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He first arrived at MARSEILLES.
During his summer vacation Rizal went to Paris
and stayed there from June 17 to august 20, 1883 to
observed how medicine was being practice there
and returned to Madrid.
After his studies in Madrid, he went back to Paris.
Rizal is 24 years old and a full-fledged surgeon.
He migrated into Paris by his intention to
specialize in ophthalmology.
MAXIMO VIOLA-medical student from San
Miguel, Bulacan; help rizal to published the Noli
Me Tangere.
Rizal worked as an assistant and apprentice at the eye clinic
of DR. LOUIS DE WECKER for 4 months.
Rizal learned the following from
Dr. De Wecker:
1.actual performance of eye operation
2.recent studies on the ailment of the eyes
3.various techniques of eye operation
Rizal took time to visit his fellow Filipinos in the
city and he frequented the residences of
*Felix R. Hidalgo,
*Pardo De Tavera,
*Juan Luna.
For a time, he stayed with Juan Luna in the latter’s
studio in Paris and became Luna's model in the
two of his historical canvasses: -
*The Blood Compact (Sikatuna)
*Death Of Cleopatra (Priest)
Before leaving the city, Rizal had
completed ¼ of this first novel , the
Noli Me Tangere. Rizal continued his
study on various languages and practiced
his artistic skills - finished two statues:
He organized social club called “KIDLAT
CLUB” which brought together young Filipinos
residing in France. Soon the members of the
said club founded a new Filipino society- the
INDIOS BRAVOS, an organization which
envisioned Filipinos being recognized by the
Spain for being excellent in various fields of
Feb. 1, 1886-Rizal left for Germany.
He left Paris due to its high cost of living,
which he could not cope with.
Feb. 3, 1886- he arrived in Heidelberg
HEIDELBERG- famous for its university
and romantic surroundings
Rizal became a member of chess players’
club of Heidelberg
Rizal also became popular in German
students because in their drinking sprees.
After a few days, Rizal decided to transfer
to a boarding house close to the university
of Heidelberg. He was privilege to work at
the eye hospital of the university, under the
tutelage of DR. OTTO BECKER. It was
at this university town where he perfect the
techniques of diagnosing eye ailments,
which he learned under Dr. Louis De
Rizal wrote letters to his sisters Maria and
Trinidad. In his letters he described:
>Germany- country of order and
>German students- affectionate, respectful,
modest, and not boastful
>German women- tall stout and blonde
(physical) - serious, studious, simple,
industrious, not afraid of men, concerned
about education, diligent
Rizal write a poem entitled “A LOS
flowers of Heidelberg) on April 12, 1886 -
he was inspired by the Neckar river
teeming with flowers -he made this poem
because of his mood of homesickness
Poem of two greatest love of man on
earth, poem of remembrance and poem
of the motherland .
village at Heidelberg
Rizal met DR. KARL ULMER- a
pastor of vicarage of Wilhelmsfeld
Pastor Ulmer’s Wife greatly admire
Returned to Heidelberg at June 2,1886
remembering the hospitality and
friendship accorded to him by the
Rizal sent his first correspondence
with ferdinand blumentritt (director
of the ateneo of leimeritz), after his
vacation in wilhelmfeld, on july 31,
1886. – Reason: latter’s interest in the
ethnology and Philippines languages.
Accompanying his letter was a book entitled
ARITMETICA, authored by Rufino Baltazar
Hernandez and published by the UST Press in 1868
– Rizal first correspondence impressed Blumentritt,
in return he sent Rizal two books which marked as
the beginning of the frequent communication
through medium of writing.
After attending the 5th centenary
foundation day celebration of the
University of Heidelberg, Rizal visited
other cities in Germany • He arrived in
Leipzig on august 14, 1886 on board a
train. Part of his activities in this city was
attendance at the lectures given by
German professors in history and
It was in the university of Heidelberg
where Rizal came to know PROF.
German historian) and DR. HANS
MEYER (famous German anthropologist
• Rizal translated SCHILLER’S
WILLIAM TELL into tagalog for the
Filipinos to be aware of the story of the
champion of Swiss independence.
He stayed for two months because of
the lower cost of living at Leipzig •
He left Leipzig on Oct. 29,1886 and
went to Dresden, where he met DR.
ADOLPH MEYER (director of
anthropological and ethnological
museum of the city). • After 3 days
he left Dresden and went to Berlin by
a train
Rizal arrived in Berlin in the evening of
Nov.1 1886 reasons: - to supplement his
studies of languages and science -to study
and observe the political and economic
conditions of Germany -to join the circle
of famous German scientists and scholars
-to complete and publish his novel Noli
Me Tangere
Fortunate enough he met in person DR. FEODOR
JAGOR, author of the book Travels In The Philippines •
Reason why he admired the book - it predicted the
collapse of the Spanish regime in the Philippines -it
prophesied the coming of the Americans into the

His acquaintance with DR. JAGOR, through a letter of

introduction from Blumentritt, resulted into his friendship
with numerous German intellectuals like the ffg: – Dr.
Rudolf Virchow , a German anthropologist – Dr. Hans
Virchow, a German professor of descriptive anatomy –
Dr. Joest, a famous German geographer – Dr. Karl
Ernest Schweigger, a noted German ophthalmologist
His association with these German intellectuals led
to his membership in prestigious societies of
scholars and intellectuals in Berlin • By the
recommendation of DR. JAGOR and DR.
MEYER, Rizal was accepted as a member of the
ffg societies in Berlin: -anthropological society,
ethnological society, and geographical society •
Acting on invitation the invitation of
DR.VIRCHOW, Rizal presented a paper in
(Tagalog medical art) to the ethnological society of
Life in Berlin was not that easy for Rizal. – Morning:
worked as an assistant of DR. SCHWEIGGER’S
CLINIC – Evening: Attended lectures in the
UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN – At boarding house: he
continued his physical trimming exercises and practice
in speaking German, French and Italian languages. –
Before resting in the evening: he took time writing
and completing his first novel
Five reasons why Rizal stayed in Berlin:
1.To gain further knowledge of ophthalmology
2.To further his studies of science and
3.To observe the economic and political
conditions of the German nation
4.To associate with famous German scientists
and scholars
5.To publish his novel, Noli Me Tangere
There was a time he found himself penniless,
that happened from Nov. 1886-May 1887 •
Unable to sent his monthly stipend owing to
crop failures in Calamba
• In order to eat, he pawn the diamond ring
given by Saturnina and sell his books to
second-hand bookstores
• Rizal got sick with coughs and colds which
are sings of tuberculosis • Penniless at
Berlin, he thought of burning his first novel,
which he had completed.
Maximo Viola- Rizal’s friend from Bulacan, arrived in Berlin
at the height of Rizal despondency and loaned him the
needed funds to publish the novel; savior of Noli
• After the Christmas season, Rizal put the finishing touches
on his novel. To save printing expenses, hedeleted certain
passages in his manuscript, including a whole chapter—
“Elias and Salome”
• February 21, 1887- the Noli was finally finished and ready
for printing
• Berliner Buchdruckrei-Action-Gesselschaft- a printing
shop which charged the lowest rate, that is, 300 pesos for
2,00 copies of the novel
• March 21, 1887- the Noli Me Tangere came off the press
March 29, 1887- Rizal, in token of his appreciation and
gratitude, gave Viola the galley proofs of the Noli carefully
rolled around the pen that he used in writing it and a
complimentary copy, with the following inscription: “To my
dear friend, Maximo Viola, the first to read and appreciate my
work—Jose Rizal”
• The title Noli Me Tangere is a Latin phrase which means
“Touch Me Not”. It is not originally conceived by Rizal, for
he admitted taking it from the Bible
• Rizal, writing to Felix Hidalgo in French on March 5, 1887,
said: “Noli Me Tangere, words taken from the Gospel of St.
Luke, signify “do not touch me” but Rizal made a mistake, it
should be theGospel of St. John (Chapter 20 Verses 13 to 17)
VIOLA (1887)
• May 11, 1887- Rizal and Viola left Berlin by train
• Dresden- one of the best cities in Germany
• Prometheus Bound-painting wherein Rizal was
deeply impressed
• Teschen (now Decin, Czechoslovakia)- next stopover
after leaving Dresedn
Rizal in Europe: 1882-1885

After completing medical course in UST,

Rizal dicided to complete his studies in Spain.
On May 3, 1882, Rizal departed on board the
Spanish steamer Salvadora bound for
Singapore. Rizal’s departure for Spain was
kept secret to avoid detection by the Spanish
authorities and the friars. Even his own
parents did not know because his mother
would not allow him to do so.
The Jesuit priests gave him letters of
recommendation to the members of their
Society in Barcelona. He used the name Jose
Mercado. During his stay, Jose Rizal became
active in Filipino and Spanish organizations
focused in improving the Philippines.
In 1884 he started writing a novel in Madrid and
in 1887, he published his first novel, Noli Me
Tangere, while he was travelling all over Europe.
He finished the novel in Heidelberg, Germany.
The novel was published in Berlin. Noli Me
Tangere is a very controversial novel for it is all
about the Spaniards most especially the Spanish
friars who are the ones responsible for the
oppression of the Filipinos.
In the Noli, reveals the cruelty and exploitation
suffered by the natives at the hands of colonizers.
That same year, he returned to Manila, where the
Noli had been banned and its author now hated
intensely by the friars.

In August 1887 return to the homeland.

In 1888, he went to Europe once more, and
there wrote the sequel, El Filibusterismo (The
Subversive), published in 1891. El
Filibusterismo, is Jose Rizal second novel
written as the sequel of his ‘Noli Me Tangere'.
Commonly nicknamed ‘El Fili’ or simply ‘Fili’,
the novel was written also in Spanish. Its
commonly known English alternative title is
‘The Reign of Greed’.
In December 31 1888, by unanimous vote of all
the members, Rizal was choosen Honary
President of Filipino patriotic Society in
barcelona called Sssociation La Solidaridad, which
could cooperate in the crusade for reforms.

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