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Sitti Khadijah, M.

Pd 1

Modal Auxiliaries
• to ask for permission and help
• Give advice/suggestion
• Expess necessities and

Kegiatan Belajar XII Modal Auxiliaries

 Modal Auxiliaries to ask for helps/

assistance (meminta bantuan)
 Can, Could = bisakah

 Will, Would = maukah

 May = bolehkah

 Would you mind = maukah anda/apakah

anda keberatan
Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019
Look at part A on page 70

Asking people to do things. Complete the sentences.

Example: Could you open the door for me?
1. Can I have/get a fork, please?
2. Could I have a towel?
3. Would you mind answering the phone?

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019

Asking for things

 We can use can/may/could to ask for things

(meminta sesuatu).
• Can I have a spoon please? (bisakah saya

minta sebuah sendok?)

• May I get a piece of paper please? (bolehkah

saya minta selembar kertas)

• Could I take one of the pens? (bolehkah saya
minta satu dari pulpen-pulpen ini?)
Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019
We can use can/may/could to ask for
permission (meminta ijin)

• Can I go to the restroom? (bolehkah saya
pergi ke toilet?)
• May Donny come with us to the party?

(bolehkah Donny pergi ke pesta dgn kami?)

• Could we do the work at home? (bolehkah

kami mengerjakan pekerjaannya di rumah?)

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019

 We can use can/could/would to ask
6 people to do things/ for assistance/help
or make a requests (meminta bantuan)
- Could you help me?
- Can you close the window?
- Would you check the patient?
- Would you mind checking the patients?
 The answers:

- Yes/ Yes. Of course/ sure/ okay/ etc

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019
How to use Modal Auxiliaries
Modals: Subject
 Verbs 1:
 Can + I / you / we /they +
wait ?
 May he / she / it
 Could

 Would

Can I have a cup of coffee? Sure.
May I use your phone? OK. Go a head
Could you help me? Yes, of course
Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019
Exercise A page 71:

1. May I have a glass of orange juice,

2. Can we listen to your new CD?
3. Can I use your phone, please?
4. May I borrow your camera tomorrow?
5. Could you pass the menu, please?
6. Can you post this letter for me?
Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019
Exercise B & C:

B. 2. Can I have two melons?

3. Can I have some fish and chips?
4. Could I have a single room?
5. Could I have a town plan?
C. 2. Can I borrow your pen?
3. Can I turn on the TV, please?
4. May I close the window?
5. may I use your photo-copier, please?
Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019
Exercise D:

2. Could you carry one of these cases?

3. Could you tell me the way to Buckingham
Palace, please?
4. Can you tell me the time?
5. Can you make me a sandwich, please?

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019

Tugas /latihan: Exercise (page 73)

2. Could
3. Could, Shall
4. Can, can’t, may
5. Shall, can’t, ‘ll, may, could
6. Could, can, can’t, I’ll

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019

Kegiatan Belajar XIII: Modal Auxiliaries

 Modal Auxiliaries to give advice/ suggestion

(memberi nasehat/saran)
• Shall = boleh /akan
• Should = sebaiknya
• Ought to = seharusnya
• Had better = lebih baik
• Must = harus

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019

Exercise A (page 75)

1. The students should be getting more exercise during
the school.
2. You should register in advance.
3. We all should aim for at least five servings of fruit and
1. Students must wear athletic shoes
2. Student health forms must be completed and handed in
3. Parents of new students must fill out a Family Data
form by September 14
Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019
Using “Should” to give advice

Subjects: modals verbs

I / you / we /they + should + wear + …
he / she / it should not
 All students should come with their parents

 We should tell the class about the rules

 They shouldn’t send these notices late

 You shouldn’t avoid sports.

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019
Exercise B (page 75):

A: And all immunizations must be up to date.

B: They really should send these notices earlier
in the summer.
B: should I call the clinic next week and make an
A: Yes, you should. Actually, you had better call
right now.

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019

Exercise C:

1. You should get a flu shot.

2. I had better go to the doctor.
3. I should take a cooking class.
4. We should go for walks together.
5. I had better take some time off.

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019

Exercise D: write advice

1. They shouldn’t watch TV too much.

2. They should go out and play in the
3. He shouldn’t eat junk food.
4. He ought to eat healthy food.
5. She had better not work too hard/late
6. She should go home before dark.
Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019
Tugas/Latihan (page 77)

 Study exercise A and B to prepare for your final


Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019

Kegiatan Belajar XIV: Modal Auxiliaries

 Modal Auxiliaries to express for

necessity (keharusan) and prohibition
 Have to/ has to/ must = harus

 Don’t have to/ doesn’t have to = tidak

 Mustn’t = tidak boleh/ dilarang

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019

Expressing Necessities
(Mengekspresikan Keharusan)
 I have to study tonight.

saya harus belajar malam ini

 She has to come to the office on Sunday.

Dia harus datang ke kantor hari Minggu

 We must study hard for the test.

kita harus belajar keras untuk tes

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019


have to = harus (keinginan dari luar

has to diri)
must = harus (keinginan dari diri

I have to go to the hospital

I must go to the hospital

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019

Subject have to / Verb 1 Object/
has to complement
I/you/we/they have to study tonight
She/he/it has to come to the office
on Sunday

I/you/we/they must study hard for the

/we/she/he/it test

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019

Expressing un-necessity
(Mengekspresikan tidak adanya keharusan)

 I finished all of my homework this afternoon. I don’t
have to study tonight. (tidak perlu belajar)
 She did all her work yesterday so she doesn’t have
to come to the office on Sunday. (tidak perlu

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019

Expressing prohibition
(Mengekspresikan larangan)
 We mustn’t use the toilet. (Kita dilarang
menggunakan toilet itu)
 You mustn’t look in the closet. (kamu tidak

boleh melihat kedalam lemari).

 You mustn’t tell anyone my secret. (kamu
tidak boleh memberitahu org lain ttg rahasia
Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019
Subject don’t have to / Verb 1 Object/
doesn’t have to complement

I/you/we/ don’t have to study tonight

She/he/it doesn’t have to come to the office
on Sunday
I/you/we/ mustn’t Use the toilet
Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019
Let’s practice (Exercise C page 79)
1. Don’t have to
2. Must not
3. Do not have to
4. Must not
5. Must not
6. Do not have to
7. Must not
8. Do not have to

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019

Tugas/latihan (page 80)

1. Must 7. Must
2. Must 8. mustn’t
3. Mustn’t 9. mustn’t
4. Mustn’t 10. Must
5. Must 11. Must
6. must 12. mustn’t

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019

Final Tests

 Kegiatan belajar IX to XIV:

1. Simple Past tense
2. Past Continuous tense
3. Present Perfect Tense
4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
5. Modal Auxiliaries to ask for things, to give
advice/suggestions and to express about

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019


1. I ….. the movie on TV when my mother called me.

a. watch
b. watched
c. watching
d. was watching
e. were watching
answer: D

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019

2. I don’t want to watch that movie on TV.
I …… it.
a. watch
b. watched
b. watching
c. have been watching
d. have watched
answer: D
3. My family never gets any exercise.
We ….. go for walks together
a. can
b. should
c. may
d. might
e. could
Answer: B
4. “Kamu tidak perlu bekerja lembur malam ini”.
In English, the statement will be …
a. You shouldn’t work overtime tonight
b. You mustn’t work overtime tonight
c. You can’t work overtime tonight
d. You couldn’t work overtime tonight
e. You don’t have to work overtime tonight
Answer: E
Quote For The Day

Reflect On Your Relationships

The world is a looking-glass,
and it gives back to every man
the reflection of his own face
(William M.T – British Writer)

Work hard in silence:

Let success make the

Sitti Khadijah, M.Pd 10/22/2019

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