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How Can Fallopian Tube Blockage Treatment

Without Surgery | Aasha Ayurveda


Being a mother is the dream of every woman because it makes her feel full. At
the same time, there are some women who do not get this happiness. Despite
millions of efforts, they do not get success in getting pregnant. There can be
many reasons for this to happen, due to which they have to deal with this
problem. One of the main reasons is fallopian tube blockage which needs to
have natural treatment.

The role of fallopian tubes is important in the process of conception. With the
help of this tube, the active eggs of the woman go out of the ovary to the uterus.
At the same time, in the same tube, the woman's egg waits for fertilization, ie
union with sperm. Then the embryos reach the uterus via this fallopian tube.
Due to any type of congestion, infection or inflammation in this tube, this
process is not complete. This is called blockage or blockage of fallopian tubes.

There are 3 types of tubal blockage :

Blockage can occur mainly in three types of fallopian tubes, depending on

individual parts of the tube and they need special attention through Fallopian
Tube Blockage Treatment in Ayurveda
1)Distal tubal blockage: When the blockage in the tube is in the closest part of
the ovary, this condition is called distal tubal blockage.

2)Midsegment blockage: When there is a blockage in the central part of the

fallopian tube for some reason, it is known as midsegment blockage.

3)Proximal tube blockage: The blockage in the fallopian tube can also occur in
its end (near the uterus where the tube ends). This condition of obstruction is
called proximal tube blockage.

The fallopian tubal blockage is mostly removed the help of surgery but there are
some natural ways and natural remedies to remove the blockage.

How can you remove the tubal blockage with natural remedies?

These are some natural remedies which can help in fallopian tube blockage
treatment without surgery :

·Vitamin C: According to experts, the use of vitamin C can be very beneficial

for the problem of blockage of fallopian tubes. It is said to act as a non-
enzymatic antioxidant, which causes gynecological disorders such as
polycystic ovarian syndrome and endometriosis (the uterine tissue moving
outward, ie, the fallopian tube).

·Turmeric: The use of turmeric can also prove to be helpful in obstruction

related to fallopian tubes. Actually, it contains a polyphenol (a chemical
naturally available in plants) called curcumin. It has antioxidant and
antiinflammatory as well as anti-endometriotic effects. The use of turmeric can
prove to be helpful in removing the problem of blockage in the fallopian tubes.

·Ginger: Like turmeric, ginger also has antiinflammatory properties. It is

commonly used to relieve the problem of irregular menstruation. It is also
believed to be helpful in getting rid of the endometriosis problem.

·Garlic: A research has found that the use of garlic with pefloxacin (antibiotic)
is effective in maintaining the health of the fallopian tubes. For this reason, it
can be believed that its use can be helpful in removing obstruction in the
fallopian tubes.

·Asparagus: Asparagus is an herb that can be used to correct hormonal

disturbances in women as well as to nourish reproductive organs. This increases
their fertility. Since the fallopian tubes are very important in reproductive
organs, it can be assumed that it can also be used to overcome problems related
to fallopian tubes.

·Uses of Aloe vera: Aloe vera, also known as Ghrit Kumari, has many
medicinal properties. According to experts, some elements are found in it, which
act to increase estrogen hormone called estrogen in the body. It is also used in
Ayurvedic Treatment for blocked fallopian tubes. Aloe vera can help to
remove fallopian tube related disorders and reduce tube blockages.

Some other measures to prevent fallopian tube blockage:

·If the woman or her partner is a victim of any sexually transmitted disease, she
should be treated as soon as possible. At the same time, if the woman is
suffering from this disease, then she should seek medical advice about reducing
the inflammation in the sexual organs after treatment. The best suggested
treatment would be ayurvedic treatment for fallopian tube blockage.

· One should try to establish a secure relationship with the partner.

·If you have had an abortion due to any reason, then proper treatment of
inflammation in the sexual organ should be done.
If your Fallopian tubes are both blocked, You can go to Aasha Ayurveda for the
best ayurvedic treatment. This ayurvedic treatment center in Rajouri Garden
also promotes the Kerala Panchakarma Treatment and the doctor here has
experience of treating tubal blockages for more than 5 years.

For More Information, Call Us: +91 9811773770

Visit Website: Aasha Ayurveda

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