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Research Methodology

Content Coverage

• Overview of research methodology

• Generic research procedure

• Writing a research proposal

I. Introduction: Statement of Problem

II. Review of Related Literature

III. Methodology
Environmental Scanning

• University/Department policy (inc. research ethics)

• Supervisor’s expertise & interest
• Self-directed development of research skills
Content Coverage

• Overview of postgraduate research

• Generic research procedure

• Writing a research proposal

I. Introduction: Statement of Problem

II. Review of Related Literature

III. Methodology
Let’s consider the conventional
research process
Lets’ conduct an experiment

1. Topic: Recall Ability

2. Justifications for the topic: What’s so important abt the


3. Research questions/hypothesesvariables

4. Justifications for the RQs/hypo

5. Operational definition of variable

Research Steps
Write Report

Analyze data

Collect data

Select sample

Design the research

Identify a researchable
phenomenon/problem (review of literature)

report sample


analysis instrument

Thesis Report: Content Outline

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature
Chapter 3 Method(ology)
Chapter 4 Results of Data Analysis
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Discussion
References APA standards
Appendixes Questionnaire
Other relevant docs
Chapter 1 Introduction
1. Background of the Study
2. Statement of Problem
3. Objective of the Study
1. Research Questions and/or
2. Research Hypotheses
4. Significance of the Study
1. Theoretical contributions
2. Practical contributions
5. Delimitation of the Study
6. Theoretical Framework
7. Definition of terms
Content Coverage

• Overview of research methodology

• Generic research procedure

• Developing a research proposal

I. Introduction: Statement of Problem

II. Review of Related Literature

III. Methodology

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