Master's English Level 7

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Master in Education
Research problem

This research process arises from the need to inquire about the interests of
teaching within the classroom, in the realm of what was lived in the Colombian
armed conflict in the municipality of San José del Guaviare; allowing a compilation
through life stories about a historical memory. This objective is feasible through
communication, through which social ties, life experiences and learning in context
are created.
In this communication the teaching task would take a fundamental role from which
it is made known the different relationships and interactions that took place in front
of its educational process, during the Colombian armed conflict. In this way it is
possible for this one to participate and become an agent of change in the
transformation of their environment.
On the other hand is the teacher, in this case, immersed in a situation

of conflict (war); where not only lived a culture of violence, but also was

involved in the alteration of their ways of acting, to transform their identity,

to accept their enemies, to change their teaching practices and to find

alternatives for possible context solutions in their community .


This project research is necessary since Colombia is currently part of a post-

conflict process, for which it is essential to know the experiences and
constructions of the teachers who lived in the conflict; in this way, it's
important to elaborate a historical memory, where they are the main
characters of this process and thus give them the opportunity of an active
participant voice during this step to the post-conflict and get to the
assessment of this change processes that they lived.
In this sense, this research will focus on the life stories of 4 teachers who lived

through the Colombian armed conflict process and that are now facing a post-

conflict environment, recognizing their educational work which contributes to the

strengthening of skills and abilities of the students in urban and rural areas of the

municipality of San José del Guaviare; additionally, it is sought that during the

research process teachers understand that they are generators of opportunities

and support agents, creators of significant and fruitful experiences within this

capital of the Colombian hope.

Background research

The research carried out by Lizarralde J. Mauricio, which was developed as

work to obtain the Master's degree in Education and Community Development
started from the stories of the teachers themselves, establishing the
characteristics of the processes of socialization and identity construction in the
context of the war, locating the forms of enunciation of that identity by the
teachers themselves.

In another investigation carried out in the University of La Salle, they

approach the subject that is being investigated; in a work entitled Education and
Culture for the Human Development of Guaviare in the Post-Conflict, a mission
that Stefanie Ortiz faced within the education and culture in el departamento del
Guaviare, discovering results of public policies imposed from the center of the
country and the dynamics social and political issues that this territory has
historically faced in education.
Overall objective

Build the historical memory of teachers about their educational work in the context
of the armed conflict in the municipality of San José del Guaviare.

Specific objectives

Identify the victimizing facts that have marked or affected the

municipality of San José del Guaviare within the Colombian armed

Recover the experience of the educational work of teachers in the

framework of the armed conflict of San José del Guaviare.

Understand the most significant moments of the teachers'

experiences in the context of the armed conflict in San José del
Contextual Framework

Educational Colombian Life story

what to do. armed

The research makes use of the qualitative approach described as the one
that pays attention to a phenomenon that depends on the social and cultural
world in which the individual is immersed, it's important to inquire freely, but
under guidelines that allow defining the problem, to From what they persons
say, express, and feel. The researcher must make a record of the observed
and the interpretation of what is recorded, in such a way that the categories
get pointed in order to give sense to the whole indicated phenomenon.
(Sarria, 2005, p.13).

In conclusion, this proposal emphasizes the relevance of articulating the

teachers in this experience of the Colombian post-conflict, not leaving
aside that important history that was conceived within the armed conflict
and the educational task, which at the same time contributes to the
contribution in the construction of the Colombian peace.
The teacher is the main research agent and the one who allows us to emphasize
education as a fundamental dimension for the transformation of the living
conditions of the population affected by the armed conflict, and this could not be
otherwise than through oral environment, becoming an indispensable tool in the
elaboration of a historical memory. That's why I leave this investigation with an
open question. Is it necessary to know the history of our teachers to start living a
true post-conflict or is it better to leave the teachers aside and not be part of a
true process of change and evolution In our country?
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