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Types of Problems Covered

by Guidance
1. Health and Physical Development
a) Physical defects
b) Inability to excel in athletics
c) Lack of physical strength, vigor
d) Malnutrition
e) Physical attractiveness
f) illness
g) Oversize, undersize
Types of Problems Covered
by Guidance
2. Home and Family relationships
•Dominance of parents •Jealousy, friction among siblings
•Lack of control of parents •Unwholesome home conditions
•Lack of home fellowship •Disapproving family
•Broken homes •Lack of cooperation with school
Types of Problems Covered
by Guidance
3. Leisure Time
a) Lack of interest in, or overenthusiasm for sports,
games, music, art
b) Inability to engage in sports because of poor
health or physical handicaps
c) Limited means or excessive means
d) Lack of interest in reading
e) Lack of skill in handicrafts
Types of Problems Covered
by Guidance
4. Personality
a) Extreme sensitiveness
b) Shyness
c) Lack of aggressiveness
d) Strong aversions
e) Lack of self-confidence
f) Excessive conceit, self-confidence
g) Carelessness
Types of Problems Covered
by Guidance
4. Personality

h) Inability to go along with other

i) delusions., illusions
j) Lack of sportsmanship
k) Inferiority complex, superiority complex
l) Lack of social-mindedness, civic-mindedness
m) Emotional instability
Types of Problems Covered
by Guidance
5. Religious Life
a) Religious doubts, conflicts
b) Extreme attitude of parents
c) Conversion
d) Excessive religious activity
e) Conflict between science and Religion
Types of Problems Covered
by Guidance
6. School
a) Ineffective study and health habits
b) Defective budgeting of time
c) Lack of independence
d) Lack of application
e) Too much or too little help from teacher
Types of Problems Covered
by Guidance
6. School
f) Lack of interest in school
g) Feeling boredom
h) Inability to see the value of some objects
i) Fear of failure
j) Unwillingness to exert more effort
k) Too long assignments
l) Impatience with slower pupils
Types of Problems Covered
by Guidance
6. School
n) Very rigid values r) Feeling of being left alone
o) Lack of adjustment of work for s) Poor choice of school or of
mental ability of pupil subjects
p) Excessive attention to athletics t) Choice od school
q) Feeling of injustice u) Planning work in preparation for
v) Truancy
Types of Problems Covered
by Guidance
7. Social (Moral and Civic)
a) Cheating, lying, stealing
b) Low standards of morality
c) Lack of manners
d) Bias
e) Excessive social life
f) Unwise use of leisure
Types of Problems Covered
by Guidance
7. Social (Moral and Civic)
g) Smoking and drinking
h) Discourtesy
i) Rebellion against authority
j) Intolerance of others beliefs and opinions
Types of Problems Covered
by Guidance
7. Social (Moral and Civic)
k) Disappointment in love, being in love
l) Unreasonable restrictions on friendship
with boys/girls
m) Sex pervasions
n) Double standards of morality
Types of Problems Covered
by Guidance
7. Social (Moral and Civic)
o) Low ideals of civic responsibility
p) Unwillingness to assume duties of citizenship
q) Inability to choose leaders wisely
r) Unwillingness to follow leaders
s) Unwillingness to accept responsibility as leader
Types of Problems Covered
by Guidance
8. Vocational
a) Insistence of parents on a certain vocation
b) Inability to choose proper vocation
c) Unwise choice of vocation
d) Unfitness of work
e) Uncertainty in choosing the best preparation for
Types of Problems Covered
by Guidance
8. Vocational
f) Lack of time and money to prepare self for vocation
g) Lack of opportunities in the chosen vocation
h) Difficulty in looking for a job
i) Difficulty in adjusting to the conditions of the job
j) Poor public relations

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