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Chapter 9 Memory


• At the end of this chapter, students should be able

– Discuss the basic organization of a memory (RAM).
– Describe the read and write operation.
– Explain how to expand the memory capacity of a memory.

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Memory Components

• Five memory components are:

Input Data Output Data
I2 O2
I1 O1
I0 O0

A1 A0


• Memory components are manufactured in sizes

2n x m
n = number of address lines

m = word size/number of
input and output lines
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Given an 8 x 4 bit memory IC.
a) Draw the memory diagram.
4 4
Data Input Lines Data Output Lines
Read/Write Lines bit
Memory Enable Lines
Address Lines
b) Identify the number of address lines.
For 8 x 4 bit, 2n x m = 23 x 4
Therefore, the number of address lines = 3 bits

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c) Determine the number of data input /output lines.
Number of data input /output lines = Word size = 4
d) Calculate the memory capacity in bits/bytes.
Memory capacity in bits = 8 x 4 bits = 32 bits
Memory capacity in bytes = 8 x 4 bits = 4 bytes
e) Calculate the number of memory cells.
Number of memory cells = 8 x 4 bits = 32 cells

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f) Identify the number of IC(s) needed to expand the

memory capacity to 16 x 4bit.
Number of ICs = 16 = 2 ICs
g) Name the decoder used to expand the memory
capacity to 16 x 4bit.
Type of decoder = 1:2 decoder (based on no.of ICs)
h) Draw the expanded memory diagram.
(Refer to the next slide for the diagram)

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Expanded Memory Diagram
Data Input Lines R/W Lines Data Output Lines


4 4


0 1
1:2 decoder
A 3
Address Lines

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Test Yourself
a) Given 16K x 8 bit RAM. Determine the:
i. number of address lines.
ii. number of input/output lines.
iii. number of memory capacity in bytes.
iv. number of ICs needed to expand the memory
capacity to 96K x 8 bits.
v. type of decoder used to expand the memory
capacity to 96K x 8 bits .
b) Design 4M x 4 bit RAM using 1M x 4 bit RAM chips.

1K = 210 = 1024 bits

1M = 220 = 1024 x 1024 bits

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