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Department of Telecommunication Engineering


Seminar topic:
Solar tree
Presented by:
Akshatha.S (1VK13TE002)
Under the guidance of:
• Introduction
• Literature survey
• Aim
• Spiralling phyllataxy
• Working of solar panel
• Why we call it as solar tree
• Components
• Working of solar tree
• Fibonacci sequence
• Comparison of flat and fibonacci sequence
• Artificial solar tree
1. Solar botanic tree
2. Nano leaf
• Applications
• Advantages
• Disadvantages
• Conclusion and future scope

Now a days with the growing population and energy demand we

should take a renewable option of energy source and we should
also keep in mind that energy should not cause pollution and
other natural hazards. The technology of using bio fuel is an
alternate solution of energy sources, but if we think that all the
worlds vehicle will be powered by bio fuels then the amount of
land used for farming must be doubled.
Literature survey

 For the traditional system we require

large size of land for example to
generate 2MW power from a
photovoltaic module we require 10-12
acres of land for housing of panels only.
 For the same amount of energy we
require only 0.10-0.12 acres of land in
case of solar tree.
India is a highly populated country, so we should take the
advantage of such an energy which requires a very less space to
produce energy efficiently. In all this solar tree proves to be most
beneficial source of energy. The efficiency of the plant can be
improved by using the technique known as “SPIRALLING
PHYLLATAXY”. A new idea of a solar tree design us in Nano
wire solar cells. Nano wire possess high physical light absorption
properties which can be improved tremendously.
Spiralling phyllataxy

• This has been mainly

implemented so as to increase
the efficiency of the plant.
• In the tracking of maximum
power from sun this technique
helps the lower panels from the
shadow of upper ones.
How Solar panels work?

 Photovoltaic cell converts sunlight

into electric energy and this effect
is known as photovoltaic effect.
 Solar cell producing direct current
(DC) is converted to alternating
current(AC) by using inverter.
Why we call it as Solar Tree?
Trees produce there food by photosynthesis that is they collect sun
energy and water from the soil at the day time and prepare their
food. Hence they provide food to human society.
The working of similar to the natural tree in which the solar
panel acts like leaves and stem connected acts as the branches of
the tree. Solar plates of solar tree are producing energy for the
society like green leaves produce food for human beings.
TREE Stands for:
T-Tree generating
E-Energy and
Components of Solar Tree

Solar panels

Long towers



Stems for connecting the panels

Working of Solar Tree

 The output fluctuations of solar cells

are eliminated by the day and night
cycle or weather shifts.
 Solar tree automatically switches its
LED while charging their batteries
during day time.
 A sensor is made used to measure
the amount of light in atmosphere
and triggers the solar lamps to switch
ON automatically at sunset and OFF
at sunrise.
Fibonacci sequence Solar Tree

The fibonacci sequence solar tree is one of the

advanced solar trees. The plants follow a new
growth pattern known as Fibonacci sequence .
This pattern shows that in sequence the
previous numbers are added together to make
the next number (1+1=2,2+1=3,3+2=5,5+3=8
Comparison chart of flat plate and
fibonacci solar tree
Flat panel solar tree Fibonacci solar tree
• Electrical energy produced is • Cell arranged is 20% more(i.e.,
100%. nearly 120% more electrical
• Sun light collected is less. • Sunlight collected is 2 .30 hours
• Electrical energy produced is less. • 50% more electrical energy is
• Duration of sunlight collection is • Duration of sunlight collection is
50% longer. less.
• In parallel-series circuit, the solar • Fibonacci solar tree produces 8.28
tree produces 2.31 watts. kilowatt.
• The solar tree system in a series • Fibonacci solar tree produces 9.648
circuit, produce2.68 watts. kilowatt-hours.
• It produces 268% more power than • It produces 11% more power.
a single solar panel system.
• 142% more effective than 8-panel • 263% more effective power.
system wired in series.
Artificial Solar Tree
The technique in which the sunlight is converted into a fuel is known as
artificial solar tree. The artificial solar tree works like the real one. Just like the
photosynthesis of a real tree, an artificial tree uses the sunlight to generate
energy. To make the idea of storing the energy come true we must make use of
liquid fuel that can be easily transported and used whenever needed.

Different artificial solar trees :

A. Solar Botanic Trees.
B. Nano leaf.
A. Solar Botanic Trees

Artificial trees will be

introduced by solar botanic
which uses renewable energy
from the sun and wind. It
provides clean and collection of
solar radiation and wind energy.
B. Nano Leaf

• Solar botanic’s artificial leaf is called as Nano

• A thin PV film on one side of nano leaf converts
light from sun into energy.
• On the other side of nano leaf a thin thermovoltaic
film converts heat from sun into electricity.
• Mechanical stress is produced in petiole, twigs and
branches when thousands of nano leaves move
back and forth due to wind which produces
millions of pico watts.
Applications of Solar tree

• Industrial power supply, housing supply, street light .

• Gadget charger.
• Applicable on Airports.
• In the field of Golf courses, resorts, desserts etc.
• Urban and rural areas.
• Applicable in Highways.
• De-forested areas, crop protection, mountain areas.
• Applicable in recreational parks, city parks.
Need of Solar tree

 Less land requirement.

 Efficient energy generation
 Collection of energy from Wind.
 No air pollution.
 Can access electricity in poor
 People can save money.

 During winter or rainy season

100% sunlight is not
 Its dangerous for birds and
 Its dangerous to eyesight from
solar reflectors.
Conclusion and future scope
To fulfill the increasing energy demand of the people, saving of land, the solar
tree concept is very successful one and should be implemented in India to
provide electricity without the problem of power cut and the extra energy can
be provided to the grid. It is therefore the responsibility of the youngsters to
think smartly and take the right decision.

Solar tree is the perfect solution for the future energy need. Sun is sending
energy constantly, though sunlight cannot be available anytime but available
everywhere besides this it wouldn’t contribute to global warming.

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