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Mentor: Ms.

XYZ Sharma

Deepak Teotia(1629010049)
Ashish Nagar(1629010036)
Ashish Kulkarni(1629010001)
Airline reservation System is a computerized system
used to store and retrieve information and conduct
transactions related to air travel. The project is aimed at
exposing the relevance and importance of Airline
Reservation Systems. It is projected towards enhancing
the relationship between customers and airline
agencies through the use of ARSs, and thereby making
it convenient for the customers to book the flights as
when they require such that they can utilize this
software to make reservations .This software has two
parts. First is user part and the administrator part. User
part is used as a front end and administrator is the
back end. Administrator is used by airline authority. It
will allow the customers to access database and allow
new customers to sign up for online access.
 Eclipse Software : Eclipse software is used in the
project to make the flight reservation system
application. It includes use of applications such as
HTML, CSS, JSP, Servlet , Javascript.

 MySQL : Database is created , stored and updated

using MySQL. The relevant queries are executed in
MySQL using JDBC.

 MVC design Pattern is used in the entire project to

maintain the folders throughout the project
 User will type the URL of our site.
 User will be shown our homepage containing various page links and
search option.
 User will click on the Login button to log on into our system.
 The user-id and password are validated and the user is allowed to login.
 The user is directed to the home page where he can start his search for his
travel options.
 The user can select the departure and arrival cities and click on the Search
 The user will be shown a page with various list boxes he has to choose for
his tickets.
 The user will select the departure airport, arrival airport, departure date,
arrival date, and number of tickets and will click on the Search button
 The user is presented with page listing all the options for his search
 The user can select one of the options and click on the Book button.
 The user will be shown the details of the booked flights on view bookings
By convergence of the world into a global village,travelling several thousand miles has become so
common for not only business but also for pleasure purposes. Due to the fast paced nature of the
world today, air travel is considered as one of the first choice among several modes of travels to save
time. Modern air travel industry has advanced to a level, where fleets and services are shared
among the system of systems being run by independent vendors or service providers. This has
resulted in tough competition among the airlines in the world to attract more and more
passengers by offering discounts in conjunction with a great deal of luxuries to the clients. Keeping
in mind the fact that people might not have enough time out of their busy routine to go and visit a
travel agent in order to make a reservation, most airlines have offered their services over the World
Wide Web. By having all companies their flights and fleets data available to the end users over the
web, it is now possible for the third party web agent websites to make use of services and data
shared by different airlines and replicate the role of a travel agent sitting in the market.
There are also several third parties web agents who facilitate the reservation with an airline for a
particular trip. Therefore internet has become the integral part of the flight reservation not only for
travel agents, who sitting in the office make use of web servers of different airlines to find out the
most suitable flight for a particular customer, but also for the customers who want to reserve flight
online without necessarily having to contact air travel agents (Jones 2004). There are several phases
for a particular air travel;
The flight reservation system is executed
successfully using eclipse and MySQL software.
The flight reservation system maintains all the
database in MYSQL when queries are executed
from eclipse using JDBC. Model View Controller
(MVC) is used throughout the project to maintain
the sequence of folders in the project. In this
system, a user can login into the site to book his
ticket. After booking the ticket he can view,,
modify or cancel his ticket.
Everything is an automated procedure. The admin
is allowed to add as many number of flights to the
system as much he wants.
 Fundamentals of DATABASE SYSTEMS,fifth
Edition- Ramez Elmasri
 An Introduction to database system- C.J. Date
 Introduction of software engineering.
 Maruthi air links pvt. Ltd- chennai

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