more it loses its
ability to hermetically prevent contaminants from the piston area.
Chemical Erosion
Seal material will break down when it encounters a corrosive fluid. This will occur when the improper seal material is
chosen for an application. The use of non-compatible materials leads to chemical attack by oil additives, hydrolysis,
and/or oxidation reduction of seal elements. This will result in the loss of seal lip interface, softening of the seal
Required Properties of Hydraulic Fluids: Fire Resistance
Most hydraulic fluids will burn under certain conditions. Flammability is
defined as the ease of ignition and ability to propagate a flame.
Determination of a fluid’s flammability depends on the following:Flash
point: The temperature at which the oil surface gives off sufficient vapors
to ignite when a flame is passed over the surface.Fire point: The
temperature at which the oil will release sufficient vapor to support
combustion continuously for five seconds when a flame is passed over
the surface.Autogenous ignition temperature: The temperature at which
ignition occurs spontaneously.Hydraulic fluids should not initiate or
support fire. A fire resistant fluid is one that can be ignited, but will not
support combustion when the ignition source is removed.


TURALIK disarankan penggunaannya untuk peralatan
hidrolik umu, dengan system sirkulasi atau system
bath. Pelumas ini tidak dianjurkan untuk melumasi
komponen yang dilapisi perak.

PENGGUNAAN YANG DISARANKAN Turalik C Series dianjurkan untuk peralatan hidrolik

dengan komponen yang dilapisi perak (silver pated), dan peralatan lain yang membutuhkan non
zinc hydraulic oil.

Digunakan pada mesin diesel tugas berat jenis yang digunakan pada kendaraan seperti MPV,
Bus, Truk, trailer dll, mesin genset, alat berat (On highway light and heavy duty truk).
MEDITRAN S SAE 10W,30,40,50


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